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Politics & Government - 3 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Which one is the greatest threat at this point?

The situation in Iraq is stabilizing, so we can move on.

2007-01-03 18:34:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The people who are calling him a traitor aren't out there fighting and don't have their fathers and sons dieing on iraqi soil!!!!! This war is IMMORAL and ILLEGAL. Some people need to wake up and smell the coffee before this could be the beginning of armageddon!!!!! We already don't have support from most countries, sooner or later we won't have any help at all. One day we're going to piss off the wrong country and face an unfortunate demise. Not long ago my brother downloaded a website of what really happened to the World Trade Center and the next day or so there was several calls from the government, and his computer (along with others he forwarded the site to), was hacked into and information deleted. Now if the government felt that they did the right thing, then what is there to hide? If the military believe that this war was legitimate, then why wasn't Watada given the oppurtunity to present his evidence and witnesses? Start being aware of the world around you before it's too late

2007-01-03 18:34:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The Alien Registration Act (also known as the Smith Act) was passed by Congress on 29th June, 1940, made it illegal for anyone in the United States to advocate, abet, or teach the desirability of overthrowing the government.

Communism inherently advocates the revolutionary overthrow of existing government. If you had some neighbors who you saw or heard engaging in suspected communist meetings/plots, would you do your civic duty and notify the proper autorities?

2007-01-03 18:31:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And who do you think the people with high IQs would vote for in America??? And why???

2007-01-03 18:31:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I own a condo and am renting it out in Portland, Oregon through a property management company. I signed an agreement stating that "the mgnmt co. is to maintain the property in good repair in accordance with the management plan, local codes and any other applicable laws of this state or its subdivisions. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning, painting, decorating, plumbing, carpentry, grounds care, and such other maintenance and repair as may be necessary subject to limitations imposed by owner in writing in advance. Expenses associated with maintenance and repair shall be paid out of owner's operating client trust account." "agent shall make or cause to be made ordinary and reasonable repairs, without the prior written approval of trhe owner, in an amount not to exceed $500.00, except emergency..." The mgnt co. spends so much of my money/ mo on misc. expenses. This last month was $300 for blinds and $100 for misc. repairs. What rights do I have as an owner?

2007-01-03 18:27:22 · 1 answers · asked by need help 1 in Law & Ethics

Before, Canada was often referred to by this label. Maybe now Australia is more worthy (or unworthy) of it?

2007-01-03 18:25:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i was wondering what the normal charges are for this type of asult is, which is punching a politicain in this case bein the presidednt
do you get the same amount of charges or do you pay more just because it the president?

2007-01-03 18:25:31 · 6 answers · asked by pixie7 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Battallions are divided into companies.Companies are divided into platoons'and platoons are divided into squads.What is the exact # of soldiers?

2007-01-03 18:21:00 · 7 answers · asked by Norman H 1 in Military

i really need help with this one. my government teacher assigned us to do these hearings where we researched something in the constitution and argued about it infront of some people she brought in. we had a group of four, and the fourth member crapped out on us and didnt do any work. the teacher said that she would kick people out of groups if they didnt work. it was a bluff, she didnt want to do kick her out. so we presented with her anyway, and she didnt say much of anything at all. i needed a B to get a B for the semester and my stupid teacher gave our group a C.
im workin on a way to prove our case and get the few points to get the grade, but any suggestions would be very helpful!!!

2007-01-03 18:20:13 · 2 answers · asked by Runningtom 2 in Law & Ethics

if they did we would all be rich and happy.

2007-01-03 18:16:54 · 24 answers · asked by wildwildannie 2 in Government

2007-01-03 18:16:38 · 10 answers · asked by old dick withers 3 in Law & Ethics

would Saddam real execution air on us tv not the camera phone execution?

2007-01-03 18:15:15 · 11 answers · asked by chulita_tx 1 in Politics

please answer correctly, im trying to get my citizenship and i need a right answer

2007-01-03 18:12:05 · 11 answers · asked by stephanie b 1 in Immigration

will they go back to "war on terror II"and install sunni puppet regimes ??

