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Politics & Government - 10 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-03-10 09:19:21 · 14 answers · asked by millhouserock@sbcglobal.net 2 in Immigration

Do you think it is being observed today?

2007-03-10 09:15:43 · 9 answers · asked by dude guy 2 in Government

I think you Libs are wrong on both counts but you can't be right on both because that would be a contradiction.

2007-03-10 09:15:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

One of the questions that I answered the other day has gotten me thinking... The question was about the thought of legalizing marijuana...
The more I thought about it, the more I started thinking about why it is legal for tobacco to be grown and harvested for companies that make cigarettes to add nicotine to it, so that we become addicted to it, when it is a well-known fact that smoking is harmful to your health....but it is illegal to smoke, grow, or possess marijuana???
Marijuana and tobacco both contain tar, which is the agent that causes most of the health related problems that are associated with smoking, but cigarettes also have nicotine in them,,,,which marijuana does not..
Also. marijuana has already been proven to have some benefits to those with certain health problems,,,,but not cigarettes...they have only been proven to cause problems..
This is an honest question..so I would appreciate honest-to-goodness opinions on the subject.. Does anyone else feel as I do??

2007-03-10 09:15:09 · 7 answers · asked by Termite 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-10 09:13:46 · 6 answers · asked by dude guy 2 in Government

People who refuse to accept the fact that the U.S. Government had their hand in the Terror Attacks of 911 are ignorant. It's impossible for Jet fuel or Kerosene to melt iron. Also if the floors collapsed causing a chain reaction it would have taken well over 90 seconds for the buildings to come down. They came down at free fall speed....9 seconds. There is no logical argument here. Explosives were pre-planted in the building. Some will argue that the fires were raging hot inferno’s...however if that was the case then why were there people standing in the holes where the planes impacted waving for help? Their clothes weren’t even burnt.

Here we are talking about the biggest crime scene in the history of the United States...and what did Guilani do? He scooped up all the evidence and got rid of it as fast as he possibly could. Sent overseas to be recycled? I doubt it...my guess is they dumped it all in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

If people would for one second look at the evidence...it's a common tactic for a country to injure or attack itself and then blame it on the enemy. Then we can go get em. There is even a name for it...it’s called.. “Pretext for Military Intervention” Why doesn’t someone tell me why NORAD didn't scramble any fighters to escort the hijacked planes down? They didn't miss 1, but all 4!! Anytime a commercial airline goes off course without explanation, within 10 minutes, fighter jets are supposed to escort them down. Especially the air space over the Pentagon! Hmmm. How convenient. You think it was because Bush ordered Cheney to take control over NORAD the same morning of the attacks? Did you also know that the WTC changed owners about six months prior to the attacks? Did you know that the buildings were worth more if destroyed than standing? That Larry Silverstein is the man who cashed out on the scam...walking away with billions? Did you know that there was a flurry of activity on Wall Street prior to the attacks, and the majority of the trading was “Put options” on the doomed Airlines stock? Did you know that there were multiple explosions heard inside the buildings from all kinds of firefighters, police officers and witnesses? Did you know that WTC Building 7 fell at approximately 5:30 p.m.? That the building did not suffer any major damage, but it somehow blew up into a fine pile of dust? Does anyone know what propaganda is? Do you know that it is also a well known and effectively used tool for the government to pull the wool over your eyes? Well, don't say we didn't warn you when your asking yourself 5 years from now "How could this happen?" Educate yourself and open your eyes folks. This is real, and there are more than just a couple of us who think so. Go to Google and type in Terror Attacks of 911...have yourself a look at all the choices there are to choose from.

2007-03-10 09:12:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Please specify whether you are for or against Operation Iraqi Freedom in your answer.

2007-03-10 09:12:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Would you stop watching a tv show, reading certain books, not go to see a movie, not buy a music album because the artist's political views (conservative or liberal) disagreed with your own? Even if the art in question had nothing to do with the artist's politics?
Do you spend the day glued to a cable news station (CNN, C-Span, Fox, Msnbc) or listening to a talk radio station?
Do you talk your friends to death or constantly email them about political issues?
In other words- Are you a political junkie? And if so, why?
PS. -None of this counts if it is a part of what you do for a living.

2007-03-10 09:11:58 · 10 answers · asked by Julia Sugarbaker 7 in Politics

The earth has a population of 6.5 billion people, each of whom has made his own half acre fit his own ideal.

Not satisfied with his own half-acre, and not willing or able to buy more acreage, a person wants to dictate to the rest of us what to do with our half-acres.

