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Politics & Government - 15 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am an Arabic linguist but have a previous cervical injury that I incurred while in the Army Reserves which resulted in some plates and pins in my neck. That was 2 years ago and I am completely better(except for the hardware).

2007-03-15 01:03:33 · 7 answers · asked by Jim 1 in Military

Will Bush be the final straw that broke the elephant's back?

2007-03-15 01:00:51 · 20 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4 in Politics

The number is eye-popping, and it was repeated so often it became gospel.

The snowpack in the Cascades, it was said, shrank by 50 percent in the last half-century. It's been presented as glaring evidence of the cost exacted by global warming — the drying up of a vital water source.

That statistic has been repeated in a government report, on environmental-advocacy Web sites and in media coverage. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels recently mentioned it in a guest column in The Seattle Times.

Here's the problem: The number is dead wrong.

The debunking of this statistic, and the question of just how much the state's snowpack shrank, is stirring up a heated debate among the region's climate scientists.

On Monday, it escalated further when University of Washington researcher and State Climatologist Philip Mote stripped a colleague of his title as associate state climatologist, triggering concerns that scientific dissent is being quashed.

2007-03-15 00:59:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


We've got drug smugglers coming across the mexican border with hundreds of pounds of marijuana that aren't being prosecuted because the federal government can't afford to prosecute them, but the government can prosecute a mother of 2 who is being kept alive with medical marijuana use?

2007-03-15 00:58:14 · 6 answers · asked by Gary W 4 in Law & Ethics

It's hard to tell who's actually legal and who isn't. So maybe we should just deport everyone of Mexican Ancestry, so we don't have to go through an exhaustive information to tell the fake documents from the real ones. Of course, if they do have the documentation, we can give them compensation when they are deported back to Mexico, just so they can get a new start.

What do you guys think?

2007-03-15 00:55:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I suspect it is because when he strings together "big words" he has to stop and make sure he is speaking sensibly.

2007-03-15 00:54:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why does anyone feel the need to lump all liberals in with the left wing, conservatives aren't all right wing neocons, and anyone who does not understand this has no business even discussing politics. Furthermore, all conspiracy theorists are not liberal, for I have heard a self proclaimed conservative attempt to incite a panic over the number of visible jet contrails in the sky. He tried to claim we were under attack, possibly being "sprayed" with something. As a intelligent person though, I know not to base my opinions of all conservatives on this one nut job. Personally, I can not classify myself as a true liberal, but I do take the liberal view on more issues than I do the conservative view.

2007-03-15 00:53:34 · 10 answers · asked by Political Enigma 6 in Other - Politics & Government

I had a small backyard get together for friends this past weekend. This included grilled food, beer, and even some stuff for the kids to do. A little later in the afternoon, the kids had gone inside to play video games, leaving the adults outside. We’d all had a few beers and started messing around with the bubble wand that the kids had been playing with. For those of you who don’t know, a bubble wand is a toy for making large soap bubbles in the air.

Anyways, I don’t recall how it came to this, but a buddy of mine held the bubble wand, while I pulled down my pants and farted into it. This actually produced a decent sized bubble, to the amusement of all who were in the backyard. The bubble, caught by a gentle spring breeze, sailed over the fence and into my neighbor’s yard. It then floated by my neighbor, who popped it, then turned a visible shade of green, nearly retching.

After he recovered, he started calling us every name in the book.

2007-03-15 00:46:12 · 15 answers · asked by Wee Bit Naughty 3 in Law & Ethics

Did you not vote but said you did. do you complain about the outcome?

2007-03-15 00:46:11 · 4 answers · asked by cowlynz 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Liberals hate this country, and Americans don't really want them anyway. So what can we do to show them to essentially get the heck out? Legal means of course!

2007-03-15 00:44:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-15 00:38:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The "confession" smells like torture and agreement to anything to keep that last toenail or fingernail, right? Nothing like some good news to move the focus off of Attorney General Gonzales the moron serving behind Bush's war on the world. How small and petty evil the USA has become when challenged.
Heads will roll.

2007-03-15 00:36:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

3 years? or 5 years? does it have to be in a row? can i travel outside the country atleast once a year?or does it have to be 3 years in a freaking row?

