Imagine you asked a candidate in a round and about way to acknowledge their leadership?
The question could be so vague about early childhood learning and also soldiers, but surely the only answer you would expect would be: Acknowledgement, soldiers die for it, babies cry for it, here is what I think of the head of our party.
Why then did a candidate pushing himself on issues of social justice, getting two hours sleep each night behave really spiteful, incredibly angry and vindictively spiteful?
Global answers welcome as global citizens, thankfully the member we had is just fine, as a psychologist she knew what acknowledgement meant, perhaps, no one wanted to acknowledge what Prime Minister Elect had done or failed to do, nor hold him accountable?
We are still waiting for treasury to cost his policy or the media deliberately ignore it as unaffordable, why hide it? Surely the government elect is accountable not bullying manipulators?
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