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Immigration - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

How and why are illegals getting free healthcare and social services? Why are they allowed Section 8 housing? How much does it cost America annually to produce bilingual documents and signage, as well as provide interpreters? As taxpayers, it all comes out of OUR pocket, yet we have virtually no say concerning this giveaway bonanza benefitting people who mock us, our values, and our laws.

2006-07-12 23:49:13 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The word Equallity means equal, yes. But when it comes to racial equallity it isnt so. Dont get me wrong I am all for racial equallity, but things have gone to far. For instance I have been living my stupid little town for 4 years waiting to be rehoused, I am a high priority case, which means I am top of the list. But When an Imigrant from Africa, Asia or some eastern European country, who has just been granted asylum and who can hardly speak a word of english walks into the council office and Demands a house they get 1 within 2 weeks, and it is normally a three or four bedroom house, when it is one person moving in. There is such thing as a local connection clause in effect in this town, which means you have to have some type of connection to the area for a period of time(years). So I ask what the F**K is their local connection, And why is it they get this priority

2006-07-12 22:04:48 · 11 answers · asked by Dez 3

then you would know how the people in mexico live..

2006-07-12 21:47:54 · 12 answers · asked by wildwildannie 2

Be specific as if you were running for political office!

2006-07-12 21:05:23 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Explain the many reasons why you are outraged or why not!
Again this is just for REAL bonified Legal AMERICANS not IMPOSTERS!

2006-07-12 21:01:49 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

if all of the sudden, america woke up one morning and realized all illegal immigrants had dissapeared, the following would happen in the exact order:

Day 1. Celebration
Day 2. More celebration
Day 3. Sudden rise in food prices halts some celebration
Day 4. Public bathrooms begin to become dirty and messy
Day 5. Schools soon join bathrooms in dirtiness
Day 6. Suddenly, the lawn is looking sort of tall
Day 7. More price increases as many farmers go out of business
Day 8. Suddenly, people wanting houses stop getting them
Day 9. People start to realize now they have to actually work
Day 10. Many of the US (especially the south) colapses (sp)

so there you have it. by day 10, the USA will be begging illegals to come back as they realize life kind of sux without mexicans! lol

2006-07-12 19:43:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

number to the U.S. emergency call center? Was that just a coincidence or did the terrorists plan to have it on that day?

2006-07-12 19:34:56 · 13 answers · asked by n8boi02 3

In 2005 I worked as Substitute Teacher in Texas but after getting frustrated for net getting a responsible and permanent job of Accounting although I'm a Qaulfified Accountant I decided to go back to my country of origin after spending 6 continous years in USA and working on odd jobs. The situation didn't improve even I got my USA citizen ship in 2005. I was sponsored by my spouse on F2 category and from day1 I had a permanent residential status
(green card). Now I've two major issues:
How should I my file my 2005 Income Tax Retrun for 2005 i.e.1040
as I didn't get my W2's by mail on time as I was not in USA not I got them and have the relevant info.
If I'm working as consultant in Karachi Pakistan can I continue filing my tax return for the subsequent years? is so how should I do that do I need to go to Consulate? Please guid me I'd really appreciate you help and co-operation in this regard.

2006-07-12 18:50:25 · 3 answers · asked by mmarfani7795 1

should we have vigilantees to stop the minutemen since minutemen are vigilantees themselves?

a vigilantee can be seen as illegal by the law in many places and the minitemen are definately not being legal

holding someone, legal or not, against their own will is against the law. killing someone, legal or not, is against the law.

much of what the minutemen do is illegal. do any of you find this ironic that the illegal people are being stopped by more illegal people?

2006-07-12 18:36:32 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its asks....My Status is (check one)
Permanent Resident(not a commuter)
permanent resident(commuter)
conditional permanent resident

i just wanted to know the diference between those...

I've been a resident alien since i was about 11 and im renewing it, thats why im filling this application out, and i needed help because i dont know what i am lol, a.b.or c?can someone please help me

2006-07-12 18:13:14 · 4 answers · asked by Cali0718♓ 2

kids go to public school? Do you want to keep people uneducated? Also what is considered uneducated? The ones I know have tons of common sense and know so many things about living off the land that it makes me jealous.

2006-07-12 18:09:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Minute men will allow, any American to join, they even have hispanics amoung them, yet people still refer to them as racist .

2006-07-12 18:05:19 · 23 answers · asked by gwarr129 2

Triedto link asite, that had lot of anti_American / pro - illegalpropaganda, and it will not show up... why is this?

2006-07-12 17:49:36 · 13 answers · asked by gwarr129 2

In fairness, even I hope this isn't true


2006-07-12 17:49:09 · 9 answers · asked by yars232c 6

CHILL and start over???? I think most people on here have said things they probably regret, in the heat of the moment!! I know I have!! I don't like being INSULTED,or IMPERSONATED, and i let it get to me sometimes, and for THIS, i am sorry!!!
Illegal immigration is an inflamatory subject,in itself. We all have strong feelings about it, ONE way OR the OTHER!! I promise to respect your opinion,if you will give me the same courtesy.

