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Politics & Government - 3 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

People cannot be controlled all at once. It must be done incrementally. How soon will the Feds require us to show papers to travel to another state?

2007-01-03 19:57:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

recently bought a used Corolla at a Toyota dealership, I have yet to pick it up. Over the phone we were told a bunch of BS which turned out to be false once we saw the car (it had more mileage, was NOT certified etc..). So, through negotiations, we were able to get 14K "out the door" and an additional bumber to bumper warranty for 36K miles at NO COST.

Through financing, our rate was 9% and so we were told that resulted in a monthly payment of $280/mo for 14K "out the door".

They fudged with the numbers and charged us 7.84% for 16K total claiming that they had to fudge with the contract to "get us" our exteneded warranty because it was worth $2000. He even showed us that the total interest was still the same at $4152.
Once I got home, I plugged it all into a loan calculator and found out that 14K out the door @9% was really $250/mo and, yes he was correct that $4152 interest would be paid, but he forgot to mention that increasing our total to 16K upped our principal by $2000

2007-01-03 19:55:24 · 10 answers · asked by Betsy1 1 in Law & Ethics

I am officially freaked out. There was a shooting at my old high school in Tacoma, Washington. How can we stop stuff like this from happening? WHY is it happening? And who do we blame?

2007-01-03 19:54:27 · 19 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 in Politics

My apartment complex has had people getting followed home after work and robbed at gun point. Ive seen some suspicious vehicles semi tailing her after work coming home a couple days that fits the Robbers vehicle description.
I keep a rifle and wait for her everyday so she doesnt get robbed when she parks..
What happens if they decide to hold her up and I pop a cap in the guy robbing her?

Isnt that necessary force?

I used Necessary force to win another case of felony assault against me for beating on 7 punk rockers at once, then putting 3 of them in the hospital. They started harrassing my wife, and threatening us.
It worked just fine Wouldnt it be necessary for me to cap this guy because he has a gun on my wife? I dont intend on killing him unless I have to.
A shot to the knee is my preference.
Surely im allowed to provide cover fire for my wife.
I wait for her everyday to ensure they dont follow her.
I dont see walking around the apartment parkinglot with a rifle wise

2007-01-03 19:54:01 · 5 answers · asked by red_samurai_dragon 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-03 19:51:43 · 10 answers · asked by Rizwan A 1 in Military

his hearing is in tennesse

2007-01-03 19:49:23 · 3 answers · asked by Sylvia T 1 in Law Enforcement & Police


General Abizaid resigned in opposition to a "surge" what will the others do ?

2007-01-03 19:47:50 · 8 answers · asked by Farnham the Freeholder 3 in Military

I'm talking about a border jumper(illegal alien) that comes to America and has a child. That child should not be an American citizen since the parents are illegal aliens and entered the country illegally to begin with! It also wastes tax payers money to deliver the lil bastard!

2007-01-03 19:44:49 · 12 answers · asked by Stan Darsh 4 in Immigration

Watch this 23 second video and tell me...


2007-01-03 19:43:45 · 6 answers · asked by Blue Light 1 in Politics

2007-01-03 19:42:18 · 11 answers · asked by gagandeep 1 in Politics

No.; They won't. Olllie caused too many civil wars there. Besides with supermax and all the prison shuffeling. Anybody could be facing deportment. And i guess the visas are another way to track people coming back. After all America has free borders.

2007-01-03 19:40:42 · 1 answers · asked by rosemships 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

What one hypothetical fact would it take for you to believe that the war on drugs is hurting the United States rather than helping it?

Additional Details

1 second ago
The war on drugs costs over $60 billion dollars a year
It causes 13.3 times the estimated amount of deaths that would have occured if it were legal through minor regulations
It hurts our economy and environment by not allowing the growth of industrial hemp
It has caused our prison system to contain more than 2.5 percent of Americans
It has infringed on rights protected by the bill of rights
it has caused the rate of addiction to double in comparison to the netherlands
it has limited the quality of service of medical care
the main beneficiaries of the war on drugs are Marijuana dealers because profits have risen because Marijuana prices have increased %300 percent since 1980.
Heroine in the same span of time has become over 600 times cheaper.

2007-01-03 19:38:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Only 3% work in farming.

We can live without them.

"While 3 percent of unauthorized workers are employed in agriculture, 33 percent have jobs in service industries and substantial shares can be found in construction and extractive occupations (16%) and in production, installation and repair (17%)."

Pew Hispanic Center Offers Fuller Portrait of Unauthorized Migrants

2007-01-03 19:38:23 · 13 answers · asked by member_of_bush_family 3 in Immigration

Where do you get your facts? Not from the news or the newspaper? Do you pull it outta your butthole? Everything on tv or the newspaper or published is consider the media. Do you talk to politicans directly? Or mayb you listen to friends, hmmm i wonder where your friends got the info...

