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Politics & Government - 16 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

trying to sleep at 7:43AM, and the landlord brings some construction assholes in and the place is filled with hammers, saws, and some other annoying shlt.. what do I do?

2007-05-16 03:44:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I watched the Republican debates last night and all of the candidates kept saying they want to cut government spending. McCain even said it's mean to drunken sailors to compare government spending to them. I found his remark funny but I'm still very skeptical. Why do Republicans even bother trying to present themselves as fiscally responsible anymore? I know Democrats are big spenders, but at least they raise the taxes before they spend the money. Republicans spend money they don't have.

2007-05-16 03:41:08 · 9 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6 in Politics

The conservatives say they are pro-life(against abortion) on one hand but then with the other hand they are ready for(War)Iraq.

The Liberals are pro-choice(for abortion) but then with the other hand they advocate (Peace)Iraq.

Pro-Life+ War= Conservatism

Pro-choice+Peace= Liberalism

The correct balance should be: Pro-life+Peace= Democracy

2007-05-16 03:40:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If people are really all that worried about their automobiles destroying the environment, shouldn't they consider using a horse and buggy, or maybe even their own two feet?

2007-05-16 03:38:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think they should since there are criminals out there that have & use guns.

2007-05-16 03:38:12 · 25 answers · asked by saint251083 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-05-16 03:38:11 · 16 answers · asked by yogibear1414 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-16 03:36:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Quick, I need to know who the
1. California State Assembly wo/man
2. California U.S. Congressional Representative


2007-05-16 03:34:32 · 1 answers · asked by Jenny 2 in Government

2007-05-16 03:33:59 · 21 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6 in Politics

Just curious.

2007-05-16 03:30:07 · 18 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

and this is of my paper so if can just put PRO or CON

2007-05-16 03:27:36 · 24 answers · asked by knightbat 1 in Law & Ethics

And how many Nazi soldiers fought the allied forces during WW11?

2007-05-16 03:23:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is there a similar law as in the US? If so - what's the definition of entrapment. Many thanks.

2007-05-16 03:20:39 · 8 answers · asked by JeckJeck 5 in Law & Ethics

I have lived in my house for 3 years & had my dogs when we moved in, we paid a company $3500 for a fence to be built prior to moving in so we wouldnt have to worry about anyone complaining about the dogs, they also wear $100 bark correction collars, in the last 2 weeks the neighbor has verbally attacked my husband in front of my 2 yr old son & called the cops on us 3 times, saying my dogs are barking (when they are in the house with me) last night he called the cops at 12:00 am to complain my dogs were barking (they were all in the living room with me) and then he left his house, so the cops came and found the barking dogs (over the hill from my property) NOT MINE! Then he called the dog warden to tell them that I have 7 dogs and one is pit bull. Total lie. I have a collie, german shepherd, black lab and cocker. I have just had it, what can I do short of beating his a$$ to let him know he cant get away with this, calling the cops at midnight filing false reports. its out of control

2007-05-16 03:16:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

please at least 2 reasons?

2007-05-16 03:13:08 · 14 answers · asked by tjrush06 1 in Military

When Libs/Dems are asked questions about Al Gore, or the Hollywood Left being hypocrates, they point to the Religious Right, or Rush, or some other Rep/ Cons as hypocrates.
Cons/ Reps do the same thing when they are asked about the "Religious Right", or some other Republican figure being a hypocrate, they point to Al Gore and the envrionment, Rosie and Gun Control, etc.
Do we accept hypocrisy with those that we agree with politically, or is it we can't justify it, so we point out examples on the other side?
And NO ONE tell me there are is no hypocrisy on their side of the poiltical ailse.

2007-05-16 03:09:26 · 2 answers · asked by Supercell 5 in Politics

violations and suspensions being handed out like candy to conservatives? Is that the liberal way, if you can't beat them with logic, have them removed?

2007-05-16 03:08:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Friend of mine was charged with 2 counts of residential burglary. I was wondering what grade of felony is that charged at? Felony D, C, or B? This happened in DuPage County and plead guilty and is being sent to boot camp.

Can anyone help?

2007-05-16 03:06:34 · 8 answers · asked by jose_jara2 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I need to get a character reference from someone who has known me over the last two years. Ive been out of work due to illness for the last 2 and half years so I can't get one from an employer. Can I get a character reference from my doctor who I saw weekly?

2007-05-16 03:04:57 · 16 answers · asked by Genna 1 in Law & Ethics

What are your thoughts, do you agree with them or do you think they should do more to protect our children?

2007-05-16 03:04:52 · 10 answers · asked by Jeni 4 in Law & Ethics


2007-05-16 03:02:16 · 3 answers · asked by James Gower 1 in Politics

Warm temperatures melted an area of western Antarctica that adds up to the size of California in January 2005, scientists report.
Satellite data collected by the scientists between July 1999 and July 2005 showed clear signs that melting had occurred in multiple distinct regions, including far inland and at high latitudes and elevations, where melt had been considered unlikely.
“Antarctica has shown little to no warming in the recent past with the exception of the Antarctic Peninsula,” said Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado, Boulder. “But now large regions are showing the first signs of the impacts of warming as interpreted by this satellite analysis.”
Changes in the ice mass of Antarctica, Earth's largest freshwater reservoir, are important to understanding global sea level rise. Large amounts of Antarctic freshwater flowing into the ocean also could affect ocean salinity, currents and global climate.
NASA’s QuikScat satellite detected snowmelt by radar pulses that bounce off of ice that formed when snowmelt refroze (just as ice cream turns to ice when it is refrozen after being left out on the counter too long.)
Maximum high temperatures of 41 degrees Fahrenheit that persisted for about a week in Antarctica caused a melt intense enough to create an extensive ice layer.
Evidence of melting was found up to 560 miles inland from the open ocean, farther than 85 degrees south (about 310 miles from the South Pole) and higher than 6,600 feet above sea level.
Water from the melted snow can penetrate cracks and the ice, lubricating the continent’s ice sheets, sending them toward the ocean faster and raising sea levels, the scientists said.
“Increases in snowmelt, such as this in 2005, definitely could have an impact on larger scale melting of Antarctica's ice sheets if they were severe or sustained over time,” Steffen said.
No further melting has been detected through March 2007.

2007-05-16 03:01:55 · 9 answers · asked by jl_jack09 6 in Politics

Taking away individuals' right to own guns is against the Second Amendment and most likely will not solve our high crime rate problems. Do you agree or disagree. Explain in detail and I will choose your answer.

2007-05-16 02:59:24 · 16 answers · asked by BigAndBeautiful 2 in Law & Ethics

Most of political party under some religion and cast based party. and acordingly they act. so how we can get a fair political party who do not based on cast , religion etc.

2007-05-16 02:58:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

I miss cracker night (hand held fireworks now banned). I miss speeding along a country highway (strict speed limits). There are always 'good' reasons for taking away these things - but is anybody going to legislate to return the feeling of freedom and self responsiblity and exhileration of living that these things once gave.. What do others think? No moralistic lectures please.

2007-05-16 02:57:48 · 7 answers · asked by pete the pirate 5 in Law & Ethics

Conservatives fondly proclaim family values (as long as they are their own values) yet all I've seen since Bush has been in office are insults, slurs and foaming at the mouth. a year or so ago the Reverend Falwell was debating on MSNBC when he lost it and started calling people in opposition to his viewpoints "idiots."

From my vantage point they appear to be a rather unsavory self serving bunch whose only agenda is to create an atmosphere stifling criticism so as to make it a[[ear as if everyone is one board their agenda of social engineering.

2007-05-16 02:56:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

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