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Politics & Government - 11 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

this is a topic for my debate class and i am really stuck. So can you just list your opinion and i would surely appreciate it.

2007-01-11 12:54:35 · 4 answers · asked by kjtownsel 1 in Elections

Halliburton provides meals Yes? Are they all already prepared meals? Do they also provide containers if fresh water for the troops?

2007-01-11 12:52:00 · 7 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Military

Fifty years ago the majority of Americans were for segregation. How drastically wrong that was.

2007-01-11 12:51:12 · 11 answers · asked by libs are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiots 1 in Politics

I was told I could get a case over with and have the offense expunged from my record sooner than I may be able to if I went through the trial process. I eas hesitant to do this, but I did not want to still be in court when I graduated college. Now I find out I was lied to. I had a witness with me when I was told this. What can I do? Thank you.

2007-01-11 12:50:56 · 6 answers · asked by dude 5 in Law & Ethics

My friend once told me that he had a friend who was in the academy and one of the arrest techniques they taught him was to walk towards and step on the suspect's foot. When you step on that suspect's foot, their normal and usual reaction would be to push you off, which the police can then charge you with "assaulting a police officer". Or something to that effect, I forgot all the details but my question is: Does the academy teach you shady techniques such as these?

2007-01-11 12:48:34 · 10 answers · asked by gqukyo 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

years of paying attorneys has run me ionto the poor house, and i am broke. legal aid leaves much to be desired...it is no secret that our child is suffering greatly from court FORCED continued contact with her abuser...i am now being repeatedly having to appear in court to face false allegations that i am intentionally keeping our child from her father, which is justified, and would actually be functional, but nonetheless, untrue. he is bent on seeing our full destruction...not to mention just plain bent. the country needs to hold judges accountable, and force their kids to visit these sickos...but that is another topic heh

2007-01-11 12:46:35 · 3 answers · asked by chilubbah 1 in Other - Politics & Government

years of paying attorneys has run me ionto the poor house, and i am broke. legal aid leaves much to be desired...it is no secret that our child is suffering greatly from court FORCED continued contact with her abuser...i am now being repeatedly having to appear in court to face false allegations that i am intentionally keeping our child from her father, which is justified, and would actually be functional, but nonetheless, untrue. he is bent on seeing our full destruction...not to mention just plain bent. the country needs to hold judges accountable, and force their kids to visit these sickos...but that is another topic heh

2007-01-11 12:46:07 · 1 answers · asked by chilubbah 1 in Law & Ethics

Just sorta a poll, would you rather be enlisted or become an officer?

2007-01-11 12:45:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I was wondering, why are all of the third world countries using only russian military vehicles and weapons? For example, they use ak-47s, rpg-7s, russian grenades, russians tanks, russian apcs, and so on. Why? I can understand that the ak-47 is cost effective, but what about the other things?

2007-01-11 12:45:29 · 6 answers · asked by Billy 1 in Military

When most people in this country have never wanted us to be an imperial power constantly invading other countries.

2007-01-11 12:45:19 · 27 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

I really want to know what you think is a fair amount the government should take, from each of the following people in income tax the following people :

John X makes 500k a year
John Y makes 75k a year
John Z makes 15K a year

I understand there are more factors, but tell me based solely on the amount they make per year.

2007-01-11 12:45:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Not getting enough from their welfare check? Running out of Fruit Loops, what is it?

2007-01-11 12:44:15 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-11 12:42:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I didn't know I just saw it on the internet today
when did he die. My friend says last night they hanged him
I feel sorry for the old man

2007-01-11 12:40:45 · 9 answers · asked by Tyler K 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Whatever happened to the fully self-sustainable Military that we used to have? Cutting off funding to such tax payer gouging entities should be next on Congresses agenda.

2007-01-11 12:39:06 · 7 answers · asked by scottyurb 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I am talking about world leaders, that don't help their country thrive. I have read that North Korea is the worst place on earth to live in as a country.

2007-01-11 12:38:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

'Arab terrorists'
crossing border
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico


This means stop all this nonsense of giving these people rights that they do not deserve. We need to make it harder for these people to come here and live. Now it seems this politician and that one are giving illegals rights they dont derserve along with refuge. This IS a crucial issue. Why are we allowing this? Isnt there something we can do to get out politicians to listen. Most Americans are for a crackdown on illegal immigration. So why wont they listen to us? This is a matter of our way of life but more importantly, national security.

2007-01-11 12:38:28 · 12 answers · asked by Bucfan 2 in Immigration

they way i see it...if you deport about 12 million people that will create a worker shortage for the "lowest paid" people in america, as the Dems put it. And where there is competition in the market place price it will automaticly change for the better of society...in this case higher wages...and please don't tell me they only do jobs americans don't want...thats just bullcrap...i know plently of poor white people who likes working in construction and farming etc...but have been driving out because illegals are cheaper and you don't have to pay a set rate determined by the government...

2007-01-11 12:37:57 · 29 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Immigration

2007-01-11 12:37:43 · 1 answers · asked by Lauren 1 in Government

2007-01-11 12:37:04 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean it's almost like it's out of a satirical novel or something. The web redefined the word Santorum for his antigay efforts, but with a name like Brownback, there really isn't a need for redefinition now is there?

2007-01-11 12:36:54 · 3 answers · asked by I'll Take That One! 4 in Politics

lets say the hypothetical company is called ____ ____ ____ LLC and I want to get a trademark. Should I trademark just the
" ____ _____ ____" or the "___ ____ ____ LLC"

2007-01-11 12:36:29 · 3 answers · asked by Chris M 2 in Law & Ethics

Now they want us to withdraw from Iraq.

They don't want to win the war. Why do so called Americans(liberals) want other Americans to lose and die?

2007-01-11 12:36:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am in the Army and I just got back from a tour in Iraq. We asked for more troops then and we were ignored (my guess was because it was election season). Now, we are getting the extra troops and the Congress wants to play games with the money. What is up with this?

2007-01-11 12:34:40 · 6 answers · asked by Damn Good Dawg 3 in Military

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