how many people in America really know what is going on or happening in Israel and the middle east , at this time?
If you read the Jewish owned or controlled news media , you will only hear one side of what is goin on, do you read other versions?
why has the U,N, santioned Israel so many times for their actions?
why doe's America protect them every time , against the U,N,?
Doe's their use of cluster bombs faze you ? youdoknow they have been banned by every nation don't you? except Israel ,
Is it because over 60%of Americas congress and senate are Jewish? and they either own or controll our news media?
I am asking these questions as I spent 23 years in the marine corps , 2 tours in Lebanon, and have seen the carnage Israel has perpertrated on the Arabic peope, I am disgusted and I just want to know if I have been putting my life on the line and my scrifices for Israel or for what I thought was my country,
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