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Politics & Government - 15 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

From 9-11 to Iraq and now on to Iran.So many lies for the world so quickly is bound to get you in trouble,even with your own close friends.How could you have ever voted for that excuse of a man???If you did not,good for you and your crew,we can make a difference....Tom Science 4

2007-02-15 06:12:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-15 06:09:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

...even if he was far more qualified than the rest, had fantastic character, was really likable, was a humanitarian, had a PhD in ethics, was a visionary and put the well being of the nation and its people as first priority?

2007-02-15 06:09:13 · 26 answers · asked by Elwood Blues 1 in Politics

One Brit wag penned,"The only trouble with Yanks is that they are overbearing, over paid, over-sexed and over here".
That surely wasn't the general opinion, was it?

2007-02-15 06:08:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Everyhting he wrote in his pre-war speech has come to pass. check out at
"Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.
I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences.I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the middle east, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of Al Queda. I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars."-Obama

2007-02-15 06:08:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am an employee in California, our boss has threatened to put a camera in the breakroom. I have heard this is illegal in California but I am having a little trouble verifying if this is true.

One place I read:
The laws in thirteen states expressly prohibit the unauthorized installation or use of cameras in "private" places. These states include: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Utah. In these states, the installation or use of any device for photographing, observing or eavesdropping actions or audio in a "private" place without permission of those being observed or listened to is a crime punishable by law.

This idea of “expected privacy” includes areas such as bathrooms, locker rooms, changing and dressing rooms, bedrooms, and other areas where a person may expect a certain level of personal privacy.

It is worth while to point out people do change in the breakroom.

2007-02-15 06:07:46 · 12 answers · asked by dbztoad 1 in Law & Ethics

The whites are already in the minority when you add up the muslims, the blacks, the mexicans, the chinese, the vietnamese, the people from India.
What will happen to America when all these groups try to make things fit their specific culture.

2007-02-15 06:06:42 · 14 answers · asked by Lou 6 in Politics

Not to mention they are no longer on the axis of evil list. I can only imagine the house that the administration built of osama!

2007-02-15 06:05:45 · 6 answers · asked by overworkedsingleguy 2 in Politics

I just need to know what I need to do so I can move forward with my campaign. Any former campaign staff or any one who has worked on a campaign please answer with any suggestions.

2007-02-15 06:05:40 · 7 answers · asked by Richard L 2 in Elections

Pastor John Heagen from San Antonio Texas, has said that in last years, it had been more than 40 million murders in US, but known with the name of ABORTIONS instead of MURDERS. That is the origin of the big punishment US has now with the absurd war in Iraq and many other mistaques. Are you agree? US has now the biggest debt in its history, more than 3,100 young soldiers death and more than 20,000 wounded. Also now sufers the biggest divition betwen its citisens. Lets help US to be united again with the ideology accepted by all cultures: "Lets become to be all of us, Genuinely Sincere, Grateful and respectful with The One Who Gave us Life, with mother Nature and with ourselves" accepted by Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, etc. Find it complete and at no cost in the source as follows, my friends. If you like this, please send agin to your friends an to the politicians, so they may be awakened, before they make more mistakes and destroy US completely, PLEASE my dear friends. Sincerely

2007-02-15 06:05:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I can't help thinking that corruption and drug money is involved here, so I welcome a congressional investigation. I just hope they don't drag it out for years like the phony Plame fiasco. How about you ?

2007-02-15 06:04:13 · 3 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Immigration

The last time I checked, adultery and fornication have caused waaaaaay more problems for our society than gays have. Why don't you focus on the bigger problems: the vices of STRAIGHT people?

2007-02-15 06:04:02 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How about if we actually had due process in admin law? Like requiring the government to issue timely responses to filings, having a timely and meaningful appeal process, and reversing the burden on permit filings (asking for permit means you get it unless the government can show compelling reason why you shouldn't get it). For fed agencies, we should have immediate review in Federal Court and govt pays all legal fees if it loses in court. Same standard for states, but each state would have to do it severally.

I'm tired of asking permission for X, Y or Z (or, even more aptly, permission to extend the approval I already received for X, Y or Z) and having to wait until agency A or bureaucrat B feels like showing up to work to give me an answer. If they are overworked, it means we are overregulated, right?

What do you think?

2007-02-15 06:03:55 · 5 answers · asked by Captain Obvious! 3 in Politics

By the end of his Presidency he will have let about 10 million people enter the country illegally, about 3/4 of them from these countries and most of them desperately poor and among them a few million children.

The "number of children living in poverty" will have gone up about half a million by then.

But that doesn't mean Bush is causing people to BECOME poor unless he runs the economies of the countries those people CAME from (it would also require that they were middle class at some point when he began to control those economies).

If we stopped letting poor people come here there'd be about 5 million FEWER poor people and about a million and a half FEWER children living in poverty.

Let them come, kick them out - do whatever you're going to do about immigration, legal and otherwise - but STOP misrepresenting and immigration issue as an economic issue.

