There have been several of you who have answered...and you KNOW who you are...who seem to think I was implying that my son is ANY better than anyone else's. I NEVER implied that. And you will see that if you will REREAD my original question, because you mistakenly assumed (and you know what assuming does) that was my implication.
People DO NOT come here to be ridiculed. People come here for quick answers to a pressing question. I ONLY came here for an answer to my question, not to be insulted. Shame on you. Of course my son is VERY special to me...maybe even more special because he is my ONLY child. EVERYONE should feel as I do for their children. I asked the question for information, but more than that, out of concern for his welfare.
So, my question NOW is...what makes people so mean? Is it just because they can be, because this is SO anonymous a forum? If that is what your reasoning is, well......need I say more?????
15 answers
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