The Left likes to cite Bill Clinton, and make ample references to his "Golden Age" of a wonderful economy, the enemies of America under control, where things were rocking so well, that all the Republicans could do in an attempt to slime Clinton, was to make a big deal out of the Monica Lewinsky thing. But what is telling is that the Left will not tolerate the other side to make criticism or even discuss or debate Bill Clinton. It is for forbidden territory. To discuss Clinton, to them, is to dwell on the past- which has no relevancy to the world today, and is a smoke screen not to look at the failures of GWB.That is very odd that the Left disdains looking at the past, since it seems apt for them to discuss and have (fake) documentaries and such on Bush's Vietnam service, on Prescott Bush, on the president's past driving record or drug use. One could be rich if they had a nickel for every time the war is compared to Vietnam by them, and hearing of certain Democrat's war service. No prohibit on discussing the past seems to apply to argue their points.
Liberals are fond to cite the golden age of Clinton at every opportunity, but will not tolerate any discussion of their former commander-in-chief that is not controlled strictly by them. Why?
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