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Politics & Government - 26 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

with the stuff both sides spew it's creepy. do some of youfolks really have this much time on your hands to just make stuff up to try and offend people? do you want examples? wait do you really need examples?

2007-03-26 08:20:04 · 8 answers · asked by aphotic nostrum 4 in Politics

I recently got a DUI in California. I have gotten a lot of information about them and only have one real question. The cop followed me home, I pulled into my driveway and he arrested me on my property. Will that do anything to help my cause?

2007-03-26 08:18:49 · 9 answers · asked by bummed 1 in Law Enforcement & Police


2007-03-26 08:18:46 · 9 answers · asked by Feeling Mutual 7 in Politics

7-30-1996, WASHINGTON -- President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act swiftly in developing anti-terrorism legislation before its August recess.

"We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on this terrorism issue," Clinton said during a White House news conference.

But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, doubted that the Senate would rush to action before they recess this weekend. The Senate needs to study all the options, he said, and trying to get it done in the next three days would be tough.

One key GOP senator was more critical, calling a proposed study of chemical markers in explosives "a phony issue."

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the meeting and said, "These are very controversial provisions that the White House wants. Some they're not going to get."

Hatch said the compromise bill would prevent international terrorist organizations from raising money in the United States and provide for the swift deportation of international terrorists.

The Republicans also dropped the additional wire-tap authority the Clinton administration wanted. U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno had asked for "multi-point" tapping of suspected terrorists, who may be using advanced technology to outpace authorities.

Rep. Charles Schumer, D-New York, said technology is giving criminals an advantage. "What the terrorists do is they take one cellular phone, use the number for a few days, throw it out and use a different phone with a different number," he said. "All we are saying is tap the person, not the phone number."

The measure, which the Senate passed overwhelmingly Wednesday evening, is a watered-down version of the White House's proposal. The Clinton administration has been critical of the bill, calling it too weak. AP

Note: The senate was controlled by the republicans in 1996. Trent Lott was the majority leader.
Clarke: Bush didn't see terrorism as 'urgent'
9/11 panel hears from Berger, Tenet
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 Posted: 1:16 AM EDT (0516 GMT) CNN
A day of drama at the 9/11 Commission
Clarke: 'No sense of urgency'
Tenet admits 9/11 intelligence failings
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's former counterterrorism chief testified Wednesday that the administration did not consider terrorism an urgent priority before the September 11, 2001, attacks, despite his repeated warnings about Osama bin Laden's terror network.
"I believe the Bush administration in the first eight months considered terrorism an important issue, but not an urgent issue," Richard Clarke told a commission investigating the September 11 attacks.".
Rice Falsely Claims Bush’s Pre-9/11 Anti-Terror Efforts Were ‘At Least As Aggressive’ As Clinton’s
This morning, in the Fox-owned New York Post, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reacts angrily to President Clinton’s criticisms of how the Bush administration approached the terrorist threat during their first eight months in office. (The Post headlines the article “Rice Boils Over Bubba“) An excerpt:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice yesterday accused Bill Clinton of making “flatly false” claims that the Bush administration didn’t lift a finger to stop terrorism before the 9/11 attacks.
… “What we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years,” Rice added.
The 9/11 Commission Report contradicts Rice’s claims. On December 4, 1998, for example, the Clinton administration received a President’s Daily Brief entitled “Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks.” Here’s how the Clinton administration reacted, according to the 9/11 Commission report:
The same day, [Counterterrorism Czar Richard] Clarke convened a meeting of his CSG [Counterterrorism Security Group] to discuss both the hijacking concern and the antiaircraft missile threat. To address the hijacking warning, the group agreed that New York airports should go to maximum security starting that weekend. They agreed to boost security at other East coast airports. The CIA agreed to distribute versions of the report to the FBI and FAA to pass to the New York Police Department and the airlines. The FAA issued a security directive on December 8, with specific requirements for more intensive air carrier screening of passengers and more oversight of the screening process, at all three New York area airports. [pg. 128-30]
On August 6, 2001, the Bush administration received a President’s Daily Brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.” Here’s how the Bush administration reacted, according to the 9/11 Commission report:
[President Bush] did not recall discussing the August 6 report with the Attorney General or whether Rice had done so.[p. 260]
We have found no indication of any further discussion before September 11 among the President and his top advisers of the possibility of a threat of an al Qaeda attack in the United States. DCI Tenet visited President Bush in Crawford, Texas, on August 17 and participated in the PDB briefings of the President between August 31 (after the President had returned to Washington) and September 10. But Tenet does not recall any discussions with the President of the domestic threat during this period. [p. 262

2007-03-26 08:17:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I bet our troops were pretty happy to hear this news.


