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Politics & Government - 2 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

should I be specific with dates of fees having been paid, court dates, phone calls made and not responded to, etc. And if it goes so far as to file a grievance and ask for a new attorney to handle my case, will I have to pay their fee as well? Should I proceed with filling out the grievance investigation form, or just write the letter and wait 10 days to see what her actions will be first?

2007-03-02 12:26:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Is it because slick willie sent them there and it is OK for U.S. servicemen and women to fight and die there. And when are they coming home? and why hasnt the U.S. media reported on this subject? I Guess this war was O.K!!! Its only been 10 or so years. Or was it because Christians were doing the killing and muslims were doing the dieing this time. Some one please explain the BIAS Between the two

2007-03-02 12:25:17 · 11 answers · asked by Sronce 3 in Politics

I find it hard to think grown men ages 27 & 33 would do something this foolish. Do you think they will get jail time for this?


2007-03-02 12:25:16 · 4 answers · asked by Wake up with the KING 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I know it's a silly question, but it's a big deal to me. i'm wondering if you can be a vegetarian in the army. I will be joining under the ranger contract maybe this fall. i thought those of you who have recently served or are serving in the army could help me out, especially if you're a ranger.

2007-03-02 12:25:13 · 5 answers · asked by sam 2 in Military

Now, granted, the military isn't for everyone nor do they accept everyone that attempts to enlist. Can't a person support the troops even if they aren't fighting in Iraq? To me, this is one of the most disturbing statements I constantly hear from liberals. Either you fight in Iraq, or you burn the American flag and spit on soldiers. You have two choices according to them. Where did this type of hatred for our military come from?

2007-03-02 12:23:52 · 14 answers · asked by Matt 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I have a two-year-old son who is literitly my heart and since the day he was born I have never been away from him more than a day. Now all of a sudden the two x-men in my life that could be his father want custody. As far as I'm concerned neither one of them deserve the privilege to meet my son let alone share custody of him with me. I want to try to get legal custody without having them aware of it but every form I get wants me to name the father or "the Respondent" is there any way to gain custody of my son avoiding that part? Please help!!
-- A desperate Mother

2007-03-02 12:20:40 · 9 answers · asked by sleepingangel1917 1 in Law & Ethics

who in here is actually going to start paying for their carbon emissions? im not only NOT going to, but ill probably consider growing trees that i can cut down and burn, or spill toxic waste on. and then laugh. ill really laugh when 5 years from now it will be cooler. then treehuggers will claim responsibility for it.

2007-03-02 12:20:24 · 7 answers · asked by j 1 in Politics

In Ohio, do adults PERSONALLY get punishments and minors personally get punishments?
or does everyone gets the same punishments?

2007-03-02 12:20:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

popularity , over dedication to keeping America secure ?

2007-03-02 12:18:15 · 7 answers · asked by missmayzie 7 in Elections

My fiance and I were broadsided as we were turning left on a yellow light. The man that hit us was traveling at approx. 70-80 mph. I noticed him at about 5-6 car lengths back and he covered the space in about 1-2 seconds.
To make things even more difficult, we have been struggling financially, and had let our insurance lapse. There are many more details to explain it much better.
We need to get an attorney very badly!! We have tried calling several , but no one wants to take the case.

2007-03-02 12:18:14 · 4 answers · asked by Ravyn 2 in Law & Ethics

Would you vote for an immoral person for political office?
EVERYONE makes mistakes. I'm talking a serial adulterer or as in the case of MY Governor (D - WI)- he can be... and WAS "bought" many times.

2007-03-02 12:18:03 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if you won mega millions, does Ca state law allow for a blind trust to accept the prize to retain anonymity ?

2007-03-02 12:17:21 · 1 answers · asked by winleychase 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-02 12:15:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I tell you what, I don't understand these liberals trying to take over America and trying to make medicine cheaper for people to buy. This is not Canada or Europe!

