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Politics & Government - 2 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am a conservative and have been reading a liberal book in which the author has said something that sparked my interest. He says that even though there was no "left" or "right" wings in the days before the Revolutionary War, it was the more liberal men who were the ones that brought about the war and also the Declaration of Independence. Is this a true fact, or is it just a speculative opinion brought on by his political ideals? Just curious as to what people think.

2007-01-02 23:56:19 · 11 answers · asked by deftonehead778 4 in Other - Politics & Government

So-called terrorists have certain demands they want the USA to fullfill. Untill the demands are fullfilled there always will be terrorists in the Middle East. America has its own interests in the Middle East too. The name for those interests is OIL. Thats it. Probably only 5 years old cannot understand this. What make me sad is that they call it war for a democracy. Please those who do not agree with me explain me why

2007-01-02 23:55:58 · 15 answers · asked by Lion 1 in Politics

we're doing a class debate and we need some ideas on some new laws. it could be about anything but something i can back up with some type of arguement. any ideas would be great! thanks

2007-01-02 23:53:26 · 11 answers · asked by mandaaaaaaa 1 in Law & Ethics

I saw a news article of a Brazilian program (i'm brazilian) speaking that 9 of 10 ballots of euro have cocaine residues! how nonsense! is it truth?

2007-01-02 23:52:12 · 3 answers · asked by Gabriel m 2 in Law & Ethics

if not does the active duty army still use it ?or the marines ?

2007-01-02 23:52:04 · 5 answers · asked by James K 1 in Military

Using this quote as the basis "In the summer of 1974, America didn't need a philosopher king, or a warrior prince, an aloof aristocrat, a populist firebrand."
Well then what do we need? Since before 1974 the issues have remained the same. ie:
Dependence on foreign oil, wars or Secret military operations with little foresight on the outcome, The class pay gap, Immigration Issues, enviornmental issues etc...
We have then run the gauntlet on these personalities we elect in office, and yet nothing actually gets done! Sure, we may delay the inevitable, but no concrete solutions have been found.
Im talking all of our Presidents, both Left and Right wing.
Your take?

2007-01-02 23:50:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I purchased a 1 month season ticket for a regular commute and after 2 weeks I learnt that they were closing the line and cancelling ALL trains for engineering works. I wrote to the train company (First Great Western) asking for a partial refund but they refused stating it was my responsibility to check for engineering works.

I couldnt get to the ticket issuing office to get the refund in person... because the trains were cancelled!!!

2007-01-02 23:49:52 · 5 answers · asked by Robin the Electrocuted 5 in Law & Ethics

He tore the president a new one! It lasted about 15 minutes and he talked about how Bush couldn't admit defeat in Iraq and was willing to SACRIFACE more troops as last ditch effort to save face. He also didn't let the democrats off easy either; especially the ones who supports the president in all his war efforts because of political reasons.

2007-01-02 23:46:37 · 6 answers · asked by jswnwv 3 in Military

2007-01-02 23:44:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-01-02 23:35:06 · 7 answers · asked by kissmy 4 in Other - Politics & Government

i recently violated again for the same reason and i have court on thursday. does anyone know what might happen to me? i am on probation for Tampering with governmental record(food stamp fraud) it is deferred adjucation

2007-01-02 23:31:41 · 6 answers · asked by voluntative 2 in Law & Ethics

i've been a little naughty today!

2007-01-02 23:24:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

A guy who lives across from me with his parents has a van which he parks outside my house (on opposite side of road) making it very hard for me to get out of my drive. He is also parked on a bus stop and his van is 1 of 4 the family own (2 vans on his drive, the problem van and the family car parked in the road outside his house. Note the van is a rust bucket N reg and is an eyesore. Incidently the problem van is parked 20 metres from his house so he cant see the bleedin thing.. yet I can...Help.

2007-01-02 23:17:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-02 23:16:15 · 1 answers · asked by bun yong r 1 in Elections

Again please, we need some more fear here. According to the news this time last year I should have had bird flu by now.

2007-01-02 23:12:50 · 6 answers · asked by eonquest 2 in Other - Politics & Government

thanks ..........oh yeah i prefer video but anything will do.

2007-01-02 23:10:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

that's where im from:p

2007-01-02 23:09:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

Anyone or group which kills innocent people for a forced cause?

Any one or group which kills all americans and only americans?

Anyone or group kills all christians/hindus and some other religions?

Anyone or group kills or stage coups of american freinds?

Anyone or group which fight for a specific cause say seprate homeland etc like LTTE in Srilanka?

Any muslim kiling others in the name of Jihad?

Any Communist ?

Any unfriendly government towards American foreign policy?

If the answer is yes to all, please explain in your own understanding, what would the world can expect from USA the world policeman up to and what is the next country. Please note I am unbiased and neither support nor against US foreign policy. I expect this world police to bring in democracy and its values in other brutal non democratic countries like Burma, Srilanka etc. Would USA deliver in the years to come?

2007-01-02 23:08:20 · 13 answers · asked by Loganathan Raja Rajun R 3 in Politics

"Migrants to the UK bring valuable skills and ideas with them and help to fill job vacancies where Britons are unable or unwilling to do so."Their taxes help pay for our public services and our pensions, long after many migrants have returned home." Quote from ITN.

What do you think? In my area I see organised criminal gangs who have travelled here on false passports and with fake id's have managed to fraudulantly acquire mortgages - install all their gang members and turn a brand new development into a crime ridden, unsociable lawless area in 6 months. I can't see that they are contributing anything positive at all, either financially, economically or socially. Unfortunately what I see and experience is the destruction of a community, and I can see it in other areas of London too, it's not a race issue, it's attitude and many come here to commit crime. Some cultures are clearly more driven to be successful, honest and hard working than others - what is your experience?

2007-01-02 23:06:35 · 33 answers · asked by Boo 3 in Immigration

2007-01-02 22:59:43 · 10 answers · asked by strange 1 in Law & Ethics

I have seen ghosts at disney world and I think it is time for Mohammad to return with a message for his people .
We need special effects warriors to create a holographic Image of the dead leader in order to give these wacko's a new message is all .

2007-01-02 22:53:05 · 9 answers · asked by -----JAFO---- 4 in Politics

"Surrender" will not be a sufficient answer, libs.

2007-01-02 22:51:25 · 19 answers · asked by Gary 2 in Politics

because of their hatred for bush? Do you truly feel bad for the loss of a human life or are you in conflict over the obvious justice carried out and your feelings towards capital punishmen? where's the injustice? leaving saddam to rot in jail to be taken out and beaten everyday for the rest of his life, or sparring him the torture and getting it over with?

2007-01-02 22:50:55 · 21 answers · asked by alex l 5 in Politics

when america was attacked in 9/11, one of osama bin ladens messages was that "america is the biggest terrorist in the world". when britain was attacked on 7th july 05, the terrorists said that the terrorism would continue until brits stopped attacking muslims. considering this, i wonder why we continue to get involved with countries that dont actually concern us (such as iraq.) why havent we learnt from past mistakes such as vietnam? and who are we to say that democracy is right? why do we have the right to force our beliefs on other countries? iraqis dont want democracy. it just seems to me that a lot of the problems caused today are rooted in the west's over-involvement. and for those of you who say we are helping or liberating people.. where were our caring governments during the genocide in rwanda, for example? it seems like if you get involved in things that dont concern you, you get more bad than good. the statistics for troops dying in iraq arent good.
all answers welcome

2007-01-02 22:42:29 · 29 answers · asked by john9999999 3 in Politics

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