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Cops say legalize drugs ask me why?
Prohibition does not prevent cannabis use by children or the mentally ill, the vulnerable populations whom we supposedly want to protect. Instead, cannabis prohibition makes it more difficult for parents, patients, society, and doctors to control cannabis use.

The Drug War makes honest education about cannabis impossible, and leaves cannabis users marginalized in ways that make their lives more stressful. This stress is unhealthy for everyone, but it is certainly most damaging to people with schizophrenia.

Cannabis prohibition is not merely a failure; it is a counterproductive fraud that is harming those whom we claim we want to protect. There are currently more teens in treatment centers for marijuana in comparison to those admitted for alcohol.
Only an idiot would have to ask why alcohol is not the no#1 problem
after all alcohol is perfectly legal ( If you are 21.) That is due to responsible people handling alcohol by way of the carding and id system.

Contraband markets make no age disgression.
Since the crackdown on tobacco there are 75% fewer teens trying or using tobacco.
However when it comes to cannabis and other illicit substances it’s a whole
other ball game.
Control, regulation and better education work prohibition dose not.
Or as John Walters of the ondcp (Office for national drug control policy) calls it “ a war on drugs” (Sorry John but it's true look at the Netherlands)

America loves a war even if it is on it’s own people.

One of several reason they don’t legalize drugs is not because of the harm of drugs,
But people would lose more money in the long run.
Some of the people behind the support of this irrational so called war are
The tobacco industry, the alcohol and distilled spirit industry ( people simply don’t drink as much, or decide not to drink at all with cannabis meaning a decline in there sales.
The pharmaceutical corporations can not make money on whole or raw cannabis, but they can charge an arm and a leg for there synthetic Marinol (dronabinol) CIII.

The textile and paper industry would lose out from hemp production, sinse hemp dose not need to go through all the various processes that ordinary tree products would. Also it’s possible to get two harvest in in one season.

However people don’t know the difference between industrial hemp and smokable cannabis, yet they are able to distinguish between the two in other country’s like Germany, the UK , Netherlands and even Canada, but our `DEA agents are so dumb they cant tell the difference between a stalk and a bush.

The petroleum industry would be affected, sinse almost everything that can be made from petroleum can be synthesized from hemp oil, everything from bio fuel to even plastics. If North America would use a third of it’s land for hemp production we could create enough biofuel to supply an area the size of Canada.

Now also for a moment consider how many people are incarcerated over just cannabis who are currently in the prisons and jails.
If cannabis were legalized and all inmates serving time for cannabis were freed there would be an over abundance of empty cells, and millions of guards in this country would be no longer needed.
The prison building industry would almost be obsolete ( and if all drugs were legalized that would mean even more empty cells.
So the prison system must have some means of gaining more inmates.

Not to mention other areas such as treatment centers, probation.etc

or HIDTA high intensity drug traffic areas where money is fed in to law enforcement,

(they would miss there green $$$)

Drugs , not even alcohol are the cause of the fundamental ills of society, rather than checking people for the presence of drugs, they should first test people for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

2007-03-10 09:06:57 · 8 answers · asked by davegarkie 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

8 answers

1, alcohol is a social drug
2. cannabis is not
3. cannabis is a gate way drug
4. cannabis mostly grows in 3rd world countries

make cannabis legal, whats next coke, E have zero drug laws where do you draw the line

2007-03-10 09:18:18 · answer #1 · answered by ny23456 2 · 0 3

Alcohol is a problem. However it has been proven that besides alcohol other illegal drugs do cause a lot of physical and metnal problems. Why make more things that are bad for you legal. Maybe those peopel in jail should have obeyed the law and not used. Ever thought of how much more people would not get cancer if we did not have cigarettes? Unfortunately those cannot be banned.

However I do agree on having industrial hemp cannabis. Example it is better than cotton to have hemp. But that is another story

2007-03-10 09:13:09 · answer #2 · answered by GutsiePerson 2 · 1 0

I find it difficult to believe that marijuana use would increase enough with legalization, that the liquor manufacturers are worried. Would not the paper and textile companies be able to use hemp in the existing factories? If it enabled them to produce product with less cost, they would do so.

Marijuana is illegal because it was popular with the black community in the early 1900's. It is still illegal, because of political inertia: it is easier to leave things as they are than to admit to a mistake.

The whole thing is so silly, over a weed.

2007-03-10 09:53:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think marijuana nees to be legal. We as humans have used it for at least 10,000 years. The is not ONE confirmed report of a death from marijuana. But we are aloud to smoke cigs., drink, take other legal drugs and buy on the market speed.

We have packed our prisons with marijuana users and give them the max, but let out child rapest's. There is nothing wrong with marijuana. If you look at the main reason it was made illegal, it was due to the influx of Mexicans coming to America during the depression. And the anti-marijuana commercials that was going on then was showing straight a students smoking marijuana and them killing there parents, this was at the same time cocain was legal to have, look at the history , read it and study it, there will be your answer!