2007-02-15 06:03:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-15 06:03:00 · 9 answers · asked by Dewayne T 1 in Military

2007-02-15 06:01:23 · 29 answers · asked by Andre H 1 in Politics

I want to pay for everything to go to Police Academy myself, do any states allow this preferably in Georgia, SC, or Florida; I am willing to look at other states as well.?

Will I have a more likely chance of getting hired or pretty much the same? I am also taking additional courses in language, weapon training, additional law enforcement courses not provided by the academies, and advance hand to hand combat. I preferably just want to do basic beat patrol.

Basically want I am asking, with all this what am I looking at in law enforcement.

2007-02-15 06:01:20 · 13 answers · asked by glenn s 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I am tired of our country being run by the division of people on this single issue alone . No matter what politicians may do as long as they support one side or the other people seem to vote this issue .
Pro life and permitting animal research and deficit spending or pro choice and higher property taxes .
Politicians have selected which side of the fence to be on based on one issue .
I want politicians to be refrained from a stand on abortion simply so we can elect the person who can work at fixing the problems that keep people from wanting to have kids in the first place . If it was not for sex no abortions would be needed . So blaming sex for everything and what leads to it in many cases booze and drugs has divided this nation completely apart . We have the highest criminal incarceration rates in the world and spend 50,000,000,000 every year to keep them locked up . Half of them because of the war on drugs which leads to sex which causes abortion .
I get it folks no sex right .

2007-02-15 06:00:55 · 11 answers · asked by -----JAFO---- 4 in Politics

I moved into a house with my girlfriend 18 months ago and we still get letters and phone calls for the previous owner form their childrens school, banks, horse club (don't ask) my girl friend accidently opened a smear test appointment letter, we did the right thing and called the NHS to say she'd moved and yet we still get letters etc. . They didn't even leave a forwarding address!!

To top it all off, tonight I had a women on the phone (I assume it was a friend) asking to speak to the previous owner and she didn't even know she had moved!! Is there anything legally I can do (other than move house!)??

(forgot to add this in earlier, sorry)

I have already sent back mail (to the royal mail) saying not known at this address and have been doing so for the past 18 months

Should I really have to change my number, why should I take the time to change it and tell all ou friends & family just because she couldn't be bothered to tell anyone?

HELP!! - I'm going out of my mind!

2007-02-15 06:00:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

every one of us patriotic americans will cry after seeing our govt. stab our backs

2007-02-15 06:00:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-02-15 05:59:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

John Austin, the positivist who is the author of Argument A, draws up his argument attempting to show that the judge is not practicing morality when he disregards the criminal’s claim of immorality towards the death penalty. A natural law theorist would argue against this claim by identifying that although the judge is disregarding morality in this situation, there is a more important consideration the judge must make in order to promote common good. The sovereign had already posited and promulgated the punishment of that action. Being that the sovereign has the proper authority, if the judge were to demonstrate this moral argument for the reasoning, he/she would be using his own moral principle against that of the sovereign. Natural law agrees with using morality and principles; however, they do not agree with changing a law based on individual moral principles. That kind of behavior would have adverse effects because the law would then no longer carry the same amount of authority. Law stands for order, stability, and reliability. Altering it based on one person’s moral objection would be detrimental to law in and of itself. Custom is what attains the force of law. The natural law theorist would then clarify that the argument is not that morality is taken into consideration when making an actual judgment on a case; rather that the law was already posited and created with morality in mind. After it is posited by the sovereign, it is for the betterment of the common good for a judge to abide by that law, since both the criminal him/herself as well as the judge do not have proper de jure authority to object to an already posited punishment of a law.

2007-02-15 05:58:20 · 1 answers · asked by Meece 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-15 05:57:41 · 16 answers · asked by repentant sinner 4 in Politics

If a man is raped by a woman who becomes pregnant and has the child, should he have to pay child support?

2007-02-15 05:57:37 · 15 answers · asked by The Questioner 1 in Law & Ethics

resulting in his death, in the state of North Carolina? Can charges be filed against the state corrections?

2007-02-15 05:57:07 · 9 answers · asked by nowment 2 in Law & Ethics

I think this should include a requirement that each legislator must read the entire bill before voting, and all lobbyist contact & activity must be disclosed and explained in detail, as must all vote trading between legislators. No voice voting, and every vote on every bill must be explained in writing under the pains and penalties of perjury. Violation punishable by minimum 10 year prison term plus restitution.

There are too many back room deals and vote trading going on, or legislators who vote a certain way because a lobbyist wants him/her to, often without the legislator having read the bill first.

Explanations and disclosures must be made publicly available at the candidates' websites and each legislative office they maintain.

Legislators want to hold business leaders accountable for millions and billions entrusted to them. How about we hold legislators accountable for the $ TRILLIONS entrusted to them?!?

2007-02-15 05:54:40 · 6 answers · asked by Captain Obvious! 3 in Government

Joining the military and want to know a little about the job.

2007-02-15 05:53:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-02-15 05:53:38 · 6 answers · asked by benjaminmpharm 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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