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Fifty years ago the majority of Americans were for segregation. How drastically wrong that was.

2007-01-11 12:51:12 · 11 answers · asked by libs are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiots 1 in Politics & Government Politics

11 answers

No it doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're in the majority.

2007-01-11 12:55:44 · answer #1 · answered by Lily VonSchtupp 3 · 6 0

Let me pose a rhetorical question: was anti-black feelings right? We've seen in the past, the majority of America has done wrong. Non-women Suffrage, anti-black feelings, destruction of the U.S.'s native people. The majority has been wrong, and the ability for the U.S. to recognize and accept that we've done stupid stuff is just as good as "being" right.

So in short, NO, being in the majority is NOT right. Although it will pass laws in Congress. ;)

2007-01-11 12:58:12 · answer #2 · answered by The Savage Jaw 3 · 0 1

The majority is not always correct. The majority of Germans supported Hitler, the majority of men believed women should not vote when this country was founded, etc etc etc

2007-01-11 12:55:05 · answer #3 · answered by angihorn2006 4 · 3 0

How many of our fellow citizens were told to get on their knees and obey and not question or doubt authority (= church) since they could speak?

Majority? Yes, the majority of us can't or don't or won't think rationally but are leaving it all up to...God? The government?

2007-01-11 13:03:44 · answer #4 · answered by justagirl33552 4 · 0 0

No the Majority is not always right. That is why we have the Bill of Rights, Seperation of Powers and a Bicameral legislature.

2007-01-11 12:56:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

YOU are so correct!!! All you have to do is look back to last term with a republican control congress and White House to see the mistakes and realize the Majority is not right!

2007-01-11 12:58:58 · answer #6 · answered by wondermom 6 · 0 1

Hardly, and as history has demonstrated, it is unlikely that the majority is right. Because right, is not always right for everyone. Think for yourself.

2007-01-12 04:59:54 · answer #7 · answered by kwh_ca 2 · 0 0

Neither party is totally right.. the true answer lies somewhere in the middle... That is what we should all focus on.

2007-01-11 12:55:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Just because "group think" exists, doesn't mean it's all the right thought :-)

2007-01-11 12:54:30 · answer #9 · answered by Honesty given here! 4 · 0 2

Of course not.

2007-01-11 12:57:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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