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Politics & Government - 9 May 2007

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a.how to analyze conflicting resouces
b.be familiar with chronology and sequencing of events, as well as periodization
c.be familiar with the concept of majority rules v. minority rights
d.be able to analyze other groups which may intercede with the event.

2007-05-09 08:10:59 · 1 answers · asked by anissa l 1 in Elections

a. not voting, thus letting the government know you are against an issue
b. writing letters , emials or communitcate with representatives
c. discouraging support for a political candidate
d. it is impossible to influence and monitor public policy

2007-05-09 08:07:15 · 1 answers · asked by mary h 1 in Elections

The cost of the war in Iraq is over $400 billion and counting.
Gasoline is more than $3.00 per gallon nationwide.
Home foreclosures are at an all time high?
Our nation's credibility is at an all time low.
The country's infrastructure is crumbling around us.

Yet, despite it all, neocons continue to support this Administration's continued involvement in war that can't be won. Please answer why?

2007-05-09 08:05:49 · 30 answers · asked by ken erestu 6 in Politics

The biggest conman known to man (and woman)!

2007-05-09 08:04:32 · 16 answers · asked by roy d 3 in Elections

Bush has had to suffer criticism before for breaking up so called terror plots. Remember the list of the top 10 terror plots the government broke up? Well, how many of the so called terrorists were actually tried for terrorism charges? It turns out none. Some have been tried, and even convicted, but all on lesser charges unrelated to terrorism. Is this another one of those plots, cooked up to instill more fear in the American public and divert our attention from Iraq?


2007-05-09 08:04:01 · 11 answers · asked by whydoesyahusuk 1 in Politics

A war has an objective - the surrender of a monarch, the takeover of an area of land, some specific goal. When that goal is achieved, the war is over.

What is the objective of the war on terror? There will always be more terrorists. New ones are being born every minute. We cannot eliminate them even with genocide (as someone else will become disgruntled about something else). So how will we know when the war on terror is over? Or have we placed the US in a perpetual state of war?

2007-05-09 08:01:42 · 10 answers · asked by dogsafire 7 in Politics

My friend is looking into an annulment because her husband of 11 months has recently been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, which creates a wide variety of difficulties in their marriage. Had she known he had this mental disorder, she would not have married him. Due to her religious convictions, she would rather seek an annulment than a divorce (she knows that a no-fault divorce world be cheaper and easier). Would this disorder qualify under the "unsound mind" justification for annulment?

2007-05-09 07:56:54 · 3 answers · asked by finchfrii 3 in Law & Ethics

So many of them insist on embarrassing themselves and asking stupid questions. When they say libs hate America, love terrorists, hate our troops, things like that, they only look like uneducated children. As a conservative myself, it seems to me our time would be better spent fixing our party. Getting rid of the corrupt politicians, making Bush change the course in Iraq and regain the trust of the American people. America sent us a clear message last fall, and it seems many of us are not listening. Do you want to get kicked in the nuts AGAIN in 08? If the REAL conservatives out there stop answering such dumb posts, and point out to those people they are acting like children, we will all be better off.

2007-05-09 07:56:43 · 18 answers · asked by whydoesyahusuk 1 in Politics

George H.W. Bush had this to say in a 1998 Time article, when asked why US/UN forces didn't go after Saddam Hussein after Iraqi forces were pushed out of Kuwait in the Gulf War.

"We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting it in anger and other allies pulling out as well. Under those circumstances, furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and perhaps barren--outcome."

Seems like besides running the CIA and being a one term president, Bush Sr. was a a fortune teller, for his own kid.

2007-05-09 07:56:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And I'm a Republican. Or, was. Not sure right now.

2007-05-09 07:54:34 · 6 answers · asked by Dirk von Pelvis 1 in Politics

That stuck to documented facts. To me, it seem's high schoolish. Also, it seems to be a indactor as to WHY no one votes anymore.

2007-05-09 07:49:34 · 14 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I am not comparing Bush to Amehemijad(sp), but was wondering what people think about this. Do you think the people of Iran see us attacking Iraq on tv and think about Bush the way that we think about their leader? Again, I know he is a mad man and Bush has just made some poor choices.

2007-05-09 07:46:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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For Bush, the Welcome Mat Seems a Little Less Welcoming

By Al Kamen
Wednesday, May 9, 2007; Page A15

Finding fine speaking venues at graduation is never easy for late-second-termers, as President Bush is learning. Whereas he once spoke at Ohio State or the University of Texas, now he's left with Florida community colleges or small schools in rural areas that are run by former aides.

