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Politics & Government - 4 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Doesn't this somehow subvert the democratic process. If we as people vote for certian taxes why should someone spend those taxes trying to get them lowered and then write it off?

2007-01-04 19:58:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-04 19:57:38 · 17 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-04 19:56:54 · 19 answers · asked by ctbian 2 in Military

If Iran's leaders are as fanatical as they appear to be they are clearly too dangerous to be allowed to continue their nuclear development.
As Iran is a large country with substantial military resources is there any other course of effective action that can be taken against them other than a nuclear attack?

2007-01-04 19:56:50 · 14 answers · asked by Barrie G 3 in Military

Of course we can't just leave; we need to help pick up the broken pieces we created. What should our primary objective be in Iraq?

Does anyone have any speculation as to what Bush's new plan is that he will be releasing in a few days? Will he follow the Iraq study groups reccomendations?

2007-01-04 19:55:59 · 8 answers · asked by Jordan H 2 in Politics

2007-01-04 19:52:46 · 10 answers · asked by the llama 1 in Military

If anyone is in favour of capital punishment shouldn't they witness the actual death of a convicted person in order that they can truly see the whole process and truly get to know what is involved. So may people, myself included, are in favour of the death penalty for heinous crimes but are ignorant as to how it affects everyone.

2007-01-04 19:49:59 · 9 answers · asked by Barrie G 3 in Law & Ethics

They got to Pentagon and flying schools and toured the White House and govt escorted family out news said. They are in at least 40 states and pres of Iran said he has key informers in US. He is serious about his call from 'allah' in that for his task to prepare the world for their 'Mahdi' there must be a all (radical) Islam world with big chaos & bloodshed, We are on the list as he's said like it or not and I'm sure he knows we'll be like putty in his hands(the aclfu will back him). I don't know why we the great USA is taking threats, warnings intentions from someone who can. What's the difference between now & Hiroshima danger? Also for much more facts see 'NewWorldOrder,Index;HardTruth/Wake-Up America'.

2007-01-04 19:47:20 · 7 answers · asked by spareo1 4 in Military

im a canadian-american and i love both countries dearly. but i was just wondering what would happen if canada and the united states got into a war?

i know many americans would jump and sayy "of sourse teh US would win" but if you think about it.. can they? i mean if canada and the US fought over.. lets say border disputes.. would canada acquire world sympathy espceially from europe? and get help from foreign countries?

and idk. at the moment, the United States can barely take control of Iraq.. just my opinion.

so. whats your take?
Canada vs the US over.. an imaginary border disputes.

and i know i higly doubt the US and Canada will ever get into a war again for teh next 100 or so years.

but just an interesting question to ask.

any feedback?

2007-01-04 19:46:07 · 14 answers · asked by matthewandrew 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I am asking only one question and that is WHY HANG AND KILL ONLY SADDAM!!!
Indian King Ashoka killed thousands of people but was not hanged. Almost all the kings killed thousands of people but almost all the kings were not hanged. Almost all the World leaders have killed many people but the leaders have not been hanged and killed. Which leader has not killed anybody. George W Bush and the almost all the American Presidents have killed thousands of people but none of the American Presidents have been hanged or killed. All the Indian kings have killed thousands of people but none of them was hanged. But as for as Saddam is concerned he did not go to USA and killed any USA people. When this is so, hanging him is it right!!! I look forward to your replies.

2007-01-04 19:45:39 · 14 answers · asked by Indian wizard 2 in Military

The tide of change has taken on a relentlessness that it is impossible to reverse. No prospective Government has any plan to change the way things have become. It matters not for whom we vote in the next election, things can only get worse (or better if you are non-English). Proper England has gone for ever except in the shires, and they won't be able to hold out for ever.

Should we not have a party which encourages mass emigration to countries which respect the rights of the indigenous population.

(I DO realise that the English would become of a similar status to the immigrants they would be getting away from - however, there are countries like Australia and New Zealand who (a) need more people to ensure that the country works and (b) are currently getting most of their immigrants from Asia instead of England (which they would by far prefer).

2007-01-04 19:45:22 · 25 answers · asked by Essex Ron 5 in Immigration

I'm all for it; I want to see what others think.

2007-01-04 19:43:53 · 17 answers · asked by Jordan H 2 in Politics

I am pregnant, and my husband only has two more weeks in the military so we will soon be out of medical insurance. I know Cobra is set up for corporate employees... is there anything set up for ex-military or do we have to find a company like BCBS to give us personal medical insurance?

2007-01-04 19:35:56 · 6 answers · asked by your.love.is.amazing 2 in Military

2007-01-04 19:31:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-01-04 19:28:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

This is for Cultural Diversity College Class.

2007-01-04 19:26:21 · 1 answers · asked by Michelle_204 2 in Immigration

Apparently, aside from the bi-partisan tension in politics today, most Americans- whether conservative or liberal, would agree Saddam was bad and the heinous crimes he committed were awful. But why did his execution go so wrong, providing no real closure while further fueling the mideast crisis? His demise should have united Iraqis while it really escalated tensions. Is this a sign of hopelessness, or will history someday show that justice prevails?
Put aside your political bias and give an educated opinion...

2007-01-04 19:25:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i just moved here from california about 3 weeks ago this is my first ticket ..i believe i was stopped unfaily but if i have no choice what can i do so that i dont get points on my license, i work installing Dish network and i am about to apply for jobs here in texas and a clean record is a big deal...and until today i had a good one. please respond

2007-01-04 19:22:32 · 11 answers · asked by bignan81 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

fault for this war, What should i do?

If U.S.A Invades Iran, and syria like it did Iraq and afganistan, In order to provole WW3.

What should i do since its my govt at fault?

I would refuse to fight and say its frudulent, what would u do?

2007-01-04 19:05:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

To make a long story as short as I can...... My 16 year old son was molested by a deputy Sheriff that my husband worked with. (He also is a deputy.)He was arrested and is serving a small amount of time in jail. The Sheriff called the jail that this deputy was being sent to an asked that Sheriff if he would look after his deputy because he made a little mistake. That is not the only thing that ticked me off. My son has been seing a doctor for seizures that did not appear until this sexual crime happend. Not once has the Sheriff asked me or my husband how we, or my son is doing. But he has came to my husband 3 times and all he has asked is that my son give back a game that the other deputies daughter said he had. (Which he does not have) Isn't this harassment? I am alone on this because my husband will not help me in fear of losing his job, and everyone else is this darn community don't want to help me because it involves the Sheriff. What are my rights? Someone please help me!!!!!

2007-01-04 19:04:03 · 13 answers · asked by butterfly 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

fault for this war, What should i do?

If U.S.A Invades Iran, and syria like it did Iraq and afganistan, In order to provole WW3.

What should i do since its my govt at fault?

I would refuse to fight and say its frudulent, what would u do?

2007-01-04 19:03:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

is being an empolyee at a retail store considered a "Public Employee?" give examples

2007-01-04 19:03:20 · 7 answers · asked by Randy A 1 in Law & Ethics

As in if 100 people without weapons were running at you from a mile away what could wipe all of them out ( no chemical anythings, things like a shotgun but more high tech)

2007-01-04 19:00:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My son wants to join the navy i would rather see him go to college then join the military but i am proud of him for wanting to do this my questions are how is the navy life?, will he be sent to a war zone or will he be on a ship? he wants to do aviation mechanic i just want him to be safe all parents want there kids to be safe he says that he wants to help his country...and me,my wife, and his little brothers are very proud of having a son like this

2007-01-04 18:57:53 · 8 answers · asked by leo 1 in Military

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