2007-01-03 18:11:44 · 4 answers · asked by heil bushler 1 in Politics

Where is the average libertarian on the political scale? Left? Right?
What are their stances on hot issues like abortion and gay marriage? How do they handle the economy? Laissez-faire attitude? or Corporate responsibility? or etc...

2007-01-03 18:08:23 · 11 answers · asked by The Riddler 3 in Politics

Would you ever/have you written your congressman, Senator, or gov to ask that they take action to address the issue?

2007-01-03 18:01:39 · 27 answers · asked by D.A.L. 2 in Politics

Don't u think Saddum got the right to an international court.. i mean he is a prison of war.. so he got the right for this and he is a prisoner of war and if they want to executed him it should but by shut gun not hanging....... what do u think peope?

2007-01-03 18:01:31 · 15 answers · asked by ra7eel_2005 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Even though you haven't had to pay regular federal taxes?

2007-01-03 18:01:28 · 5 answers · asked by jessiehenn 1 in Military

I heard about this on Lou Dobbs' show on CNN tonight. Apparently all Pres. Bush has to do is sign the bill into law and then illegals can and will qualify for SSI benefits! It took my mom 6 years and countless tries to get her benefits. There damn sure won't be any SSI for my generation and now this!

2007-01-03 17:54:18 · 22 answers · asked by Julia B 6 in Immigration

I am 18 years old graduated high school and i am really interested in joining the navy. i wanted to know if the navy get sent to iraq, afghanistan etc. because i have been reading some things that they do get sent over seas and do fight or is that lies? either way im still going to join, and also my parents dont want me to join they keep telling me that im crazy what can i tell them so they can back off?

2007-01-03 17:45:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I just wanted a link to provide evidence supporting a fantastic claim I read here on Y! answers...a claim so outrageous that no reasonable person could take it at face value. Someone said that Rush and Hannity have EVIDENCE to back up their daily diatribes; can this be true?

2007-01-03 17:43:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

First Lt. Ehren Watada, a 28-year-old Hawaii native, is the first commissioned officer in the U.S. to publicly refuse deployment to Iraq. He announced last June his decision not to deploy on the grounds the war is illegal.
Have a look here first:

2007-01-03 17:43:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

There is a fashist elite of the Shona tribe (within Zanu-pf) that makes Hitler look like a sunday shcool teacher.

Under the dictator Robert Mugabe's covert agenda the white population living there have been reduced from 270,000 to 10,000 in less than half a generation after reconciliation was a policy.
Some 20,000 blacks of the Ndebele tribe (20% of the populatuion) were killed on the orders of the dictator with the bayoneting in public of pregnant women in villages being the order of the day.
This same president sits in The United Nations when he should be going to The Hague.
America could have helped by documenting and presenting to the U.N. the hundreds of thousands of stories of barbarism that have occured there after 1980 when that country last had democratic elections.

2007-01-03 17:41:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

correspondance courses for studying law at home or online?

2007-01-03 17:38:08 · 5 answers · asked by rascoe627 1 in Law & Ethics

I DO NOT BELIEVE there are this many Bush supporters. You can't find them in real life, just online, on Yahoo Answers.

Think about that.....those of you who are not paid to be here and show support for Bush. And yes, this is a QUESTION as the question is in the title of this QUESTION.

2007-01-03 17:36:57 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

the US Government can't allow Watada to set an example for the rest the people in the US military.

Imagine if 1/2 of the US soldiers in Iraq decided to quit because they all felt that the Iraq war was illegal too....

Imagine what China and Russia would think of the US

I live in the USA and I want the USA to be #1

I did called the US army after the USA attack Iraq but was too old to enlist. I would had stay and finish the job even if I found out that the whole fu-cken Iraq war was fake

Neoconservatives did a fine job on all Americans = Fat Cattle's

2007-01-03 17:34:36 · 11 answers · asked by mr america 2 in Politics

up for misleading the public, and if so would you support a petition to send him to trial?

2007-01-03 17:33:11 · 17 answers · asked by rascoe627 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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