So he claims that the property itself has rights, and/or that it's all "ours" and that somehow using it for what he wants to do instead of letting everyone use their own property the way they want is "saving the earth."

The earth will still be here long after we're gone.

In the meantime, how one person uses his little parcel of it is nobody else's business.

What you Libs call "caring about 'our' environment" is just a naked power grab, an attempt to run an end-around on property rights.

2007-03-10 09:11:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

As for myself, each time I look at Bush I assured myself that I am not the most stupid American.

2007-03-10 09:10:58 · 7 answers · asked by Taco 1 in Politics

My history teacher and I had an arguement, and i'd like to clear a few things up with him

2007-03-10 09:10:51 · 5 answers · asked by dude guy 2 in Government

Read this article then tell me if you really think you are free or that your government works for you.


2007-03-10 09:10:25 · 9 answers · asked by Perry L 5 in Government

Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding and id system.

Contraband markets make no age disgression.
Since the crackdown on tobacco there are 75% fewer teens trying or using tobacco.
However when it comes to cannabis and other illicit substances it’s a whole
other ball game.
Control, regulation and better education work prohibition dose not.
Or as John Walters of the ondcp (Office for national drug control policy) calls it “ a war on drugs” (Sorry John but it's true look at the Netherlands)

America loves a war even if it is on it’s own people.

One of several reason they don’t legalize drugs is not because of the harm of drugs,
But people would lose more money in the long run.
Some of the people behind the support of this irrational so called war are
The tobacco industry, the alcohol and distilled spirit industry ( people simply don’t drink as much, or decide not to drink at all with cannabis meaning a decline in there sales.
The pharmaceutical corporations can not make money on whole or raw cannabis, but they can charge an arm and a leg for there synthetic Marinol (dronabinol) CIII.

The textile and paper industry would lose out from hemp production, sinse hemp dose not need to go through all the various processes that ordinary tree products would. Also it’s possible to get two harvest in in one season.

However people don’t know the difference between industrial hemp and smokable cannabis, yet they are able to distinguish between the two in other country’s like Germany, the UK , Netherlands and even Canada, but our `DEA agents are so dumb they cant tell the difference between a stalk and a bush.

The petroleum industry would be affected, sinse almost everything that can be made from petroleum can be synthesized from hemp oil, everything from bio fuel to even plastics. If North America would use a third of it’s land for hemp production we could create enough biofuel to supply an area the size of Canada.

Now also for a moment consider how many people are incarcerated over just cannabis who are currently in the prisons and jails.
If cannabis were legalized and all inmates serving time for cannabis were freed there would be an over abundance of empty cells, and millions of guards in this country would be no longer needed.
The prison building industry would almost be obsolete ( and if all drugs were legalized that would mean even more empty cells.
So the prison system must have some means of gaining more inmates.

Not to mention other areas such as treatment centers, probation.etc

or HIDTA high intensity drug traffic areas where money is fed in to law enforcement,

(they would miss there green $$$)

Drugs , not even alcohol are the cause of the fundamental ills of society, rather than checking people for the presence of drugs, they should first test people for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

2007-03-10 09:06:57 · 8 answers · asked by davegarkie 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I recently asked a question about a way around micro chipping my pet (as I am morally opposed to the idea), for which I received many answers saying why? It’s such a good idea!

I then proceeded to ask about microchips in people. To which I received the complete opposite. The majority said no, never in a million years.

Why is it ok for your pets but not for you? This seems a very illogical way of thinking to me... please explain your reasoning on this

Thanks Sam X

2007-03-10 09:05:56 · 9 answers · asked by Pat 3 in Law & Ethics

Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding and id system.

Contraband markets make no age disgression.
Since the crackdown on tobacco there are 75% fewer teens trying or using tobacco.
However when it comes to cannabis and other illicit substances it’s a whole
other ball game.
Control, regulation and better education work prohibition dose not.
Or as John Walters of the ondcp (Office for national drug control policy) calls it “ a war on drugs” (Sorry John but it's true look at the Netherlands)

America loves a war even if it is on it’s own people.

One of several reason they don’t legalize drugs is not because of the harm of drugs,
But people would lose more money in the long run.
Some of the people behind the support of this irrational so called war are
The tobacco industry, the alcohol and distilled spirit industry ( people simply don’t drink as much, or decide not to drink at all with cannabis meaning a decline in there sales.
The pharmaceutical corporations can not make money on whole or raw cannabis, but they can charge an arm and a leg for there synthetic Marinol (dronabinol) CIII.

The textile and paper industry would lose out from hemp production, sinse hemp dose not need to go through all the various processes that ordinary tree products would. Also it’s possible to get two harvest in in one season.

