to anyone who has volunteered for the IDF from abroad, i have some issues here. please help me.
ok, i am a college student 18 years old. i would like to serve but seriously, i don't know what consequences it will bring from interrupting school. what happens when i stop school and go to israel -can i come back and continue my studies? when should i go so that it could LEAST interfere with my studies? that is problem number 1-school! but also, my other question is, i heard that girls cannot volunteer over the age of 20. is this true-can i go later, say, mid 20's?? i would be more stable than now i find, being older, etc. (not that israelis have that chance lol). so ya pretty much that is it. hope you can help me. it's a big life decision and i want to make it memorable if indeed i do end up going. oh, now i remember. last question, if i don;t actually serve, can i graduate from college here (canada),complete my studies and go to israel's army and use my profession in the army? (psych
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