But it looks as if it won't be smooth sailing Friday, even when Bush speaks at Saint Vincent College, a small Benedictine school in Latrobe, Pa., run by Jim Towey, former head of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives.

Inviting President Bush to speak at the commencement of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., sparked this protest last month. (By Guy Wathen -- Pittsburgh Tribune-review Via Associated Press)

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The invitation itself, as we wrote in March, sparked what Towey called "lively and welcome discussion." That included an opposition petition with more than 400 signatures, town hall meetings -- and a 41 to 30 faculty vote backing Towey.

Thirty current and former faculty members, in an open letter to Bush last week, said "in the spirit of Benedictine hospitality" they would "welcome" him to the campus "as we would any visitor" as 1,600 students graduate. And they said they will "welcome those who protest your visit" and hope the college doesn't "turn them away" on Friday.

"Just as we have

2007-05-09 07:45:58 · 12 answers · asked by golfer7 5 in Government

Since it's really just there to promote her movie that's coming out soon? I couldn't help but notice the advertisements looming all over the page when you click on the question.
Reminds me of the "I've got an answer for your question... now check out my geocities page" spammers.

2007-05-09 07:45:41 · 7 answers · asked by John Boy 4 in Military

BY THE TAX CUTS.... how do the libs explain this?

2007-05-09 07:44:24 · 6 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I just got flagged for answering a question like this:

Answer: what???

WOW, now that is offensive isn't it. I must have broke all sorts of guidlines... my other question is... who is the loser that flagged that?

2007-05-09 07:42:51 · 11 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5 in Military

Other than telling the US to smarten up and pay attention to unidentified planes.

2007-05-09 07:42:31 · 4 answers · asked by Lisa L 3 in Military

I'm an Australian/UK duel national born in the UK and i'm preparing to get a UK passport and National Insurence Number and am trying to get all official documents ready, can i use my australian name change certificate or will i have to get a UK issued change of name deed?

2007-05-09 07:39:44 · 5 answers · asked by Benny 2 in Immigration

38,000 American troops died in Korea.

Was the war a mistake?


2007-05-09 07:38:31 · 7 answers · asked by ABC 3 in Government

2007-05-09 07:36:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I have always enjoyed visiting the US. The people I have met have been friendly and made me feel welcome. However, watching the stream of bad news on CNN this last year, and seeing how it appears that the Administration is on a different tack to the US population, and apparently making terrible blunders, I started to feel uneasy. I wonder if we were to stray from our present relationship with the US, such as stopping selling oil to them completely, what would happen.

2007-05-09 07:36:23 · 7 answers · asked by orurt 1 in Politics

Which of the following can influence the govenment's decisions?
a. the people
b. the media
c. political parties
d. special interest groups
e. they can all influence political decisions in one way or another

2007-05-09 07:33:50 · 1 answers · asked by love j 1 in Government

ok weve hoisted saddam and found zero WMDs why dident we pull out then having forein soilders in your country would make you paranoid so why diden't we pull out after this and having a growing extreamists groups fighting will only escalate kill 2 and 5 more will spring up so why are we still there?

2007-05-09 07:32:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

just want to know your views on castro and bush - any sim/diff between the world leaders? is any one better than another? do you personally like any one of them? i have my views - but i want to know yours. don't hold anything back!

2007-05-09 07:31:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just wanted to know if there was a big adjustment that you had to make. Was your experience good or bad? I'm considering going full time.

2007-05-09 07:30:09 · 2 answers · asked by whit92 2 in Military

that will be the name of my gang and we will roam the streets of earth with chains and baseball bats and we will use our chains and our baseball bats to terrorise little old ladies and steal their handbags and empty their handbags into a big pot and sell everything to raise money for my project which is to build a huge electromagnet to use as a weapon to pull the sun closer to the earth and cook everyone to death with it and if the leaders of the earth don't resign their power to me I will kill everyone so they will have no choice and I will be able to declare myself the supreme king of the world but not like leonardo dicaprio because I'm better than that and my associate Drew Murty would be the number 1 court jester because he makes me chuckle but for this plan to work I need loyal volunteers so if you would like to volunteer to help me attempt to overthrow the governments of the world then please pledge your allegiance here and then I wont have to kill you to death and that's a good.

2007-05-09 07:28:16 · 12 answers · asked by the proper sexy love machine 1 in Government

Even if one of the two Democratic frontrunners wins, do you think they can win against the Republican frontrunner (either McCain or Giuliani right now)?

2007-05-09 07:23:25 · 29 answers · asked by The Doctor 4 in Elections

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