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Politics & Government - 3 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

dope smoker 30 yrs well together dude im in a band got lots happenning for me got kids i have a life guys a good one the point is why are we the public putting up with them our goverment when they are hounding dope smokers and dont hound paedo s i want all to help me change this or am i not to be heard coz i smoke dope its us that need to wake up coz they dont want to i have lost total faith in society because of this a childs innocence comes first or does it im seriously disillusioned by the heavy sentencing for dopers and the light sentencing of paedos where are we heading as a civilised society ive never been evil i can honestly say that dope is a passafist ill eat all your kids chocolate but ill never expose them to evil of any description

2007-05-03 05:52:52 · 14 answers · asked by samman 3 in Law & Ethics

I am in highschool and am extremely inetrested in foreign relations and travel. I am not totally sure on the career that I want but I have read about what diplomats do and am very interested in the field. If I could find a career that would have me living in another country learning languages and customs I would love my life. So my question is how do you get into this field of working in embassys starting with University courses. I am graduating next year and I plan on going into University. Any University major that would help me with my goals, I would consider. So if you could please tell me about the job (specifically Canadian please) and how to get into this career that would be great!

Also, I am wondering about the careers of Ambassador and also U.N delegate... would these careers also be a good idea?

Thank you for your time and please answer anything you can.

2007-05-03 05:52:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

I admit I do not know much about politics. But I know that after elections, people were excited because they said the democrats won the house. I tend to stay out of things when it's about politics not because I don't care but just because a lot of the times I feel like the things that are going on are over my head, and I don't always understand the political jargon. But everyone was so excited last year & said the democrats would bring us out of the war. I was happy just because I thought maybe now things would settle down a bit. Then I read things this week about President Bush&his veto& wonder what exactly can the democrats do? If the President doesn't agree with something then all he has to do is veto. I'm not trying to insult or offend anyone that is a democrat. However, I truly don't understand how the system works. Was everyone excited for nothing?

2007-05-03 05:51:47 · 20 answers · asked by Shannon83 1 in Politics

Isn't that just a wee bit hypocritical?

2007-05-03 05:50:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I've had this lawyer for years and have always been satisfied with her work, but lately it seems as if her head isn't screwed on properly. She was okay until she got married and started having kids. She is supposed to be helping me with my parent's estates that have to be probated, so I brought all the documents she requested. Weeks passed and I heard nothing. Finally I called her. A few days later she returned my call and informed me that she just hasn't gotten around to submitting it to probate. I let it ride a few more weeks and contacted her again, A week passed and she phoned me. Now the story is that somehow she misplaced the documents and I'd have to pay her to go up to the county seat and request duplicates. I'm really getting fed up with this B.S. She doesn't seem to keep any regular office hours and is slow in returning calls. I'd go to another lawyer, but I have no documents now and she's the only attorney in town that handles estates. Any suggestions?

2007-05-03 05:48:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Chelsea Clinton asked a returning US Soldier about
fear. He said there were only 3 things he was afraid of: Osama, Obama and Yo Mama.

2007-05-03 05:48:46 · 10 answers · asked by Matt 5 in Elections

he seems very unwilling to accept responsibility for his mistakes, ignores reality and is always seeking to blame someone else.

Is this the classic thinking pattern of an alcoholic?

2007-05-03 05:45:29 · 11 answers · asked by nostradamus02012 7 in Other - Politics & Government

Is there a website I can go to so I can find out if a specific soldier has been deployed and to where? He is in the Kentucky National Guard.

2007-05-03 05:44:04 · 3 answers · asked by gerber baby 3 in Military

to impeach Bush? This parasite and co-conspirator in the 9/11 attacks is a crime boss and needs to be held accountable.

2007-05-03 05:41:43 · 12 answers · asked by Magpie 2 in Politics

First Mitt Romney says we should throw Osama a birthday party. Now Rice is meeting with Syrian terrorists. What's next? Bush is going to cozy up with Saudi royals...Oh, wait. That already happened.

2007-05-03 05:41:03 · 11 answers · asked by Columb H 2 in Politics

if my boyfriend is french and lives and works in france, can we get married still even if we live in 2 different countries (I live in London and he lives in France) at the moment? or do we have to be living together either here in london or in france before we can do that?i know the french have their own version of a gay marriage that is more of a union of sorts, but can that happen if i am still working in london and he is back in france?

2007-05-03 05:38:43 · 13 answers · asked by saffa 1 in Immigration

2007-05-03 05:34:54 · 15 answers · asked by Buffy Summers 6 in Government

Why isn't the Queen Elizabeth of England meeting with the president of the USA in her visit to the US this week?