However people don’t know the difference between industrial hemp and smokable cannabis, yet they are able to distinguish between the two in other country’s like Germany, the UK , Netherlands and even Canada, but our `DEA agents are so dumb they cant tell the difference between a stalk and a bush.

The petroleum industry would be affected, sinse almost everything that can be made from petroleum can be synthesized from hemp oil, everything from bio fuel to even plastics. If North America would use a third of it’s land for hemp production we could create enough biofuel to supply an area the size of Canada.

Now also for a moment consider how many people are incarcerated over just cannabis who are currently in the prisons and jails.
If cannabis were legalized and all inmates serving time for cannabis were freed there would be an over abundance of empty cells, and millions of guards in this country would be no longer needed.
The prison building industry would almost be obsolete ( and if all drugs were legalized that would mean even more empty cells.
So the prison system must have some means of gaining more inmates.

Not to mention other areas such as treatment centers, probation.etc

or HIDTA high intensity drug traffic areas where money is fed in to law enforcement,

(they would miss there green $$$)

Drugs , not even alcohol are the cause of the fundamental ills of society, rather than checking people for the presence of drugs, they should first test people for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

2007-03-10 09:05:33 · 7 answers · asked by davegarkie 1 in Law & Ethics

In discussing Islamic terrorists the line between the PC and the un-PC seems to have been drawn at the use of these words - you can't discuss Islam, you have to put the words "radical" and/or "extremist" in front of it, otherwise you're called a racist (even though Islam isn't a race) and your question or answer is pulled from YA.

But what is the difference between the radical or extreme and the mainstream?

In the case of Islam there's a centuries-old tradition of spreading the religion by murder and mayhem, going back to the religion's founder, Muhammad. Yes, other religions have violence in their histories but typically this was the founder's religion being corrupted. The Church committed acts of violence but in doing so went against everything their religion's founder said and did. Muhammad killed thousands of people, massacred entire villages, to spread his religion. And he wrote a Koran that says to do the exact same thing.

Was Muhammad not a mainstream Muslim?

2007-03-10 09:03:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

do you think america is going to win the Iraq war keep in mind .3% of soilders that surved in iraq died compared to the 1% in vietnam and we killed 45000 to 200000 insurganses. mind my speelling

2007-03-10 09:01:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Divorce, adultery, immorality, etc. on both sides. I'm not a fan of this lack of character in SO MANY candidates.

2007-03-10 08:59:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Republicans never seem to care about te detreriorating forests or global warming. But this is everyone's Earth. Why can't we shift this topic from politics and have everyone care for our planet?

2007-03-10 08:59:15 · 17 answers · asked by Dana 2 in Politics

Three marriages for Giuliani - his third wife was his mistress when he was married to his second wife. Three marriages for Newt - same scenario. John McCain, married twice. Doesn't this make Bill a Saint compared to these other three?

Hillary gets my vote for Sainthood also. These two stuck it out and worked it out. Now that's what I want in a politician!

2007-03-10 08:58:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Obama or Clinton

2007-03-10 08:57:02 · 7 answers · asked by justin 2 in Government

and the does watching the Daily Show count as learning current events?

2007-03-10 08:56:48 · 15 answers · asked by Willie 4 in Politics

... I am a registered Republican, but would give Bill Richardson serious consideration due to his economic policy and fiscal restraint. Hillary is obviously very polarizing, and Biden/Dowd are too far left for most moderates. Barak is campaigning on a very positive message, but his short Congressional voting record shows scant little deviation from the Dem party line.

Are there any other Dem candidates that have any appeal for moderate but "right-leaning" voters? Who and why?

2007-03-10 08:56:04 · 8 answers · asked by S1 2 in Elections

Natural, so not warfare or government but rather disease, famine, drought, etc. What is the primary issue to be addressed and how are they to be addressed? Like I said, I don't want human-induced suffering, so exclude most references to conflicts in the Congo or Sudan. I just want to know what keeps societies in Africa from thriving. For instance, if an African tribe were to sever its cultural and sentimental ties to a famine-plagued region, and moved to place, would it help matters? Is petty culture and stubborn religion and our exuberant tolerance for such things responsible for Africa's downfall? I don't why, it just seems like why don't they just move to a new location, upgrade to the 21st century, and tell the whacked-out hippies to forget preserving ancient cultures at the price of human lives. I'm just trying to prevent myself from pitying these people, like so many seem to do. I want to respect them. I want to know, they're doing everything in their power to overcome their woes

2007-03-10 08:53:10 · 11 answers · asked by Smokey 2 in Politics

Does this bother policeman.

2007-03-10 08:52:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

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