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Politics & Government - 17 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Do you think that George W. Bush would ever have made it to the Presidency, or even to Gov of Texas, if he weren't his father's son? Personally, I don't think so.

If she weren't married to Bill Clinton, would we have ever even HEARD of Hillary?

Do either of these people have what it takes to rise to power based only on their own personal abilities?

And, if not, do we want to follow eight years of one President who rode to the position on someone's coattails with someone else who suffers from the same problem?

2007-05-17 08:25:32 · 9 answers · asked by Chredon 5 in Elections

I have an honest question about the new deal that was worked out today. In the articles I've read, they say that illegal aliens that step forward can get a "Z" visa, pay fees and $5000, to get "on track" towards permanent residency. What incentive will there be for people to voluntarily come forward? Does this new agreement also include stiffer penalties for those who choose not to? Will any of this actually be enforced? I'm not trying to sound opinionated, I'm just trying to comprehend how they think something like this is actually feasible.

2007-05-17 08:25:28 · 17 answers · asked by steddy voter 6 in Immigration

To try and politicize the office of the US Attorney? Or he will he continue to "Stay the Course" and insist that presidential influence and priorities take precedence over the constitution and federal law?
And before the lapdogs start foaming at the mouth, yes we ALL know clinton fired ALL 93 attorneys. Almost every president since the inception of the Justice Dept has done so. And if you cannot tell the difference between the 2, save the embarrassment and just don't answer this question. Thank you.

2007-05-17 08:25:26 · 15 answers · asked by whydoesyahusuk 1 in Politics

29%... Nearly five full points lower than the President. How much lower will it go?

2007-05-17 08:24:06 · 12 answers · asked by Firestorm 6 in Politics

If so, are you liberal or conservative?

2007-05-17 08:23:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

OK, I'm asking this because it seems like many issues like smaller government, less spending, a former staple of Republicans seems to have switched. Republicans now seek greater power and greater spending, and democrats seem to want less. I'm not looking for right or wrong, or political bashing on either side. I'm not looking for ambiguous answers like "common sense" or "god" or "morals" I'm looking for democrats to say "pro life" "gun control" etc.

So, what makes you choose your party? Why? Again, lets try NOT to bash each other on this one, bash on the next one.

2007-05-17 08:22:40 · 11 answers · asked by MoreFoolishThanWise 4 in Other - Politics & Government

either yes or no.....im not asking if you agree or disagree with it, or dispute it in some way.......i just want to know if you know what it is......check back and see how many of you know what it is.


2007-05-17 08:21:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

His attempts to play politics with the troops failed, and he gave into to putting in benchmarks for the Iraqi government. He attempt to politicize to the Justice Department and the US attorneys blew up in his face. His attempt to put a neoconservative hawk in charge of the world bank failed also. His crony-ism back-fired when he appointed Brownie to lead FEMA. And lets not forget his asinine attempt to put harriet miers on the supreme court. Has Bush leanred his lesson?

2007-05-17 08:20:42 · 14 answers · asked by whydoesyahusuk 1 in Politics

Hilton's jail term cut to about 23 days
Today at 9:52 am

Paris Hilton will serve about half of her 45-day jail sentence and will be separated from the general inmate population, authorities said Wednesday.

Does this type of Justice just make YOU sick?

2007-05-17 08:20:36 · 13 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Law & Ethics

Please answer yes or no, liberal, conservative, democrat or republican or neutral.

2007-05-17 08:18:45 · 19 answers · asked by toughguy2 7 in Politics

our beloved saudi allies, will back the sunni insurgents if the US bails out......how lovely. so the saudis not only supplied bin laden to take out the NYTC, they now admit they'll finance the overthrow of the iraq govt.....jezzzuz......why are we wasting our time, money, and lives on these pukes?


2007-05-17 08:17:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

And do you buy into being against your own country?

2007-05-17 08:16:00 · 23 answers · asked by toughguy2 7 in Politics

My Choices are:

1. George Patton
2. Robert E Lee
3. J E B Stuart
4. McAuther
5. Bradley

your choices? best at #1.

2007-05-17 08:15:53 · 9 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Military

they like have this whole thing on when they are putting on the hand cuffs and its like blahh blahh no statements you have a right to an atourney and yeah...i couldnt find any websites that had it..sooo if anyone can find it that would be great!!!

