For one thing, revenge: Saddam tried to have his father assasinated. Its way more complicated than that, but the motivation was definitely there.
2007-01-02 22:46:43
answer #1
answered by Paul H 6
First of all I'm impressed with many of the other answers to your question. I expected to see a lot of Bush bashing and mindless flag waving, but several of the answers look well thought out. Here is mine.
9/11 gave Bush and his close advisers a chance to do some things. I believe one of his goals from the beginning of his presidency, was the removal of Saddam. I believe there were many reasons for this. One he believed Saddam was a real threat. Everyone thought he had WMD's. Apparently everyone was wrong. Two, the U.S. is so dependent on oil that a stable middle east is a national security goal. I also think he has a few crazies in his corner who think they are helping God by speeding up the apocalypse. I think that some of his military advisers believed that invading Iraq would for force Al'quida to fight there. Which meant it would drain their resources. Basically they were envisioning a 21st army sweeping in and winning a 20th century battle. Problem is the bad guys are fighting a 21st century war. Al'quida is better than us at public and media relations and that is why they are winning. It's to bad we didn't do this right. Iraq would have made a great Muslim Democracy.
On a side note, you beat terrorists like you beat any army. You cut off their resourses. Terrorism is fed by very well to do zelots and the deperate masses. Send your cops after the well to do, but the only way to stop the masses, is to make them less desperate. Most people who see a future for their family and loved ones will not walk into a crowd of their enemies with an exlosive strap on. They will get a job and send their kids to school. They'll pay taxes and respect the laws of their land. Helping (not converting) the deprived masses of the middle east will do more to stabalize it than bombing terrorists.
2007-01-03 09:56:30
answer #2
answered by Lew 4
Many people have many reasons. He claimed it was because Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction", or WMDs, and Iraq was harboring the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The reasoning was because the U.S. had declared a "war on terror." However, the Iraq war is turning out to be a huge mistake, destroying the credibility of the U.S. overseas, lowering Bush's popularity, and losing Republican control of Congress.
Bush now says it is because Saddam Hussein was a dictator, and Bush wants to "spread democracy," ignoring the fact that over 3000 soldiers have died.
Another popular theory is that Bush 43 wanted to "carry the work" of his father, Bush 41 and remove Saddam from power. Other conspiracy theories are that the oil was a powerful motivator, as well as Vice President Cheney's success with Haliburton.
Either way, the Iraq War is turning out to be a huge drain on American resources, including lives of brave soldiers and our tax dollars, while American education systems and Social Security programs are being ignored.
2007-01-03 07:08:20
answer #3
answered by answering machine 2
The US invaded Iraq because it wanted to demonstrate to the rest of the world that it had the power to completely destroy a nation, at will, for whatever reasons it deemed fit. Nothing to do with oil, nothing to do with 9/11. Just a very crude demonstration in savagery and barbarism. The US has now made it blatently obvious to all other nations who runs the show. The US has now rendered international norms in self defence as enshrined in article 51 of the UN charter meaningless. We live in dangerous times, and the enemy is at home in the white house.
2007-01-03 07:29:04
answer #4
answered by dingdong 4
War on Iraq was in different ways in different eyes :
In the eyes of the World, it was for chemical weapons ;
In the eyes of US people it was for revenge for 11/9 ;
As the economy is concerned, Iraq was minting money from its oil resources which was effecting the economy of US along with economy of other nations.
2007-01-03 06:52:26
answer #5
answered by thinkpose 5
Bush is a "True Believer" who has a vision of converting the religious monarchies and theocracies of the muslim world into western style secular democracies. A Domino theory for the 21st century. The ultimate success or failure of which won't really be known for another 100 years. But that's why he won't get out! He went there to avenge the perceived insult to his fathers legacy, which resulted when his father declined to depose Saddam in the first Gulf War. Something his father never wanted him to do or has ever personally approved of.
2007-01-03 07:09:43
answer #6
answered by David E 4
Maybe because Saddam tried to kill his father, Maybe because Saddam took Kuwait by force,
Maybe because Saddam killed thousands of people a year like the Kurds
Maybe because Saddam kept saying he had weapons of mass destruction, and silly George believed him.
We didn't take the oil so that can't be it, we blew up Afghanistan over 911, so that can't be it, so maybe it was then weapons and his particular inclination to kill people in extremely large groups. Don't want us in the Middle East? Tell your little Militant friends to go home, if they do we will. As long as they run around blowing up Skyscrapers and Israeli civilians and embassies, we are going to be over there shooting your people. Stop the the Osama's and you will stop America.
2007-01-03 06:55:14
answer #7
answered by mark g 6
The war for Iraq was planned out nearly a decade before Bush took office. Wolfowitz, Perle, and several other zionists had put together the plan and had even presented it to the israeli Prime Minister for his approval during the Clinton years.
Once Dubba-yew was in place, all the neo-conmen had to do was repeat the lie over and over until Bush believed it. All that was missing was an excuse to launch Mr. Wolfowitz's War and that excuse came on 9/11/01.
It would be foolish to discount the lure of the second largest known reserve of oil, but that was only a secondary reason. The war on Iraq was for israel. Period.
2007-01-03 06:52:14
answer #8
answered by normanbormann 4
Definitely a question from a foreigner. lol It is 9/11. You know if we did not have a 9/11, I doubt we would have gone to war with Saddam. If someone were to hit you one time you may do nothing, but then the second time it may be a light slap and you will fight as you have had enough abuse.
2007-01-03 06:50:26
answer #9
answered by Big C 6
He wanna save those turban dudes from the devil dictator and emerge US as a world hero. He is an angel in disguise and US citizens followed him like meek lambs cos they believe that bush would save the world. To prove this, they voted for him again, even after his father is an ally of saddam and provided him with weapons and biochemical weapons that saddam was hanged for. So in short, the angel Bush senior placed a gun on a dictator's hand to make him look more evil n dirty, they his son killed him to make him look as if he saved the nation. That makes them americans lovey saviors! Drop 2 A bomb n emerge heroes. Hang the bastard n emerge winners! Take over the world next, we would all be happy to be americans...note the sarcasm, if u couldnt then americans are blinder than i use to think..blind as bat already, pushed around by own politicians n still holding a happy face......downright dumb..
2007-01-03 06:51:59
answer #10
answered by Christopher 3
This character has earned -27 points this week. Take a look at his/her list of (non)questions. Does he/she misspell words on purpose? There seems to be more and more of this type of 'person' in the politics and military sections. None of them deserve an answer, because their 'questions' are really just hate statements.
2007-01-03 13:17:19
answer #11
answered by TRAF 4