2007-03-15 00:35:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

We are in a population crisis and there is very little left in state pension funds. Are illicit drugs a form of population control due to earlier death and problems with fertility? Post sept 11 the british government bought the opium fields from afghan farmers to cease supply and yet street heroin has doubled since.....and what about the obesity crisis too? Our children are eating more saturated fats than ever reducing life expectancy to 53 years thus reducing the pensions crisis if someone dies before retirement after almost 40 years of productive working. I wonder.....and before you all start i'm not crazy I just have an active imagination.

2007-03-15 00:34:14 · 17 answers · asked by neil c 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I'd like to thank very much the people who took the time to help me regarding my son and his School.

I have contacted the School and the Education Department all at this time are running for cover and attempting to justify what happened.

Again, a very big thankyou for the time you all took. This happened in Suffolk UK

2007-03-15 00:33:22 · 4 answers · asked by Tapsy 2 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-15 00:30:17 · 5 answers · asked by bright 3 in Military

"its not the end, its not even the beginning of the end"
great speeches -or speechwriters - do we not have the ability to motivate - from the western perspective - with words

2007-03-15 00:28:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

In the UK we dont have it does any one from the uk think we should? do you think it should still exist in the USA? personally i think its wrong. but for serial killers and serial rapists pedophiles i could consider it what are your thoughts?

2007-03-15 00:28:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Ive never heard them support me for my work in providing Magazines for them to read as I stack them on the Newsagents shelves that I work for.

They chose a job, they are doing their job. They get paid for their job.

Why do they need people patting them on the back as well?

2007-03-15 00:27:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

OLD question: Would you want your child to go to Iraq?

NEW question: Would you want your child to be President of the USA?

I'd rather have him go to Iraq. I'd rather have him serve and protect people and fight terrorism rather than have his OWN people try to destroy him with hateful agendas and partisanship.

2007-03-15 00:26:24 · 11 answers · asked by Truth B. Told ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID 6 in Politics

2007-03-15 00:25:04 · 6 answers · asked by Just for Laughs 4 in Military

What would you think will become of US?

2007-03-15 00:22:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Hi! Here is what happened:
My good friend K. has recorded a nice audio meditation about opening heart and feeling love. Some years ago he was selling it on audio cassette, and then put it on his site 2 years ago - for free.

Yesterday my friend F. emailed me an audio meditation read by another person, who is selling it online from his site. Gross thing is that it almost word for word repeats the meditation by my friend K! I didn't compare it all, but my estimate is that this guy used big portions of K's meditation and total percentage of K's material in his meditation is about 90%.

My friend K. for now has decided to do nothing agains the site that is supposedly on another continent.

I wonder, is this the correct way to handle this? Could it happen that if K. does nothing then one day this guy will sue K. for his own work, claiming it his own?

Please give me your take on this. What shall we take into consideration?

2007-03-15 00:21:06 · 2 answers · asked by Kostya 2 in Law & Ethics

What a poor excuse to not vote for Obama. Typical rt. wing double standard. They state they want a good president.So why did that IDIOT Bush get in twice?

2007-03-15 00:19:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

After Left-wing groups heard that Fox news was hosting a Presidential debate, they told Democratic candidates they couldn't go. This despite the fact that the debate would still be between Democrats, and would be an examination of views subject to all participants. The Dems folded like a cheap suit and decided not to go.
Now a leading Dem has told freshman Democrats they should not go on the "Colbert report" despite the fact the show is simply "too risky". Do they know that Colbert is a Liberal, and that his show is simply a spin on faux Conservatism? Or do they fear ANY opposition? Everyone knows they already own pretty much all of the "mainstream" media, so what is so problematic?


2007-03-15 00:14:17 · 11 answers · asked by Eric K 5 in Politics

Alright I got into some trouble more then recently. My Sgt. Brought things up from 2 to 3 months ago then he wrote me up. Is there a limit on how far back you can go? Can anyone give me a link if there is. I've been looking and can't find anything in FM 6-22 or 22-100. Ok, thanks and have a good day. kat

2007-03-15 00:13:15 · 5 answers · asked by Kathryn O 1 in Military

When Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses that he is solely responsible for the 9/11 attacks, are Republicans just going to eat that up like ice cream, or do they possibly think there are others involved in the planning that we haven't caught yet?

2007-03-15 00:10:15 · 18 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

I've heard one of the main reasons that Guantanamo bay is in Cuba is that because US laws don't apply there, which is understandable. But why would Cuba allow this? And what are they getting in return?

2007-03-15 00:10:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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