2007-01-03 19:38:03 · 11 answers · asked by Aragon 1 in Politics

I am a 21 year old female that comes from an army/marine family. I want to become a police officer but do not have a strong employment background so I figured the military would be the best way to help get that. What branch should I join and why?

2007-01-03 19:35:00 · 16 answers · asked by Love always, Kortnei 6 in Military

I am looking to check on a person's birthdate.

2007-01-03 19:33:45 · 6 answers · asked by alan99lewis 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I sold or at least I thought I sold my digital camera on Amazon.co.uk. I was contacted by this yahoo email address -princesswayne12@yahoo.com - and was told to send my camera to an address in Nigeria and that payment had been made to my amazon holding account. As it was my first time selling through Amazon (I was gullable) I thought that this was genuine so I sent off my camera as instructed in a well written and disguised email which I recieved from email the address above. I have since learned that I have been a victim of Fraud and the sale is not genuine. Can something be done with this email address? i.e can Yahoo remove it from their domain and can relevant information be obtained from it to report it to relevant criminal agencies. I am just trying to make life harder for this criminal so that no other genuine people are caught out by this scam. thanks to anyone who can help or advise.

2007-01-03 19:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by Mark O 1 in Law & Ethics

Cyclists are nuisance in Singapore housing estate. Danger to children, senior citizens, pregnant women and adult too. Moreover they do cause inconvenience to motorist on the road because they basically do not follow traffic rules. PS: I do not drive.

2007-01-03 19:31:37 · 7 answers · asked by mrvoiceout 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i hear less about murdering in iraq after saddam hanging!!it is true or NOT?!!

2007-01-03 19:29:27 · 12 answers · asked by White Man 2 in Politics

Should Voting be a Right that is earned not just given? The idea occured to me that you tend to be more appreciative of things you earn. An example would be after performing X? amount of public service IE; military, civic humanitairian..etc you earn voting privaleges. What do you think?

2007-01-03 19:28:51 · 8 answers · asked by horgurce 3 in Other - Politics & Government

What one hypothetical fact would it take for you to believe that the war on drugs is hurting the United States rather than helping it?

Additional Details

1 second ago
The war on drugs costs over $60 billion dollars a year
It causes 13.3 times the estimated amount of deaths that would have occured if it were legal through minor regulations
It hurts our economy and environment by not allowing the growth of industrial hemp
It has caused our prison system to contain more than 2.5 percent of Americans
It has infringed on rights protected by the bill of rights
it has caused the rate of addiction to double in comparison to the netherlands
it has limited the quality of service of medical care
the main beneficiaries of the war on drugs are Marijuana dealers because profits have risen because Marijuana prices have increased %300 percent since 1980.
Heroine in the same span of time has become over 600 times cheaper.

2007-01-03 19:26:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Knowing the absence of WMD, the lack of clear connection between 9/11 and the very low probability to establish soon a democratic Irak without much more casualties from both side, don't you think France was right for going in Afghanistan but not in Irak ?

2007-01-03 19:24:21 · 10 answers · asked by CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkey 2 in Politics

First let me say I was against invading Iraq when it was first proposed.
I always thought we should have brought Osama and all of his generals to justice first. I don't understand why he's still at large 5 years later?
Before the first troops were deployed to Iraq didn't we have a strategy? Didn't the planners really know that Sunni and Shiite sympathizers would send insurgents to the area? Why didn't we secure the borders immediately?
Because of the failure to do that we are still there and every day more insurgents come in.
I understand the outrage by American citizens!
Does the public realize that if we leave now ... we leave Iraq wounded and bleeding. We enabled this civil war. In order to bring our troops home we are going to have to stabilize the region or just hand the country over to whichever Middle Eastern country wants it the most. Is that really the right thing to do? Is that honoring the men and women who lost their lives there? Did they die in vain?

2007-01-03 19:22:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Then why do you want them out of the country?

2007-01-03 19:22:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I have a friend that is 19 years old. We live in Kentucky. His girlfriend which is 17 years old wants them to runaway together because her parents doesnt like him because of the person he was in his past in which he has now drasticly changed himself into a much better being. She is fixing to go to the courthouse and try to terminate her parents rights, she says she heard something on the news about a year ago, and if im not mistaking I also heard, that they passed a law here to where you can get your parental rights terminated between ages of 16 and 18 years old. Her parents do verbally abuse her and threaten her alot. They are a cause of severe emotional stress and she is becoming deeply depressed. They are very controling. Is there a way that she can terminate her parents rights as a 17 year old if she has somewhere to live in which is financially supportive and beneficial? They are wanting me to help them since neither of them has internet connection. And supposubly if she cant do it, they are going to run away together. With him being 19 years old and her 17 years old what could happen if they were caught? She is legal age of consent. And if they dont get caught and hide out well enough until she were 18 years old and then return back home, what can happen? Please give me some decent answers, im trying to help give them information on this because they are very close friends and I care alot for them. Thanks!

2007-01-03 19:20:22 · 9 answers · asked by coldnocturnallove 1 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers