wow.. i've been reading a lot of questions on this u.k./ireland forum and have been shocked to see such broad hatred towards a country and it's people. You would never in a million years find a forum full of hatred towards the U.K. on any American based website. You take pot shots at our culture (or lack of as you seem to believe), our cinema (which you watch), our weight (i do believe you can find McDonalds in the U.K.) our Military (didn't seem to mind it much in the second world war), our government (as if yours is perfect? Tony Blair is less popular than Bush in your country), occupation of Iraq (you're also there), our Super Power abuse (I believe England knows a little something about this themselves.. ), our humor (mr. bean!) our vocaublary (we're not all rappers and hicks, just like you're not all chimney sweeps and butlers).... the list goes on and on. The truth is we could make as many insulting claims about the U.K.... (i won't mention them out of respect). On the contrary, America has a holiday in which the entire country celebrates the mere existance of Ireland.. if you're british you're bound to be bought a drink at any bar your accent is heard in. We're generally kind people, we have flaws... but we're excited to meet anyone (barring the french). I'd personally like to talk to and meet all of you, let's build bridges!! find me at or email me.
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