2007-03-26 08:16:31 · 10 answers · asked by jeb black 5 in Politics

I am suppose to renew my tabson my car every July. Last year I was late and received a citation for expired tabs. I went in and got new tabs right away and set up an appointment that same day to attempt to lower my fine. Whe I spoke iwth someone, I asked to have the amount lowered because I couldn't afford to pay the whole amount at that time. The denied my request, so I had to wait until I had the money.

I DID end up paying my fine. I wrote a check and made sure it cleared my account before I threw out the notice. On the notice, it said I may incur extra fees and have my license suspended if I didn't pay by the due date, but I did not receive any additional notices confirming my license was actually suspended.

Over the weekend, I was stopped while entering the parking lot of my apartment building, which is how I found out.

Knowing this, does it sound like I have a chance that this will be dismissed? The reason I'm conerned is because it will cause a misdomeanor on my name..

2007-03-26 08:14:17 · 7 answers · asked by Cita 2 in Law & Ethics

how the hell did george bush become your president?! he obviously has no idea what he's doing and seems to involve himself in other country's matters and make them all a lot worse!everyone the entire world seems to hate him...but obviously the majority of people voted for him in the elections, otherwise he wouldnt be president would he? i know noone who supports him so who are these people who voted? maybe its just me being naive but i just dont get it!

2007-03-26 08:13:28 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I've always heard that gun owners are more likely to have their guns used on themselves, or a loved one than on some burglar coming to rob their houses.

2007-03-26 08:13:20 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Come on Democrats she stinks! Republicans talk sense to the donkeys!

2007-03-26 08:12:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Work with agencies in the area, I know that just because someone pays you for the design work, the copyright isn't transfered to them unless they pay for the copyright. This is true for websites. Where can if find solid information about the legal issues surrounding this?

2007-03-26 08:12:18 · 3 answers · asked by Erin S 2 in Law & Ethics


Taking religion out of America and promoting that God has no place in any country.

Proposals for Universal Health Care.

Government should be involved in your life i.e, The welfare system

Liberals want to delimit the interaction of individuals in society with respect to personal interactions and the distribution of goods and services.

Individual rights may be forfeited if an individual does not exercise reciprocal respect and restraint. Meaning you are bad you are no longer apart of society.

2007-03-26 08:11:25 · 25 answers · asked by Barack O Bankrupt 4 in Politics

"'Patriotraitor: n, A person who supports their country by verbally assaulting its troops, by undermining its defences, and by libeling the country abroad.' - Democrat Newspeak Dictionary, 2007. ed. Dr. Yusef bin Golbez, LIE Press."

Are the LIEberals losing their minds?

2007-03-26 08:11:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

they got married a day before she came back on board US and along she brought back a refegee. this is Wrong. who can i contact about this? why are we welcoming former enemies?

2007-03-26 08:10:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Or is it because we are liberating their Oil from them?

2007-03-26 08:10:39 · 17 answers · asked by NONAME 1 in Military

I think we are paying for it now-Saddam was the perfect person to control terrorism-I think we kinda see now why someone like him rose to power. I don't think the next leader of Iraq will be a nice guy either. Thanks to the Chickenhawk neo-cons for this War,

2007-03-26 08:10:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Does Mr. Penn think that he would for one minute get away with the subersive and disrespectful speech and attitude about Iran's Mullah's or President? He should count his blessings that he lives in this great country where he can have his radical opinions and stay alive.It doesn't matter what Mr. Penn feels about this present administrations shortcomings and how they lead us to war. The Presidency is temporary, but the goodness of this country goes beyond any man or administration. If Mr. Penn hates this country so deeply why doesn't he leave? In addition, Sean Penn is an Actor supposedly and should stick to his profession and shut his mouth about Political matters that he knows little about.

2007-03-26 08:09:35 · 9 answers · asked by Lonely joe 2 in Government

Is it just my imagination, or are the Communist countries buddying up with each other? We have China and Russia playing nice and trying to promote "peaceful solutions to conflict" and there's the South American bunch, getting chummy with each other...Is something brewing?

