If you get paid min wage as an asst manager, how much does a regulr employee make?
I think it's simple, if your unhappy find something else. Not like min wage jobs are hard to come by.
2007-10-19 08:43:41
answer #1
answered by labken1817 6
As an assistant manager you have one of the worst jobs going - responsibility but no real power. You are being used, but that is the way it is. Is there anyone below you whom you can delegate some tasks too? If there isn't, you need to get out or put up with it until you have enough experience behind you to go into a mangers job elsewhere. If you leave now and take another assistant managers job then the same thing will probably start all over again.
ps - What does it say in your contract?
2007-10-19 08:50:58
answer #2
answered by cobra 7
IF you really care about keeping your job, try this strategy. List out EVERY single thing you do on a daily basis for an entire week. Note how much time it takes to do it the right way...not when rushing to do something else. Assuming this comes to a full work day...or more, you can then show this list to your employer next time they try to give you even more responsibilities. You then say, "I'd be happy to do _____, but what do you want me to NOT do in order to do it?"
2007-10-19 08:58:58
answer #3
answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7
Your boss will always put his load on you. You need to put your load on the person directly reporting to you. It is how it works in corporate life. The more the workload you have got under your desk the more are your chances of not getting fired because they need you and the more it expands the more you have chances of promotion.
2007-10-19 08:59:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First off, I work in HR.
Second, you should talk to your manager to ask for "feedback" about your performance. Tell him/her that you pride yourself on working hard and have noticed that youve been getting more and more work lately and ask if you can set some goals together for you to move up eventually.
2007-10-19 08:48:19
answer #5
answered by Summer 4
You should talk to your supervisor. They may think you can handle the work, that's why they keep on piling the work on your desk. If they are not willing to help you then leave.
2007-10-19 08:48:46
answer #6
answered by Sassy Shih Tzu 5
file a complaint for unfair labor practices against your employer!
2007-10-19 08:47:42
answer #7
answered by drinking master 1
Same question, same answer.
You're not at work NOW by any chance, are you?!
2007-10-19 08:43:17
answer #8
answered by RangerEsq 4