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Politics & Government - 19 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

was hired by howell industries to transport goods from its plant in gary indiana, to milwaukee wisconsin, a three hour trip. after loading the cargo ship with industries product they set out on the turn. the weather started getting rough and the tiny ship was tossed, if not for the courage of the crew the ship would have been lost. i ordered cargo thrown overboard to save the ship. howell is now suing for the lost cargo. can he do this? what were my rights and responsibilty of the cargo? can he sue me for the act of god? something i couldnt prevent.i thrown the cargo overboard to save our lives.

2007-10-19 08:49:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Today I found out that my rental office I lived 4 years ago, put me to in the collection. The problem is I never knew about it. They tell me that I owe $500 because I didn't pay. But when I was renting apartment there 2 years ago and they didn't tell me anything. Never notice. never collection letters I just found out that they put me in there. I wanna open case but don't know what to do.

2007-10-19 08:47:28 · 3 answers · asked by Veronichka 2 in Law & Ethics

These are some of the names of women that come to my mind that have been either president or prime minister in their countries: Benazir Bhutto; Corazon Aquino; Margaret Thatcher; Indira Ghandi; Golda Meir; Violeta Chamorro; Michelle Bachellet; etc. I know this is only a handful of women, since I don't have time to look the others up.

But why, what is the real reason there has never been a female president in the USA up till now? After all, we are supposed to be if not the best country in the world, at least in the very top five.

Aren't we supposed to be the most equal in relation to school, college, etc. Aren't we suppose to be the one with more freedom of everything, including speech, thought, actions? But some of the countries we've called Banana Republics have had women presidents.

2007-10-19 08:46:47 · 16 answers · asked by mybusiness2 1 in Politics

My brother in law wants to sell BBQ and other foods, from the back of his truck, in the best buy parkinglot, on black friday, in st. louis. I wasn't sure if it was legal or not. Does anyone know if it is legal or will he have to buy a permit?

2007-10-19 08:45:41 · 3 answers · asked by alcarde00 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-10-19 08:43:27 · 3 answers · asked by Peggy G 1 in Law & Ethics

I’d like to know what you think.

2007-10-19 08:41:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Okay I am an officer(senior Lt in command of a platoon of dismounted infantry) in a armed force that is not American. (just a heads up as this is site is mostly covered by Americans) Anyways, I want to know why my NCO's are all so dumb, and how I can perhaps fix it.

Most of them have problems with simple formal logic and mathematics. Most them have a difficult time reading a battle plan map, and require me to give them instructors along the line of "1 section, move up 2 by 2 to that corner and hold it until 2 section secures that roof top, then move 2 by 2 to the small house here" they can not just read my map/plans and understand, they must ask me to explain in detail.

Finally, many of them seem to think that Drill and Uniform sharpness is more importent then combat skills. I have no idea why.

Why question is, why are these men so short on mental skills.

How to improve these men, so I can count on them ?

2007-10-19 08:40:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

No educational or experience level required.
3 teenagers have already been elected

2007-10-19 08:40:53 · 9 answers · asked by Mr.Morgan 4 in Elections

I feel my boss will keep expanding my work load if I don't say something... I need advice, I get paid min wage for an asst managers position & I am concerned that they're just using me until they can replace me. I do more than any worker at my job. What do I do besides start looking for another job?

2007-10-19 08:39:02 · 8 answers · asked by Cassie C 2 in Law & Ethics

and they said they wouldn't hire me because of race, and the phone company records it like they do all calls, can that tape ever be given from the phone company if this is taken to court? I understand that the phone company records all calls. Would this tape hold up in the court of law?

2007-10-19 08:38:17 · 8 answers · asked by DREENA 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Let's face it. 2008 is all about Hillary and Rudy.

What reasons could you give me for voting for Rudy after 8 years of George Bush without "Well, Hilary will ruin everything after 8 great years..." blah blah blah...?

2007-10-19 08:36:45 · 21 answers · asked by Jim W 3 in Politics

Isn't it a good thing to prevent unwanted pregnancies of Jr High and High school aged girls? The reality of the situation is that there were a significant number of pregnancies among students there. Should we just cluck-cluck and give them a scarlet letter or bury our heads in the sand? Really, maybe you don't think it's right that kids this age are having sex but the REALITY is that some do and some did. Isn't it better to deal with the reality - and more than anything else prevent unwanted pregnancies rather than moralize from on high?

An added bonus for the conservatives is fewer abortions as well.

2007-10-19 08:36:21 · 26 answers · asked by Dastardly 6 in Politics

For example, If I ETS in January and there is a deployment they want to send me to in January, can they stop loss me so I can go - or do you have to ALREADY be mobilized before they stop-loss you?