2007-05-03 05:34:28 · 10 answers · asked by diuadkha h 1 in Politics

I mean, the Nuclear bomb back in the day "ended" the war, so why are they so stinken bad!? And why is America the only country who is "allowed" such a bomb?(info needed for my English class)

2007-05-03 05:34:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Aside from the war in Iraq I would like to learn plainly and clearly how each candidates stands on:

Illegal immigration
Taxes (raise or lower?)
New welfare programs
Universal Health Care
The Supreme Court
What additional welfare programs they support or intend to enact
What role they have as Commander in Chief
How do they feel about late-term abortion
What role they should have in silencing 'freedom of speech'.
How do they feel about faith-based organizations.

I purposely did not reveal how I feel about these issues and I'd really like some serious answers.

Also, do you think any of them, Dem or Rep, will address these issues that are on the minds of the average, working citizen of the U.S.

2007-05-03 05:33:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

It seems most folk think that we all have been mavericks from day one, but is that really so? In the old west communities were tight and depended on each other greatly for their survival. There are only a few examples of these bright individuals (like Jim Bowie, or Davy Crocket), but aren’t these the exceptions? Have we built a myth around an exception? Weren’t most looking to each other for support; weren’t family units large and strong helping each other out best as they could, and weren’t neighbors truly neighborly?

When the wagon trains rolled across the continent wouldn’t they all camp out in circles for better defense, or would they all just go and find there own camp spot away from each other?

Seems today people move around so much, and burn so many bridges, that our family relationships have become weak and strained. Not many of us keep life long friends anymore.

Have movies and popular media (like western films) given us a false sense of Individualism?

2007-05-03 05:32:47 · 6 answers · asked by stupidity_of_pride 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-05-03 05:30:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Nancy Pelosi goes to Syria to, OH MY GOD, have DIALOG with a country that has influence in Iraq. That dialog could possibly help settle down Iraq. It certainly couldn't hurt. She is labeled as the "strongest ally" of the terrorists, and guess what? Condoleezza Rice is in Syria today! So apparently the Bush administration is also the terrorists strongest ally as well. What a pack of hypocrites the White House is. Why is it ok for Rice to go but not Pelosi!? I really, really don't get it. The Democrats are "the party of cut and run" apparently. Well the Republicans are the party of "lets ignore the world and especially the terrorists and then we'll see if the terrorists want to stop killing us." I don't see why leaving Iraq is worse than ignoring people directly involved with Iraq that are killing our men. What do you think? Am I right or am I right about the hypocritical thing at least? I know there are going to be so crazy far-right conservatives who'll lash out at me on the Iraq thing

2007-05-03 05:26:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

dont bother answering if your gonna be a smart *** im trying to make a point here thank you

2007-05-03 05:25:46 · 40 answers · asked by samman 3 in Law & Ethics

I know you can't join the marines with asthma. I'm training with a recruiter i know and a friend in the marines to strengthen my lungs and try to get rid of it. I've had an asthma attack within the last year but it's not bad. If I work extremely hard and have a doctor prove my asthma is almost 100% better would they let me join?

2007-05-03 05:24:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Or is he just against the idea of a timetable altogether? I saw a News headline the other day, that said he was using the veto option with the most recent one, or at least he planned to. What do you think it would take for him to actually accept one?

2007-05-03 05:24:22 · 22 answers · asked by LibraT 4 in Politics

He was Rabbi Leibele Weisfisch.

2007-05-03 05:23:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Our first admendment says Freedom of Speech,
it dos not say ( Freedom of Speech; unless offensive)
so whats up

2007-05-03 05:23:30 · 19 answers · asked by gohanss464601 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Why does it matter what the motive behind a crime might have been? If one victim is killed for the $43 in the convenience store's till, and another because a Klansman felt like killing a Black man, is one more dead than the other?

I realize the State has a compelling interest in preventing crime, but IMO hate crime legislation does nothing but give an official state preference to one class of crime over another.

2007-05-03 05:23:10 · 13 answers · asked by Rick N 1 in Politics

2007-05-03 05:21:51 · 8 answers · asked by Siu02rk 3 in Elections

Probably not, but America needs to know that she had the affair with him and hired her goons to kill him off while making it look like a suicide. There is forensic evidence to prove this.

2007-05-03 05:21:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I seriously doubt it, but I have heard many people from different races declaring race wars. Do you think this type of type of extreme hatred can develop in today's society? Explain.

2007-05-03 05:19:00 · 22 answers · asked by Siervocal 4 in Politics

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