2007-05-17 08:13:49 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

How many people think this is crap? Who is entitled to good behavior for showing up for a court date? I know lots of people who have never had their sentences cut in half for showing up for court dates. You are supposed to show up. This really makes me mad. Also that she is being separated from the general population. I am irrate. I guess this goes to show where money can get a person. They might as well throw the sentence out all together because she probably is going to have cable, internet and text messaging anyway. What is the point? How can you obtain good behavior having not even been in jail yet?

2007-05-17 08:10:52 · 10 answers · asked by ggirlgail89 3 in Law & Ethics

What one issue would like to see the next administration deal with? How would you like it to be handled?
Examples, (in no particular order):
Gay rights
International Trade
Gun bans (2nd amendment issues)
Term limits
Social services (non-welfare)
Medical care
United Nations

Of course, there are hundreds more topics.
Pick one or make your own and tell the country and politicians (I am listening) what your fears and/or concerns are.

2007-05-17 08:10:21 · 13 answers · asked by athorgarak 4 in Elections

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.

2007-05-17 08:07:51 · 25 answers · asked by toughguy2 7 in Politics

There is only one Gospel written for the 1st Church from the Apostles, anything after this is false.
Galatians 1: 6-9

2007-05-17 08:06:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections


I thought the two towers were dropped with explosives into their own footprints? How is it that other buildings were damaged so badly if that is true?

Enquiring minds want to know.

2007-05-17 08:05:27 · 7 answers · asked by thegubmint 7 in Other - Politics & Government

I know this doesn't really pertain to politics, but in light of the controversy surrounding John Edwards' haircut, I thought I would post it here. Does anyone here REALLY know what would make a haircut worth that much? After all, as we all know, John Edwards has short hair, so he could just as easily go to Supercuts and get the same results. In fact, I have short hair myself, and I normally get a $12 haircut at Supercuts and $40 highlights at Regis, and I've gotten LOTS of compliments on my hair. Does anyone actually know what sets one haircut apart from another?

2007-05-17 08:04:55 · 52 answers · asked by tangerine 7 in Politics

The country is more polarized now than it has been since the end of the Civil War. Do you think that the presence of inflammatory, judgmental, arrogant political commentators who broadcast their opinion as though it is fact to an America in dire need of leadership is a big part of our problem?

2007-05-17 08:04:16 · 9 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

2007-05-17 08:03:28 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My mother decided to open a case up for my brother (who is a minor) due to a ridiculous occurance at an apartment complex. You see one of their managers pulled a gun at my father and said he was going to kill him in front my younger brother.

My brother was traumatined severly and I was no where near the scene of this incident. Seven years later the opposing attorney decided to subphoea me to testify since my mother's lawyer is arguing that my brother suffered emotinal distress as a result of that incident. I WASn'T TECHNICALLY A DIRECT WITNESS TO THIS...THEREFORE WHAT RIGHT DOES THE OPPOSING ATTORNEY AND THE ATTORNEY REPRESENTING MY MOTHER have to subphena me and try to dig into my private life to a case that is not even mine.

I'm 21 years old and I have lots of info about me that I don't want becoming public. Please help.

2007-05-17 07:57:11 · 9 answers · asked by christiansareawesome 4 in Law & Ethics

Since the oath of office is to uphold the laws is it possible to get a constitutional lawyer to have them arrested, tried, and convicted?

2007-05-17 07:53:06 · 23 answers · asked by Who's got my back? 5 in Other - Politics & Government

A : the original nation of Palestine.
B : the outsider jews from Russia, europe & other countries.
* B with the support of the British 1st, killed A & detrived & deprived A from their homes & lands.
* B nowadays & with the blind support of the Americans, are committing orgenized killing, demolishing A homes.
* B is putting A under seige for years with the blind support of the UN, restricting the A's movement & making their life like hell.
* For A the death becomes better than life, so they try to defend themselves by stones & any available means, as they live in despiration.
* For A, if going to die, then it is better to get their revenge from their aggressor B & kill as much from B, as every one of A has lost members of his own family by B, & got his home demolished or land seized by the aggressor (terrorist) B.
* Be never complied with any of the UN resolutions for the past 59 yrs, and didn't comply with the agreed peace agreements with A in 1990s.

2007-05-17 07:49:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

how long does it take to go befor a judge for a disability hearing?

2007-05-17 07:48:17 · 4 answers · asked by mishoney 4 in Law & Ethics

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