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Politics & Government - 12 April 2007

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is it what you parents taught you, the things you have read or what? also why does the one appeal to you more than the other

2007-04-12 09:41:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Are his civil liberties not being taken away.

2007-04-12 09:41:02 · 28 answers · asked by mbush40 6 in Politics

2007-04-12 09:38:58 · 15 answers · asked by Chrispy 3 in Politics

2007-04-12 09:36:27 · 17 answers · asked by ziggyemovon 1 in Government

Sometimes civil liberties have to be sacraficed for security. Since congress is causing all these problems with fighting the war wouldn't it make you sleep better knowing Bush has all the power to bring justice to the evil doers? I am sure once he sets the world straight he would turn America back into a democracy.

2007-04-12 09:34:46 · 23 answers · asked by Land of The Free 2 in Military

Can Republicans now say that "they told you so" about Liberals who seek to censor speech that they find disagreeable. Will all comedy now be censored including all 30 year old Richard Pryor works, 20 year old Eddie Murphy works, and 10 year old Chris Rock (to a lesser extent) works where they made tons of jokes about white people?

2007-04-12 09:34:13 · 6 answers · asked by Kim 1 in Politics

2007-04-12 09:33:46 · 1 answers · asked by Susanne D 1 in Elections

Remember a few decades ago the big hubbub about killer bees. They were invading the US and spreading everywhere. Scary news stories aired about people getting stung repeatedly. Tons of federal grant money was awarded to study the problem.
So what happened? Was there not enough money to be made with killer bees? Did scientific study move on to bigger, scarier study projects?
I mean, what good is spending federal grant money unless it creates something big business can turn a profit on?
What a system.
Who made all the money pumping pollution into the air?
Why it's the same people we are going to pay to fix the problem.

2007-04-12 09:33:43 · 7 answers · asked by Perplexed Bob 5 in Politics

Race Pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

2007-04-12 09:30:47 · 18 answers · asked by Kim 1 in Politics

Would you vote the Romney/Coulter Ticket?

2007-04-12 09:30:22 · 18 answers · asked by bamafanmco 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I am a military spouse, and I understand why people are upset about the recent announcement that the Army is going to be extend its tours to 15 months. But, I am sick and tired of hearing/reading about people comparing the Army to the Marine Corps and its deployments. How do I explain the difference to people? Why don't people understand or care that the Marines have smaller units? Do they not realize that the Marines have shorter deployments but are home for a much shorter period of time? Can people not do the math and realize that both groups are actually over in Iraq for the same period of time in a four year enlistment?

Please understand that I do not want to mimize what either group does. I just want people to understand that both groups are making sacrifices, just in different ways.

Army - longer deployments, longer time at home
Marines - shorter deployments, shorter time at home

I am not sure which one would really be better.

2007-04-12 09:29:12 · 12 answers · asked by jrstina624 3 in Military

I do not believe that it is the Presidents fault when gasoline prices go up. Instead, I believe it is the Enviromentalist Fault because they do not want the US do drill anywhere in the United States and they would be happy if we all rode bikes everywhere.

Source: I got my idea from Pat Robertson who is the host of The 700 Club and founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

2007-04-12 09:21:01 · 20 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 in Politics

could it be howard stern? i don't mean that howard k. stern, but the real howard stern...

2007-04-12 09:19:46 · 4 answers · asked by nostradamus02012 7 in Politics

i think are allies in Ehglandshire would like it and as a reward for Tony doing as he is told I give you funny British the chance to vote on if you want American rule

2007-04-12 09:15:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If they knew he was a shock jock, would have they over-reacted?

2007-04-12 09:13:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am only asking this because im curious as to what you all believe? Do you think having a democrat for president will be good for this country or do you think it will have a negative impact? As for me I think that if a democrat does get elected president the economy would suffer. Things like social security would be effected, which a lot of people are on. Higher taxes as well, if a democrat is elected. But overall what do you think, republican or democrat?

2007-04-12 09:13:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am only asking this because im curious as to what you all believe? Do you think having a democrat for president will be good for this country or do you think it will have a negative impact? As for me I think that if a democrat does get elected president the economy would suffer. Things like social security would be effected, which a lot of people are on. Higher taxes as well, if a democrat is elected. But overally what do you think, republican or democrat?

2007-04-12 09:12:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-12 09:12:14 · 28 answers · asked by KENSINGTON 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Why do I feel robbed? Will this backfire (excuse the pun) on them?

2007-04-12 09:12:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Seeing everything that liberalism stands for (abortion, free love, big government social programs that afect people, and criminals' rights), I am begining to think that liberalism is a perversion of human thought. It is absolutely corrupted and is completely opposite of a civilized thought.

Do you agree?

2007-04-12 09:11:22 · 12 answers · asked by supercrosbyacademics 1 in Politics

I think they are more extreme than the old neocons who just had far right views.

Radical-Republan's add the element of actual anger and hate I've not heard from right-wing supporters of the past. They are ready to act against what they think is a threat to "their" way of life.

Would Barry Goldwater consider them a threat to the Republican party?

2007-04-12 09:10:43 · 3 answers · asked by ScooterLibby 3 in Politics

I mean if your boss is playing favorite at others who are different races, sex, age group than you. Do you think that is a discrimination?

2007-04-12 09:07:46 · 10 answers · asked by mystery t 4 in Law & Ethics

An illegal from Peru is trying to convince my american born sister to marry him so he can stay here legally? How to I get him sent back before it's too late?

2007-04-12 09:04:43 · 21 answers · asked by Laura S 1 in Immigration

In my U.S. History 2 class we are covering the period of 1930-WW2, we also just finished WW1. I am AMAZED at the parallels seen from then and what is occurring now. We as Americans have not yet learned the lessons of history. We have proof that Iran is backing the insurgents by giving them weapons. We've found that Iran is their supplier. Who backs Iran? Russia, China, North Korea.

How did North Korea get their nuclear weapons? They surely didn't make them, they were given the technology to copy from their allies. Russia and China told North Korea to settle down true, but why? So that they could continue to their "under the table" support and not arouse suspicion. These are called secret alliances, it happened in both world wars, it is happening NOW, it is NOT a conspiracy theory it is HISTORICAL FACT. I am 24, I will be fighting in the WW3, probably by 2010. Why can't anyone else see this, it happened then and it's happening NOW before our eyes! Put down your Ipods and WAKE UP!!!

2007-04-12 09:04:28 · 21 answers · asked by sonsofwisdom 2 in Politics

2007-04-12 09:03:21 · 4 answers · asked by redjonjak 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-12 09:01:55 · 16 answers · asked by redjonjak 2 in Other - Politics & Government

My friend made it through basic and AIT but then before he was transferred to his unit he went to his commanding officers and told them about his gambling problems and how he needed to get help right away.. They didnt do anything at first so his family contacted red cross and the red cross contacted the military and he got a 10 day leave before going to his unit... He never made it back to the army. He was been gone for two years and he went to GA for his gambling help and he searched for god and found help there... It has been 2 years AWOL and he has gotten pulled over by the cops once for a speeding ticket and went to court... He has a good job where they run a background check on him... Hes bought a house and a new car... All of this while he was AWOL... And now that hes gotten the help he has saved up money for his family while hes gone he wants to know what happens now with the AWOL and why they havent hunted him down or arrested him when he was pulled over or bought a house????

2007-04-12 09:00:57 · 15 answers · asked by frank g 1 in Military

and it happen in the 1980's

2007-04-12 09:00:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

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