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Politics & Government - 24 November 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-11-24 15:36:29 · 3 answers · asked by Mike Ologee 2 in Government

I know recruiters are supposed to make joining the military sound good. but is it really all what its cracked up to be? Im just asking cause Im worried my boyfriend will be making the wrong decision for the next four to six years. (well not being heppy with joining the airforce).

the recruiters told him he gets to choose a program (i.e. aviation mechanic) and go to school for that (take a program) and learn to fly while in school... and thet they will pay for housing, food and school? it sounds too good to be true.

on the other hand I hear stories that you may not end up in the program you wanted liek you will be put into fueling instead of learning to be a mechanic. or after boot camp you will just be shipped off for the wars in afganistan and iraq

is this true?

would it be better for him to get a degree and join the airforce as an officer?

2007-11-24 15:35:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


Said by her priests to have been immaculately conceived (encyclical Ineffabilis Deus), she was renamed "Freedom" for American consumption. Abducted by Hades, son of Saturn, she ruled the dead and all else that is within the earth, namely metals and precious stones...

2007-11-24 15:34:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-11-24 15:32:54 · 17 answers · asked by Mike Ologee 2 in Military

i'm thinking of being a medic in the airforce. i don't want to fight. whats it like? do i get to go germany? advice?

2007-11-24 15:31:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

How can they reduce the number of aboriginals in the prison system??

2007-11-24 15:30:30 · 3 answers · asked by kuj3985 1 in Government

Here are the draft plans for the George W. Bush Library:
The Alberto Gonzales Room - Where you can't remember any of the exhibits.

The Hurricane Katrina Room - It's still under construction.

The Texas Air National Guard Room - Where you don't have to even go.

The Walter Reed Hospital Room - Where they don't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room - Where they don't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room - Nobody has been able to find it.

The War in Iraq Room - After you complete your first tour, they can force you to go back for your second and third and fourth and fifth tours.

The K-Street Project Gift Shop - Where you can buy an election, or, if no one cares, steal one.

The Men's Room - Where you might meet a Republican Senator (or two).

The books so far are the rare two books that Bush has actually read, and somewhat understands:
"My Pet Goat" and "Coloring for Dummies."

2007-11-24 15:28:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why don't they stop with the lies and leave us alone to leave our lives, and let us drive our cars,and yes even hummers if we want?
What is the matter with them?

God Bless America, President Bush and our troops fighting to defend us In Iraq.

Seriously folks, please answer me, and please do not delete my question.

2007-11-24 15:21:37 · 17 answers · asked by ron j 1 in Politics

I know the helmets were the same because the british gave the US 400,000 of their own. What about the uniforms though? The same also?

2007-11-24 15:19:36 · 4 answers · asked by Jesse F 1 in Military

Don't you think it was plain STUPID and IRONIC that the terrorists of 9/11 wanted to do 9/11 to show their power and to respond to the propaganda in the 90's in a prideful manner. They wanted to bring utter glory when yet nearly EVERY Arab is scolded by someone in this society? Share your thoughts of how ironic and stupid their intent was?

2007-11-24 15:16:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What do you reckon, is it the job little Johnnie has always wanted?

Would G.W. be kind enough to offer the job?

2007-11-24 15:13:08 · 9 answers · asked by Twilight 6 in Elections

the USA is the only country in the world that doesnt have Universal Health Care and we are one of the unhealthiest nations on earth. Life span in Canada is 80. life span in Europe is higher.

Universal Health care countries even give preventative treatments and care.

People will pay for this with higher taxes.

60 Million Americans Currently UNINSURED!

Republicans even fought a Bill that would cover Children. ( Not a Joke . This really happened)

Universal healthcare is excellent in Canada and Europe. I have friends that live in both countries and they say they LOVE the Services the NHS ( National Health Servies) Provides.

Why cant we as Americans see the benefits of this amazing life saving program.

Republicans dont realize even the private insurance compaines rip you off all the time. They sometimes wont pay benefits for life saving treatments. ITS ALL FOR ((( PROFIT ))

2007-11-24 15:11:57 · 19 answers · asked by ForeverFREE 4 in Politics

answer with the point of view of a southerner, northerner, or westerner like you are writing to the congressman from your region and explain why (no more than 2-3 sentences) in the 1800s:

1. the federal government wants to make more money on foreign trade. A congressman has proposed increasing tariffs on all imported products.

2. the fedral government wants to improove travel in the US. A congressman has proposed building a new turnpike in the State of Kentucky with money from the federal government.

3. The US is interested in new inventions. A congressman has proposed spending federal money to research additional uses of the steam power.

thank you so much for your help!

2007-11-24 15:09:28 · 1 answers · asked by chelsea 1 in Government

2007-11-24 15:08:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

and I mean as in ARREST Violators.

The Majority of Dog owners are inconsiderate and allow their dogs to bark outside all night while neighbors are trying to sleep so they can wake up and work in the morning.

I say make it a crime punishable by JAIL TIME

2007-11-24 15:03:47 · 7 answers · asked by ForeverFREE 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-11-24 14:58:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

There is a higher % of illegals in the population in the southwest and west coast than in the US as a whole. And the strongest negative effects of illegal immigration are felt there with the competition for low wage jobs and the stress on providing social services including schooling.

So the negative effects are most concentrated in the southwestern states and they are visible and the positive effects to the US like lower food prices and service costs and the taxes that illegals pay are more spread out.

2007-11-24 14:58:18 · 29 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7 in Immigration

2007-11-24 14:57:37 · 32 answers · asked by itspink22@sbcglobal.net 6 in Immigration

Im thinking about going in and joining infantry and maybe airborne school then. will i be deployed to iraq anytime soon?

2007-11-24 14:57:01 · 15 answers · asked by dheibs 2 in Military

I hear it alot on Battlestar Galactica, which is , of course fictional, but the way they use it feels like it's based on something real. Am I right?

2007-11-24 14:53:06 · 16 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3 in Military

looking for information about Sgt Robert Maushardt in WWII

2007-11-24 14:50:24 · 1 answers · asked by Robert H 1 in Military

3rd guy to die in weeks.

2007-11-24 14:49:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It seems like they most of them hold office around 8 years or more. Why do they have such long terms unlike Australian PM's (John Howard is an exception).

2007-11-24 14:47:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

How much would me and my husband get when we move from South Korea to Ft. Benning Ga in January? We ARE married and we have a 7 month old little girl.
Someone told me that the army allows you so much per person to move your family if this is true is there a link I could go to to find out how much or could someone estimate it for me?
Any help would be great!!!!

2007-11-24 14:47:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

About 7 years ago I was young and made the mistake of getting into the wrong crowd. We were caught with alcohol and marijuana. Since then I have become a respectable citizen, husband and parent. I finished college with honors. I own a house and have been with my good paying job over 6 years. It just bothers me that the mistakes I made as a teenager are still with me today. I accepted my punishment and moved on. Is there anyway for me to get this taken off my record? Has anyone done this before and can you list the sites and steps I need to accomplish this. I'm only asking for help not critisism. Thanks!

2007-11-24 14:46:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-11-24 14:45:38 · 4 answers · asked by CECILIA G 1 in Law & Ethics

Did any other president have plans like "Faith Based Initiatives"?

How many millions of dollars have been taken from the pockets of tax payers and put into the hands of conservative right-wingers by this?

How many tutors were not hired because the Churches found them to be "unfit to teach American History"?

2007-11-24 14:42:42 · 12 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Government

The USA stole California and Texas from Mexico so when USA citizens start their rants about illegals do they ever consider who the illegals actually are?

2007-11-24 14:42:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

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