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Politics & Government - 7 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

And for that matter, why wont a single Democrat stand up and tell Bush to? 90 Republicans are standing firm and telling him to pardon the 2 agents (who were arrested illegaly, and one was beaten close to death 2 days ago in jail). Its a travesty of justice!

2007-02-07 02:20:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-02-07 02:19:21 · 3 answers · asked by Jothi 1 in Military

her machine, after he was through he thought he had hung up the phone and didn't. He said a few racial slurs about her name . She has the whole thing rrecorded, is there anything that can be done? Also where would she take this matter? We are in Texas

2007-02-07 02:19:05 · 4 answers · asked by DropTopAle 2 in Law & Ethics

If your on a battle field and getting shot none of its friendly even if it is from your allies

2007-02-07 02:18:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

In my country we are having these discussion, also if you discover that the babay is coming with some serious desease would you still keep it?

2007-02-07 02:18:00 · 11 answers · asked by united we stand 3 in Law & Ethics

Those that gave a thumbs down to my proposition about lowering the voting age really missed the target.

1. Lack of Intelligence (Maturity) - Again, intelligence or maturity are not prerequisites to participating in the system. A high school drop out who is 18 years old is allowed to vote the same way an 18 year old college student is. And (again) lack of intelligence were arguments made to try and prevent giving the vote to women and African-Americans. Historically this is not an acceptable rationale.

2. Lack of Interest - Why should 16 year olds have an interest when they are not allowed to participate in the process. Lowering the voting empowers them and encourages them to learn more about issues and the civic process.

3. Taxes! - A 16 year old can get a job. His paycheck can be taxed. And yet he has no say in how that money is used. Wasn't there a country founded because of "Taxation without representation?"

Try again?

2007-02-07 02:14:57 · 12 answers · asked by Timothy B 3 in Politics

2007-02-07 02:13:42 · 9 answers · asked by pabbathi_rohit 1 in Politics

Which of these branch is best place, and best demanding (needed) job as a Firefighter? I want to work as a civilian firefighter in Department of Defense... Can anyone suggest pls. Thanks

2007-02-07 02:12:34 · 6 answers · asked by Nie 3 in Military

Leftists want to ban marriage of 3 years that do not produce a child.

Here is the article.


So now they lose on same sex marriage, throw a tantrum, and want to ruin marriage for others.

Does this prove the point that social conservatives make that any change in the definition of traditional marriage undermines the whole thing.

2007-02-07 02:11:39 · 24 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-07 02:11:33 · 17 answers · asked by Ashlin 2 in Elections

2007-02-07 02:09:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

Everything war opponents say about Iraq appears to apply there too. It's a civil war, and we shouldn't get stuck in the middle. We can't stop these ancient hatreds. It does not affect US security (this is more demonstrably true of Darfur - Iran is not next door).

Wouldn't every death - no matter who caused it - then be the US's fault, as some claim in Iraq? (Yes, one could say that the US "caused" the problems in Iraq, but the overall deaths are down from the days of Saddam's mass executions. Do we get the credit, then?)

Would every company that supplies resources for the Darfur effort be accused of "profiteering?"

Finally, should those who say we should do something there agree to enlist themselves, or keep quiet?

I'm just trying to figure out where those who oppose the mission in Iraq would ever send US troops on a "humanitarian" mission.

2007-02-07 02:08:26 · 7 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Military

My brother and I are having a little argument about this.

2007-02-07 02:08:07 · 5 answers · asked by Tricia 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-07 02:07:54 · 6 answers · asked by roberto e 1 in Military

I have an academic paper that is partially about this topic.

2007-02-07 02:03:49 · 1 answers · asked by Tricia 1 in Law & Ethics

What the hell is wrong with the people of Massachusettes? Isn't everybody sick of the Kennedy dynasty already? I mean that family's money came from bootlegging for christ's sake!

2007-02-07 02:03:14 · 29 answers · asked by Robby's Girl 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Do you list that on the application?

2007-02-07 02:01:52 · 14 answers · asked by laurie0802 2 in Law & Ethics

12 years ago I purchased for cash privatly from a neighbour a garage. I have occupied the garage continiously. I have never received any Title Deeds or any Rates Demands. The vendor has moved away and I am unable to trace him. Please can you advise my legal position ? I only have a 'hand written' receipt. Nothing else. The garage is one in block of 20 on private land. I am not sure who owns the land. It may be an housing association. Thank you. johnwebb007@hotmail.com

2007-02-07 02:01:24 · 6 answers · asked by Costaman007 1 in Law & Ethics

3 cars, 2 had alarms.

Purse/credit cards stolen from one.
Drivers license and small amount of cash from another.

5 or 6 other families in the neighborhood experienced the same thing last night (according to the cop that came by and wrote up a report.)

2007-02-07 02:01:11 · 8 answers · asked by ultra _ girl 3 in Law Enforcement & Police


2007-02-07 02:00:37 · 12 answers · asked by COblonde 3 in Government


Come on Military and Ex-Military... Sound off!

2007-02-07 02:00:36 · 16 answers · asked by Amer-I-Can 4 in Politics

Like it or not, if Roe v Wade were overturned tomorrow, all that means is that there is not a constitutional right to one, and the issue returns to the states. Several large states, like NY, NJ, California, Illinois, and others - with a very high percentage of the national population - would keep abortion legal.

And, are the pro-life forces prepared to take pregnant women into custody to prevent them from seeking abortions?

Isn't moral persuasion the way to go to reduce abortions?

2007-02-07 02:00:23 · 7 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Law & Ethics

Tony Blair has shown total contempt to the Peoples' voice, Judges are assisting Jews rob, thieve, manipulate and even steal homes of non-Jews under the protection of Extremist Organisations operating from Israel under the protection of British police, a conduct similar to which their ancestors stand accused of pursuing in 1930s Germany, Appeals Courts refuse to issues appeal cover up dishonest conduct of the judges , police are in the business of murdering and maiming ethnic immoralities who dare raise voice against such crimes, members of the parliament refuse to raise such crimes in the Commons. Only the other days a Court of Appeal judge was arrested for indecent exposure and British Judiciary has always been infested with the likes of Judge Crawford QC [Calling a black barrister ‘******’ even in an open court], Anthony Thornton [caught on camera by News of the World with his pants down with calls girls pleading for threesome and then telling a lie about it] Recorder of London Richard Gee[ Mortgage fraudster appointed judge for a nice pension and then not prosecuted allegedly for the fear that his wife will commit suicide] David Tapp [Bribery ring leader in Merseyside Crown Court]

2007-02-07 01:59:16 · 3 answers · asked by Ashok M 1 in Law & Ethics

I am one who believes that the voting age should be lowered to age 16.

If you are 16 years old you can get a job. The federal government takes income taxes and Social Security out of your paycheck but, as a 16 year old, you have no say on how that money is spent. By lowering the voting age these kids are given representation.

Further, they become more civic minded by participating in the process.

Finally it requires politicians to work harder, It's easier to market yourself to a small group of people.

Not intelligent enough? This was the same argument made by those who did not want women or blacks to vote. Further, intellectual capacity is not a requirement to vote. For example, we do not require all voters to have a high school diploma.

Not mature enough? Who here doesn't know an immature 18 year old? Who here doesn't know a mature, responsible 16 year old?

My point is, if you're gonna answer "no," give us a better reason than "gutt instinct."

2007-02-07 01:58:38 · 24 answers · asked by Timothy B 3 in Politics

2007-02-07 01:58:22 · 8 answers · asked by Dan M 2 in Government

Im the first to say it-Im embarressed to say Im from GB.Please only answer if you don`t earn more than £14.500 a year.I cant even afford my own home.I work 44hrs a week.

2007-02-07 01:57:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Okay, the supporters of the Iraqi War claim that it is a war on terror, right? At least that’s what I keep hearing over and over on Yahoo Answers. They also claim that it’s an effective action against terrorism because we haven’t seen an attack on American soil since 9-11.

First of all, there are over one billion Muslims worldwide. And even if we conservatively estimate that only ½ of 1% are Wahhabis and Jihadis—radical extremists—that translates to 5,000,000 potential terrorists willing to die for their cause throughout the world. So, while all of our resources are focused on Iraq, and our troops are wedged between a bloody civil war involving the Sunnis and Shiites, battling a handful of terrorists in the process, who’s policing terrorist activities in the rest of the world?

2007-02-07 01:57:05 · 9 answers · asked by Hemingway 4 in Politics

This is more of a statement than a question. It goes out to all my fellow brits who are jumping all over this and using it as an excuse to bash the whole of the American forces. It's a damn shame that things like this happen, but when the adrenalin is pumping you have to expect mistakes to be made, it just so happens that in war the mistakes are deadly. Those pilots probably should face some sort of inquest, but not to punish them, more so to fnd out how we can stop things like this happening again. They have to live with what they did, and that is going to be so hard for them. Anybody who thinks that they fired on friendlies and don't suffer psychologically from it is a hard hearted fool. So please fellow anglo's, please stop bashing on Americans because of this, it doesn't serve our countries or alliance, which for 70 years plus has been the greatest on earth, at all. United we stand, United we should fall. Churchill said, "Together there is nothing we can't accomplish".

2007-02-07 01:57:02 · 10 answers · asked by agincort 2 in Military

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