Also, if you do know the answer can you direct me to the right regulation that states this?

2007-10-19 08:36:06 · 4 answers · asked by alphasiggurl 1 in Military

Wars cost billions and kill people. Negotiated resolutions save lives and spend revenues frugally. Elitist "FOR PROFIT" health care costs billions to care for sick people, whereas health care for all is basically preventative medicine, and is designed to keep people healthy. It costs less to have healthy populace, and a healthy, strong population is an essential component of national defense.

2007-10-19 08:36:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I mean the attitude is so disrespectful we didn't ask for them,,they aren't doing us any favors America is a nation of humane principles and we extend a loving arm to the needy and turn a blind eye to the law in the name of Human Rights,,,where do they get off thinking they are being cheated and mistreated,,,,and why do they think that America is a endless pit of money and prosperity,,,It is not,,it could fall quicker than anyone thinks if we adopt the values of these illegals,,,,is it possibly they will ever see their wrong,,,I FEAR NOT

2007-10-19 08:34:08 · 20 answers · asked by You Are Here 1 in Immigration

hi,im abdul from sudan.last evening some men were singing and shouting outside my five bedroom council house.this is what they were singing..............
rule brittania,
brittania rules the waves,
we want these immigrants,
out of our place.
what were they singing about, can anyone help?

2007-10-19 08:33:25 · 14 answers · asked by mr.truth 2 in Immigration

A pollster estimated 25% of Republican women would. I wonder.

2007-10-19 08:31:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If so, what if the legal limit is different in the two states?

2007-10-19 08:30:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I watched him say this during coverage of the 9/11 attacks, maybe 1 week later.
As well all know people have died and have cancer from being down there.

How will this affect him if he runs?

2007-10-19 08:29:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I know that a lot of Americans are against the Iraq war. And a lot of Americans think it was a mistake that the U.S. invaded Iraq to begin with. It seems like some people on the far-left in America want to see the U.S. lose in Iraq, so it will be easier for Democrats to win elections. I know that I don't want to see the United States lose another war. If the U.S. left Iraq with a stable government that was pro-Western, & was willing to help us fight Islamic terrorists then I would consider that a victory. I just think it's wrong that there are some Americans that want to see their own country lose a war, so they will gain politically.

2007-10-19 08:28:26 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got a job where I'm asst. manager, I get paid min wage, I have random duties where I have to do more than the other workers and I get less hours than others. Is this wrong or what?

2007-10-19 08:27:37 · 22 answers · asked by Cassie C 2 in Law & Ethics

While not really reading much about Hillary Clinton's proposal for healthcare_except for her thoughts on illegal immigrants and the fact they should get all emergency treatments, but not consistent medical care_and also reading briefly about her stand regarding the poor, the uninsured; losses of homes; economical inequalities; retirement and paid family leave; etc., and also recalling two of President Bill Clinton's recent visits to my state, it all has given me a sense that we are already living under another administration.

I know there must be at least 20 candidates running from both parties, and do know a bit about each of them, especially Obama who seems to be head to head with Hillary where fund raising is concerned, as well as media coverage, and interaction with the people. But still, I can't shake the feeling that it's just as if a Clinton were running the Whitehouse!!!

2007-10-19 08:26:17 · 10 answers · asked by 1-2informationalways 1 in Elections

can you be charged with statutory rape even if you did nothing wrong? how can they prove you did something even though you didn't, because only words have been passed saying that something happened so please give me some feedback and no it wasnt me, its happening to my brother inlaw

thank you

2007-10-19 08:25:19 · 17 answers · asked by padonkadonk22 1 in Law & Ethics

requirments is the?
a) Parole Evidence Rule
b) Right Of Warranty
c) Nader-Clayton Warranty Act
d) Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

2007-10-19 08:23:47 · 1 answers · asked by moviefreak423 1 in Law & Ethics

to be??
a) Fortuitous
b) Illusory
c) Gratious
d) Voidable

2007-10-19 08:21:12 · 5 answers · asked by moviefreak423 1 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend/fiance wants to visit meh for a week from Pakistan. JUST A VISIT NOT TO STAY!!!!

2007-10-19 08:20:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I am. I think it is funny how they actually believe he'll make it past the primaries.

2007-10-19 08:17:02 · 22 answers · asked by Jed H 1 in Politics

I went to a very seemingly nice jewelry store, and applied for a position there. The lady told me after I handed the application in that we are all Armenians here and That she was Hispanic. Do you want to work with us? What nationality are you? And then she looked down on the ground and said, well, you could go to the store which is a 45 minute drive from here.

Is this discrimination, and could there be enough for a lawsuit.

2007-10-19 08:15:36 · 2 answers · asked by DREENA 2 in Law & Ethics

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