I buy into the fact that our politicians are all corrupt, not the average American.
2007-05-17 08:19:40
answer #1
answered by Robert L 4
America is not corrupt. It is many who serve in politics are corrupt and need to be removed from office. Disagreeing with George W. bush and the Republicans is not the same as buying into being against my own country. I don't ever remember the Republicans being quite and not complaining when the Democrats were in power. Even during WWII, the Republicans critcized FDR and the Democrats. Does that make them Nazi lovers. No one in there right mind would say that, but criticize Bush today and most right wing conservative Republicans shout that the loyal opposition, the left wing liberal Democrats are traitors and against their country. I think the question should be is "Does the conservative movement really hate the freedoms and the right to protest what is wrong with America that they seem just like communist. They can't stand a true democracy. I pity the conservative movement and the fear and hatred they live with every day and every moment of their lives that they think honest dissent is against the country. Wow, I'm glad to be a liberal American that believes in the rights that our Constitution provides all of us.
2007-05-17 15:30:39
answer #2
answered by Pop D 5
Believing that your Government is corrupt and being as you say, "against your own country" are two completely different ideals.
What conservatives don't understand about liberals is that we love our country just as much you. What seperates us is the notion that progression is good. Liberals often see the holes in Goverment policy, and instead of being traditionalist about it, and saying, "Well, this is America, we must be right," we instead think of ways to change and improve said policy.
Conservatives often want simple answers to complicated questions (ie: Invading Iraq to solve the War on Terror, deporting all illegal immigrants), rather than taking the time to intrinsically understand the impact of this country on civilized humanity.
The current administration is tearing this country apart at the seams, and really all you have to do is pick up the New York Times to see that "corruption" is a daily occurence (ie: Gonzalez, Walter Reed, the outing of Valerie Plame and most recently, the appointing of Michael Baroody to lead CPSC). Simply accepting that the President is doing his job, makes it easier for Bush to avoid any sort of accountability. Quite frankly, that's how Nazi Germany became what it was because nobody questioned authority - if they were, they were shot - thankfully we haven't come to that yet.
Conservatives tend to demonize Liberals with a "If you don't like this country, you can get out," mantra. But why get out, when we could strive to understand what's wrong and find a way to fix it.
2007-05-17 15:31:36
answer #3
answered by tanseymd 2
I don't think america is corrupt. We still have a pretty great nation, despite the severe damage the present corrupt and incomptent administration has managed to do. It would take two or three successive presidencies as bad as the present one to weaken our nation to the point of destruction.
At least, I hope and pray we can still recover from the horrible debt and political scandals we have been saddled with lately. I'm pretty sure the considerable wounds we have received so far will not prove mortal to our nation. It is unfortunate the current administration refuses to suture the wounds it has opened, but we can all hope and pray the next repairs at least some of the worst mistakes.
I am liberal, but I don't have great confidence in the ability of Hillary to overcome the considerable opposition she will inherit. She was unable to succeed with health care reform before the present disaster was elected by the supreme court. Obama MIGHT be able to achieve some success. Republican Ron Paul could be a good candidate. I would have voted for John McCain over the current buffoon.
I know I said the US could survive another presidency as disastrous as the present one, but I must take that back. If Newt Gingrich should win, I see no hope for our nation.
2007-05-17 15:31:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
People must understand, a neocon global facist movement created the perception using privately owned media of a split between Liberals and Conservatives in America in order to further the destruction of the American economic industrial base. They have almost accomplished their task.
Never in the history of the United States has the phrase "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" rang truer. America must wake up and realise who the real enemy of the United States really is or go the way of the Soviet Union, the United States of America has never faced a globalist fascism before, and we are so far failing to meet the challenge.
Do not play into this political trap, reconize who is pitting the Conservatives against the Liberals, because the goal of WTO is the destruction of a free America. There is no "liberal movement" in America, we have people with a measure of economic comfort, and many many more who are poor. The rest is B. S. fed to you by a corporate run government to keep you ignorant to all you have lost.
The America I pledged alligence to as a child is a memory, I can only imagine the world my children must live in. Know this much, The United States of America is worth saving, and has much as it makes neocons cringe, cost is not an issue, we must save it as ALL costs.
2007-05-17 22:59:22
answer #5
answered by blogbaba 6
Since when do you have to be liberal to think America is corrupt. Isn't the whole concept of a smaller more accountable less waste full government the entire idea behind the conservative movement. I mean the original conservatives not the new religious moral conservatives
2007-05-17 15:42:37
answer #6
answered by silentbob4484 2
I've never heard anyone say "America" is corrupt.
That would imply that every man, woman and child are ethically and morally challenged.
What many people believe is that some politicians, special interest groups, etc. are corrupt. And they are probably correct, since where there is money to be made and power to be had, the jackals aren't far behind.
Saying that and thinking that hardly qualifies as turning against your own country!
2007-05-17 15:25:32
answer #7
answered by maxmom 7
I'm a liberal
I "believe" that most corporations are corrupt
Corporations own all of the major media outlets in the country and I "believe" our media is corrupt as a direct result
I "believe" corporations own the Republican Party and I "believe" the Republican Party is corrupt as a direct result
I "believe" corporations own most of the Democratic Party and I "believe" the Democratic Party is corrupt as a direct result
I "believe" that Abraham Lincoln was correct when he stated that all corporations should be disbanded after ten years for fear of becoming too powerful
I "believe" that Eisenhower was correct when he warned Americans to be wary of the military industrial complex
I "believe" the roots of most of our nation's problems are rampant corporate greed, corporate power and corporate corruption
and I "believe" there are millions of Americans who would love the opportunity to take back our country from the corporations and the conservative sheep who patriotically defend corporate domination of the United States and the world
2007-05-17 15:37:56
answer #8
answered by Peace Warrior 4
We believe that many leaders in politics and industry (both Democrats and Republicans) are corrupt as is always the case... power corrupts, especially those who are greedy for money and power.
I buy into voicing my opinion regardless if it is the same as my Presidents or my neighbors. If you had been a German in 1943 would you have supported being a Nazi?
2007-05-17 15:42:18
answer #9
answered by mrrosema 5
I think you need to recognize the distinction of being against your own country and not liking the corruption that some of our politicians on both sides of the aisle have shown. Just because you are tired of these corrupt politicians does not mean you are anti american.
2007-05-17 15:26:43
answer #10
answered by mrlebowski99 6
All goverments contain elements of corruption.
I don't understand why speaking up against corruption/wrong is Anit-American? Please someone give me the list of the correct wrongs that are American and the wrong wrongs that are Anti-American.
So far the Constitution is all I have to go by.
2007-05-17 15:26:09
answer #11
answered by William G 2