2007-03-10 09:13:43 · answer #4 · answered by My Lord . 2 · 1 0

Keeping Pot Illegal is a big Money Maker, for everyone.
Just like Abortion, Stem Cell Research, Global Warming, Animal Rights, the Environment, Anti Smoking, and Anti-Unhealthy Foods.
It's all about MONEY & POWER.
These are all agendas that puts billions into peoples' and organizations' pockets.
The Democrat Party is making millions of dollars, and getting millions of votes by backing all these agendas.
Their little "di*k skinners" are into everything.

2007-03-10 09:36:47 · answer #5 · answered by wolf 6 · 0 0

Legalize All Drugs!

I think anti-legalization partisans always argue their best hopes for the current situation (which is total fiction) against their worst fears of what would happen if it were legal.

Either you own your body, or you do not. If you do own your, then you should be able to make stupid choices and turn your body into a toxic waste dump, AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. If you do not own your own body, then you are living in a state of slavery.

The "Drug War" is a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money. The dollars we spend on source country intervention, Coast Guard searches, Customs searches, law enforcement and prisons is astronomical. Now, the cost probably wouldn't be so bad if it were actually making a significant dent in the quantity of drugs available.

As long as our prisons are parolling burglers, murderers, rapists, etc., we don't need to be locking-up non-violent drug offenders.

Drugs are a demand-side problem, not a supply side problem. People don't demand drugs because they are available, rather, drugs are available because these people demand them. Economists call a drug user's demand "inelastic," meaning that they will do almost anything to get their drugs regardless of the cost. Therefore, when you restrict the supply, crime rises. Instead of knocking-over one house or convenient store to get enough money to buy drugs, they will now need to knock-over two or three.

Drugs are an underground economy that escapes the taxation system.

Drug illegalization prevents the use of industrial hemp (which has no THC). Industrial hemp is capable of having a revolutionary, anti-inflationary impact on our economy, particularly in the industries of paper, construction material, plastics, fuels, cosmetics, culinary materials, textiles and more.

Let's continue on to one of the most dangerous drugs: ALCOHOL. If alcohol were invented today, there is no way it would be deemed fit for human consumption. It does more long-term damage to the body's organs than any other drug. It is responsible for more early deaths than any other single cause in our society: heart attacks, cancers, liver diseases, pancreatic diseases, general destruction of the immune system, not to mention all of the vehicular deaths.

Have you ever heard of a stoner or a heroin addict beating the #e!! out of his wife and kids? Perhaps once or twice, but this is common among alcoholics.

Alcoholics have done more damage throughout history than any other class of people. Here's a very small list: Alexander the Great, Joseph Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Henry VIII, Huey P. Long, Kim Jong Il, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, John Wilkes Booth and Capt. Joseph Hazelwood (Exxon Valdez), among many others. Serial Killers like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, John Wayne Gacy, Henry Lee Lucas and O.J. Simpson, among many others. Traitors like Kim Philby, Donald MacLean, Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Andrew Daulton Lee, Christopher Boyce, Edwin Wilson, Clayton Longtree, Phillip Agee, Glenn Souther and Robert Lee Johnson, among many others.

It is well-documented how alcoholism has killed, ruined and affected the lives of slews of writers such as Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, Thomas Wolfe, Stephen King, E.E. Cummings, Truman Capote, Jack London, Tennessee Williams, O. Henry, John Cheever, Irwin Shaw, Elmore Leonard, Ambrose Bierce, Theodore Dreiser, Hart Crane, Stephen Crane, Upton Sinclair, James Agee, Raymond Chandler, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dashiell Hammet,t, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Helman, whew, I could go on and on.

Think of all of the lives of unfamiliar names that have been destroyed by alcohol. Millions and Millions. Not just the alcoholics, but their entire families, as well.

For other drugs, particularly cannibis, to be illegal while alcohol remains legal almost rises to the level of an outrage. The only drugs that are more dangerous than alcohol are inhalents and crystal meth.

Another thing: to the guy who says marijuana is a gateway drug: how about alcohol? Most drug addicts started with alcohol. How about nicotine?

By the way, I don't put any drugs, not even caffeine, in my body. I think just about anyone who does is a mental midget.

2007-03-10 11:37:58 · answer #6 · answered by Jesus Jones 4 · 1 0

Criminalization of cannabis is really hurting our society. Oh the things we could do.

2007-03-10 09:12:14 · answer #7 · answered by healthyleeroy 3 · 1 0

I completely agree, the ignorance of society is dumbfounding

2007-03-10 09:26:24 · answer #8 · answered by Hippie Flip 1 · 0 0

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