2007-03-26 08:08:25 · 4 answers · asked by janice 6 in Politics

How do they determine whether your total visa expires in 3 months or in 5 years. I need my girlfriends to last at least 5 years. What should I do????

2007-03-26 08:08:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

for the sole purpose of selling it off bit by bit and terminating every employee, simply because the company's customer service was rude to him when he called to ask what time they opened? What about if he was fired from a custodial position with the company. Payback's a pain, huh?

Oh, wait. What if he were fired from a different company due to his reaction to sexual harrassment against him by another employee... could he track that other employee down time after time so he could buy the company she worked for then have her fired from every job she has for the rest of her life, thus giving her an employment record so poor that eventually no company would even hire her in the first place?

2007-03-26 08:07:19 · 6 answers · asked by burnalgoreineffigy 1 in Law & Ethics

About two years ago I ran a red light, and I sort of haven't paid it. This morning I got a call from a detective asking me to come down to the station to claim my stolen labtop that they found. What am I looking at here? Am I over thinking this? Regardless, I know I have to pay the fine eventually.

2007-03-26 08:06:55 · 10 answers · asked by jonathan_922 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Several conservative avatars here on YA keep referring to liberals who spit on the returning soldiers from Iraq. I know this happened 35 years ago with the Vietnam War, but I have not see/heard/read anything of this sort happening currently. Is this happening and can you provide a source to substantiate those claims? Or are these accusers simply reverting to hyperbole in an attempt to bolster an empty argument?

I think that would be a horrible thing to do to a soldier; I want to know if it really is happening.

2007-03-26 08:06:36 · 9 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4 in Military

a recent seymour hersch article the new yorker detailed how the bush administration has started sending money to SUNNI groups in iraq and the middle east.

it was also detailed how terror organizations were getting some of this money.

al quaeda is a sunni group.

bin laden is a sunni group.

the bush administration funds sunni groups.

2007-03-26 08:06:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Doesn't it make more sense that, I don't know, actually *listening* to each other may help more than screaming at the other side in what, essentially, amounts to two 3 year olds having an argument?

Instead of hurling epithets, slogans and insults at each other, wouldn't it be better if we actually had a dialogue, instead of so many brazen examples of hate on both sides?

Or am I just crazy?

2007-03-26 08:05:46 · 6 answers · asked by witchiebunny 3 in Politics

Interesting about the attorneys too. It's not politically motivated to fire all the attorneys at the beginning of a term and replace them with your own party's, but it is politically motivated to fire a handful in the middle of your term and replace them with your own party's. Is this one of those "I voted for it before I voted against it" kind of things?


2007-03-26 08:04:02 · 16 answers · asked by thegubmint 7 in Other - Politics & Government

Many of the dollars we spend on imported oil are going to nations that support radical Islamist terrorists against whom we're engaged in a global war. We are in fact fighting a war on terrorism and paying both sides of the war. We are sending troops and dollars to fight for freedom and democracy all over the world, and we are sending money to the people who don't like us. Instead of both parties fighting each other in government, and citizens bickering shouldn't we come together, and set America free by focusing on existing technologies for cheap alcohol based fuels. Don't you think we must all come together immediatly to reduce our dependence on foreign fuel rather than waste another quarter of a century coming to terms with our dependence on foreign oil. Why not stop spending your time debating the war, debating whose the best, and email your congressmen on this issue, and talk about ways to make this happen!

2007-03-26 08:02:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Many of the dollars we spend on imported oil are going to nations that support radical Islamist terrorists against whom we're engaged in a global war. We are in fact fighting a war on terrorism and paying both sides of the war. We are sending troops and dollars to fight for freedom and democracy all over the world, and we are sending money to the people who don't like us. Instead of both parties fighting each other in government, and citizens bickering shouldn't we come together, and set America free by focusing on existing technologies for cheap alcohol based fuels. Don't you think we must all come together immediatly to reduce our dependence on foreign fuel rather than waste another quarter of a century coming to terms with our dependence on foreign oil. Why not stop spending your time debating the war, debating whose the best, and email your congressmen on this issue, and talk about ways to make this happen!

2007-03-26 08:02:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

doctor documented that i was still sick and has filled out return to work paper but employer is trying to terminate me

2007-03-26 08:02:21 · 2 answers · asked by kitiy_mew_mew 1 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers