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Politics & Government - 26 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I have another Political Science project. Yea.

2007-03-26 08:53:45 · 5 answers · asked by ittibittymama 2 in Government

anytime i debate with liberals on any given subject, they can never give a straight answer.

i will ask a legitimate question and even provide details and examples and the only answers i get from them are:

"forget your meds today" "brainwashed by rush i see" "turn off fox news" "you ignorant racist homophobic nazi" "how do idiots like you have enough brains to run a computer" "is that you ann" "your question is too stupid to answer"and etc. or they will change the subject to something totally unrelated to the question i asked.

for example. i'll ask why liberals preach tolerance the loudest but practice it the least and they'll answer with "why do contards support bush's oil war and yadda yadda". or they'll find a typing error and use it as an excuse to not answer.

don't all these things prove that they have no answer and are trying to dodge the question?

2007-03-26 08:53:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ok, we have all heard that every democrate has a plan for Iraq, but all i've heard is leave now and hang Iraq to dry, or stay to win, but do it in a different way than President Bush (how, i don't know).

Has anybody heard Clinton, Obama, or Pelosi say any specific plan other than "we can do it better than Bush"?

i'm getting so sick and tired of the talk. They told us they would do better in Congress, and they haven't done a bloody thing save for a "non-binding, anti troop surge resolution", basically telling the President that they hate what he's doing (what they told him to do after 9/11) and that their against sending more troops, but they won't officially condem it because it just might work and won't they look silly then!!@

If you have heard of any real plan that any Dem canidates have, could you please answere?

And sorry this is so long, but the question is driving me nuts.

2007-03-26 08:51:44 · 16 answers · asked by stevedude256 2 in Other - Politics & Government

so many people claim that nazi-germany was a socialist state but if any body took 8th grade civics class they would know that the nazis were conservative and thats not an opinion, it's a fact.

2007-03-26 08:51:05 · 27 answers · asked by celtic farmer 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-26 08:50:13 · 18 answers · asked by erika 1 in Military

"carbon offsets" from himself? Ah yes, I want to 'offset' my cow's flatulence by paying some kid in Uraguay to plant a tree. Oh, wait--don't PLANTS GIVE OFF CO2???? So how is THAT helping?

2007-03-26 08:49:58 · 5 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Other - Politics & Government

I recently moved to a new apartment, and I applied to get a replacement drivers license with my new address with the postal services official address on my drivers license. It came back last week saying that it was invalid. Now what do I need to do??? If I have to go to the DMV, do I need to take anything with me?

2007-03-26 08:49:42 · 2 answers · asked by atlantagal 5 in Other - Politics & Government

His death should show all those enlisting that fighting for oil, means an stupid death without honor .! and a place at luxury mass grave.Bush's share of more then 2500 American soldiers

2007-03-26 08:47:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If the Iowa Class battleships, or a modern style battleship is pressed into the navy, would it be able work and be useful in the world's oceans today? And yes the ship has Missiles and Anti-missile systems.

2007-03-26 08:47:22 · 17 answers · asked by MG 4 in Military

The poor fish are bobbing to the surface!

2007-03-26 08:47:16 · 2 answers · asked by zclifton2 6 in Military

Yet the White House press corps seems to have forgotten all about Libby's conviction -- they haven't asked Tony Snow a single question about it during the daily press briefings since Bush refused to allow Rove and others to testify under oath. A president who just three weeks ago saw one of his top aides convicted of perjury and making false statements to investigators now refuses to allow other aides to testify under oath. And apparently nobody in the White House press corps thinks to ask Tony Snow if that's because Bush is afraid of another of his aides committing perjury -- or whether his refusal to allow a transcript is because he's afraid of them getting caught. Nobody remembers Libby's conviction well enough to ask Snow how the White House can possibly insist that a transcript is unnecessary given Libby's own willingness to lie under oath.


2007-03-26 08:45:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He is credited with writing the Declaration of independace, but he was not the sole writer and stole most of the ideas from elsewhere.

2007-03-26 08:45:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

its my first ticket ever , i was going 35 on a 25 mph zone umm yeah can someone tell me how i can clear this off my record as well

2007-03-26 08:44:46 · 8 answers · asked by hotguybmx760 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

family business-father left two son the business 50/50. one works all the time, the other never shows. can you legally stop paying the no show brother, although he owns 50% or somehow make him uphold his obligation to the business?

2007-03-26 08:44:36 · 4 answers · asked by yzzxxxyyzz 1 in Law & Ethics

I love hearing about how the detectives solving crimes. I watch many shows on tv about crimes and how they are solved. I was wondering if there was a website that had real or fake crimes that you could solve..like a game or something. Something that like gave you clues and you have to find the suspect. or something similar.

2007-03-26 08:44:31 · 4 answers · asked by killermiller 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Anyone surpirsed?I used to think all the cliché's and generalizations on how uninformed and xenophobe the majority of Americans are, were heavily exagerated.In my earlieer Q&A I defended America and was strongly in favor of cooperation between Europe and your country.Well after spending enough time in this forum I'm now conviced America and to say more its people are a bigger threat to the world and peace than even alquaida.Do you blame me for wanting my country out of NATO asap.Thank you for showing me the light dear Americans.I used to defend the USA even against my communist buddies.Thank you for showing me THEY were right

2007-03-26 08:44:18 · 25 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7 in Politics

2007-03-26 08:44:06 · 4 answers · asked by emily E 1 in Law & Ethics

If Scotland were to become independent, then this would mean the end of the United Kingdom. This would in turn mean that the entity which entered into the various agreements which have brought so many problems to us (Human Rights, membership of European Communities, etc. etc.) would no longer exist. As a result, Britain and Scotland would no longer be under any obligation as far as these treaties were concerned and need not sign up again. Does anyone agree that this could be our best opportunity to divest ourselves of many problems?

2007-03-26 08:43:37 · 9 answers · asked by Doethineb 7 in Other - Politics & Government

if so, what is the legal authority for the offence? Have there been any recent changes to the law???

2007-03-26 08:42:02 · 2 answers · asked by sistina k 1 in Law & Ethics

of IRA... Why does america glorify in the IRA when it is in fact terrorists who blew up amercia's lap dog britian! why is there statues of bobby sands in amercia yet another terrorist... to me it seems that america supports terrorism if it afflituates it self in the Irish business!! which is none of its business at all....

2007-03-26 08:41:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I a bunch of historic characters who have done a whole lot more and don't have a holiday.
They should call this day, lazy farmworkers who didn't do anything for history but got a holliday anyway day.

2007-03-26 08:40:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Refer to link:

I had asked for someone to show me seperation of church and state in our nation's constitution, and I received lots of good answers quoting the first amendment. Now tell me, where does it say that I cannot put up the ten commandments in the courthouse, or talk about Jesus in my valedictorian speech, or why I can't pray woth my teacher, who also happens to be a Christian, immediately following something like 9/11...

I don't see anything about trying to appease every single person and their beliefs, all I see is that the writers of the constitution were trying to prevent another Roman Catholic church situation...

2007-03-26 08:40:47 · 12 answers · asked by ? 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Bush has appointed more monorities to positions of power than any other administration, yet the liberal media will not report this and still insist on calling him a hate monger or a racist. When confronted with this liberals and democrats argue that it is a PR stunt. Damned if he does and damned if he does'nt. right?

2007-03-26 08:39:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i was told I need to walk a mile in a black man's shoes to know what discrimination is.....well, since my tax dollars probably paid for those shoes let me try them on. I know someone that works for the Federal government that didnt get a promotion because a black woman applied for the same job she did, she wasnt qualified but because of the "extra" points she gets for being a poor black woman she would have gotten the job instead of someone who actually had the education to perform the job, the agency then closed the job opening for fear of being accused of racial discrimination. Come on blacks, please offer some reasonable justification for giving someone a job based solely on their color not education.

2007-03-26 08:38:58 · 12 answers · asked by Armed Civilian 4 in Politics

i'm just asking

2007-03-26 08:38:45 · 3 answers · asked by Ashley J 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm just taking a minor survey. Thanks!

2007-03-26 08:38:44 · 7 answers · asked by Stealth 2 in Elections

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