I was travelling I-285 in the early am, switched lanes with a signal was driving in the lane a few minutes then wam, I was hit from the rear. I immediately called 911 at 7:16am there were no injuries and no cars were towed. The HERO unit arrived an moved us to the shoulder of the road after about 20 mins....20 more mins later the Atlanta PD arrived the officer was inexperienced, it took her until 10am to complete the incident details and as an added bonus, she ticketed me who was hit from the rear in addition to ticketing the driver that hit me. My father arrived at the scene after the other driver had left and the officer told my father it was not my fault yet, I got a ticket. The officer further advised me she was new to writing tickets and told me I could dispute the matter in court and it would "probablly" be thrown out and she further advised me I had a good chance of it being thrown out because she would be in training that day!!!! Her ins won't pay (ticket) please advise.
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Law & Ethics