We have a perfect system set up. Lot's of places give health insurance to workers so they can afford the medicine.

The people who can't afford it are whiners that need better jobs.

If you don't like it, then you can get out of America!


The liberals want to tax us because they think we are too stupid to spend our money the right way.

I tell you what, that doesn't fly with me. Move to France, communists!


2007-03-02 12:14:44 · 17 answers · asked by Git r' done 1 in Politics

if u ask me i wont
join it but do favors 4 them 4 my lifes sake

2007-03-02 12:13:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Or will his refusal to step down force the hands of others to remove him?

2007-03-02 12:13:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

except when it means invading your country and overthrowing your government for you, can anyone explain these contradictory views, if republicans support individiuals doing things for themselves, why did we need to install a democracy in iraq? wouldn't it have been better for the iraqis to do it themselves?

2007-03-02 12:07:58 · 18 answers · asked by Nick F 6 in Politics

I am doing an assignment on Japan, and i am having trouble locating information on this on the web. I am looking for what type of aid, financial, and military,Austraialia is giving at this time?And what is the cost of this to Australia?
I am not asking you to do my assignment for me, its just i cant find the information i need, so, any websites that you know of will be very helpful. Also if you have any facts or views, i would find that helpfull as well! Thanking you for your help,Kass.

2007-03-02 12:07:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


can someone tell me a little about this program?
can i be on the program before i go to MEPS and swear in?
like... can i sign a magic document in my recruiter's office that will put me on the DEP... and later--- i go to MEPS and swear in.. and even later go to basic?
any more info i should know?

2007-03-02 12:05:11 · 5 answers · asked by louie 4 in Military

I need help,,,It snowed about 6 inchs here last night and as I have a wood burner, I had to take the ashes out and toss them. As I was coming back inside, I stepped on the ashes and left a BIG footprint. Was that a carbon footprint??if so, can I get some kind of credit for it???

2007-03-02 12:05:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My little sister, who is 11 years old, asked me this question and I just can seem to find the right words to explain it to her in order for her to understand.

2007-03-02 12:04:48 · 12 answers · asked by emjay 4 in Law & Ethics

Pride from those who respect their country,
Insults from those who believe we can't win.
In Washington they sit back on cushioned seats.
Talking as if they know a war, they've never been in.
It's easy to see things through rose collered glasses, we can cut and run.
Leave your duty with no purpose, critcise your life and your gun.
Or as they criticise your leaders, and lay your soul to rest.
We can do it with dignity, and admit ours are the best.
I ask all here tonight for one moment for the red, white and blue.
And those fighting for your country, with hearts brave and true. olhip48

2007-03-02 12:03:27 · 9 answers · asked by olhip48 2 in Military

"With the exception of Washington Note and Financial Times, the mainstream media decided not to report Zbigniew Brzezinski’s comments that shatter the United Stator ruling class. Auditioned on February 1st, 2007 by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the former National Security Adviser read a statement the terms of which had been carefully chosen.

He indicated that : " a plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan".


2007-03-02 12:01:43 · 7 answers · asked by Agathe 5 in Government

I know that if that 1 life was my own sons,the whole F'n country could be obliterated.What do you say?

2007-03-02 12:00:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I paid $3500.00 to an attorney in Michigan to represent me in a child support matter. I live in Arkansas. My attorney appeared in court one time, in September. At that time, the motion she filed has been lost, the courts claim she never presented an order for the judge to sign, she claims that she did and the courts lost it. Nevertheless, now my case is at a stand still. When I call, if she answers, she never gives me a direct answer as to what she intends to do, or when she intends to follow up on it, or she doesn't answer, I get her voicemail, she never calls back. I have sent her e-mails, she doesn't answer. I have over $11000.00 at stake here, and future support obligations pending for my two children. What should I do, how should I handle this now to get her to finish what she started?

2007-03-02 12:00:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

19 girl looking for welfare service

2007-03-02 11:59:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

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