2006-07-12 17:48:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah yeah, I know you gonna say how come we are the most powerful country then. Well First you just got a good base, and that base is maintain by a minority. But most americans are stupid, they dont even know to point iraq in a map. They think everyone that speak spanish is from mexico and they dont have a clue about general history.

Ok then you may say why everybody wanna come here then. Put it like this: its like the hot stupid blonde with big boobs, everybody wanna f**k her, but nobody would like to form a family with her.

Just a minority of americans are smart, most of them dont even finish high school.

2006-07-12 17:47:12 · 33 answers · asked by jrod 1

Dual citizenship would be alright, as well. I just need to know how to go about it.

2006-07-12 17:33:12 · 7 answers · asked by KW 2

is it possible for me to be a canadian citizen, a hong kong citizen and a uk citizen, or is that not allowed by certain countries?

2006-07-12 17:27:03 · 10 answers · asked by chocolate_cat 3

I find it offensive that a big title the "pro-illegal immigrant" group is using to describe themselves is "La Raza", which literally translates into, "The Race." I'm curious if anyone else has pondered the thought.

2006-07-12 17:26:05 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend needs an answer to this question.

His Dad was born in the UK, but came to Canada when he was 3-5 years old. He's now about 60 or so.

What procedure does my friend (who is born in Canada, but his Dad was born in the UK) need to take in order to get his UK citizenship?

He was thinking about getting a citizenship and having the option of living and working legally in the UK if he chooses to do so in the future, but currently he is residing and working in Canada.

How long does the procedure take, any fees?

Any additonal information? Thanks

2006-07-12 17:20:57 · 7 answers · asked by chocolate_cat 3

What are some political, societal, and economic effects of legal and illegal immigration in the US?

2006-07-12 17:18:54 · 8 answers · asked by Suicidal Pop-tart 2

And how much time would you need to set it up?

2006-07-12 16:57:33 · 2 answers · asked by the_black_pug 1

do you think we the filthy rich (as you all call us) care about you? Why do you waste your time debating nonsense? Do you all actually think that writing to your congressmen or writing your opinions on the internet will make a difference? No matter how hard you all try, we will always be able to buy off the politicians. You all elect them, they pass some of the laws you all demand, and we pay them not to enforce them. For all of you who say that politicians work for us the big companies, you all are correct. Why do we hire illegal immigrants? We do it because we can. The U.S. government is not a socialist one, companies are owned by individuals so they can’t tell us what to do. We refuse to higher the wages of low skilled workers, that is why most of us do not hire American citizens. American citizens demand too much for their low working skills. Is it our fault that you all didn’t go to a university and get well educated so you could have a good paying job? Do you all think that if all the illegal immigrants were deported and the government would raise the federal minimum wage, you all would live better off? The answer is no. Even if the government raised the minimum wage, we the corporations would have to raise the cost of products you all buy. The result would be the same. This are basics of economics. They shouldn’t have to teach this in economics because it is common sense. This goes for all those who debate other issues also. My advice to you all is to not waste your time. Get educated. And I’m sorry for breaking some of you peoples heart but I was only speaking the truth. This will be the only message I will post and this is the first and only time I will post it. I will not waste my time with you all, you all are not worth my time. I just thought you would all want to hear the truth.

2006-07-12 16:45:41 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've seen a lot of people complaining about illegal immigrants but noone really gives a truly answer as to why so much hate for them, how have they affected "YOU" personally? don't give me the crap about taxes and sh*t because you still have to pay for taxes no matter what, so what do they affect you so much? why doest it bother "you" so much?....remember affected YOU?

give you honest answer

2006-07-12 16:43:02 · 26 answers · asked by just wondering 1

President Fox can we ask him to please run for office in U.S.A. he could help George Bush on immigration, plus have mexico oil turned into gas to sell in usa only gas prices will be low again and he could give George Bush a job after he term expires.He would benefit this country greatly

2006-07-12 15:54:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a serious question. If you don't have an answer, don't bother please.
My fiancee is in Peru. Last year we were going to get married here in the United States until his obnoxious EX WIFE started problems. She is now demanding child support for their child who is now 7 . She never asked for it before. NOW she is wanting it.
My fiancee cannot leave PERU until this is cleared up.
Does anyone know of a way we can get around this to where he can pay the little rip, but still come here to the USA so we can get married?

2006-07-12 15:46:38 · 8 answers · asked by HappyCat 7

Yes we disagree but that's what Americans do I don't agree with alot of anti-illegals but I can admire thier passion it's unfortunate that we can't see each others differences as just that we resort to copy cat avatars in order to degrade each other. For those who hold thier position no matter what it is with dignity and do not resort to name calling I look forward to debating the others I hope you get a life.

2006-07-12 15:30:44 · 10 answers · asked by gidget lil bit 4

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