Monday, August 30, 2004
Matt Lauer on the Today Show: "Do you believe that the war on terror can be won?"
George W Bush: "No, I don't think the war on terror can be won, but what I believe we can get it to a point where it can be controlled."
Bush continues to beat the same war drum, proclaiming that withdrawal from Iraq would represent defeat. However, he has already admitted that the war on terror cannot be won, at least not in the conventional sense, so how does the war in Iraq “control” terrorism? The answer is that it doesn’t. We’re not going to wake up one morning and miraculously declare victory in Iraq, particularly because we haven’t a clue what factors identify true victory. Our troops are caught in the crossfire of a civil war and no insurgency is going to resolve the conflict. Terrorism cannot be defeated with bullets. Only through shared intelligence and strategic police work worldwide can terrorism be controlled.
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