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Politics & Government - 16 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Congress investigated Clinton for using his christmas card list for political purpose. Do you think they will be as gung ho as to investigate this administration? Why haven't the republicans investigated this administration? Why did they fight investigations into no bid contracts, and abuse allegations at Abu Ghraib?, they were so good at investigating everything under Clinton...

2006-11-16 08:33:12 · 10 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

2006-11-16 08:32:06 · 13 answers · asked by cheflecka c 1 in Civic Participation

2006-11-16 08:29:48 · 12 answers · asked by snoopy22564 4 in Elections

lol i dnt learn history, i will learn it next year. but i always hear bout george bush.. who is it?

2006-11-16 08:29:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was paying off a speeding ticket yesterday and it made me wonder...where is my hard earned $200 going exactly?

2006-11-16 08:29:23 · 8 answers · asked by jasonsmithmusic 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2006/161106taser.htm for americans theres your "PATRIOTS ACT "enacted to protect the people WTF!!! wake up guys this isnt a single incident theres hundreds of these events happened a women being tazered bcause her ******* driving licence was out of date and she wouldnt get out of her car .and for every other nationality in the western hemisphere this is a fuking takeover bid and if people dont wake up were all screwed read my last question as well .also stand up for your rights and libertys and question you governments who are being run by world banks.

2006-11-16 08:29:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2006/161106taser.htm for americans theres your "PATRIOTS ACT "enacted to protect the people WTF!!! wake up guys this isnt a single incident theres hundreds of these events happened a women being tazered bcause her ******* driving licence was out of date and she wouldnt get out of her car .and for every other nationality in the western hemisphere this is a fuking takeover bid and if people dont wake up were all screwed read my last question as well .also stand up for your rights and libertys and question you governments who are being run by world banks.

2006-11-16 08:28:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2006-11-16 08:28:01 · 2 answers · asked by andrew m 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-16 08:27:43 · 13 answers · asked by chocolate-drop 5 in Other - Politics & Government

position, which one u think you will have more success in, assaulting an army held position or a marine held position? lets say they both have the same arsenal.

2006-11-16 08:27:13 · 7 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Military

I think everybody with KCB after their name have been knighted by the Queen as they all seem to be sir somebody

2006-11-16 08:27:07 · 4 answers · asked by sharonbouroubi 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I need this to be clarified. From what I know it shouldn't, but I need to make sure. I mean it should stick with you for the rest of your life or at lest until you get pardoned by the President or something.

2006-11-16 08:26:40 · 8 answers · asked by Jane N 1 in Law & Ethics

DIDN'T BUSH DECLARED VICTORY FEW YEARS AGO??? So is that another one of his many BS Bush fed us and u still support Bush/Chaney and his oil buddies???
I mean there's no end in sight and every day someone is getting killed over there, our soldiers and the innocent Iraqis. So not only are we losing the war, it's another Vietnam in a smaller scale, isn't it?
The way we're going over there, I say in about another 5 years, at least10 thousand of our US soldiers will have died, not to mention about 300 thousands of Iraqis.

2006-11-16 08:25:24 · 12 answers · asked by Believe me 3 in Government

How long do you think they will remain on there and will they lose their drivers license and if so for how long? Will they be able to get the charge off they record when they get off the probation?

2006-11-16 08:22:56 · 9 answers · asked by chyna 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-16 08:20:13 · 12 answers · asked by john_stolworthy 6 in Politics

Should it be legal for gays and lesbians to be openly gay in the United States Armed Forces? [after all, we are at war, and the country needs every solder it can get, no matter who they love]

2006-11-16 08:18:24 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Should people who decide not to work receive welfare? do you think the majority of people on welfare should be on it ? is it the government's job to support these people?
*** Thank You For Your Opinion!***

2006-11-16 08:17:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why else would there be no exit stratagy???

The plan was always to never leave.

2006-11-16 08:17:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Who wins?

2006-11-16 08:17:07 · 15 answers · asked by Bistro 7 in Politics

Bank officials pointed out that the immigration benefits weren't a one-way street: About 90 percent, or about $460 billion, of the income generated by Latin American-born migrants stays in the United States. Bendixen warned that if the United States shut its door to Latino immigrants, as Congress is attempting to do, the U.S. economy would be "close to collapse."

2006-11-16 08:16:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-11-16 08:14:51 · 26 answers · asked by George Harris 3 in Government

I rent an apartment in Eagan and when my fiance and I moved in a girl that lives below us complained that they could hear everything that goes on in our apt, so we did our best to be quiet, a couple weeks later she tells my fiance that her bf wants to fight him, and now in the last couple weeks theyve been calling the cops on us nonstop for noise complaints when we aren't making noise. Twice the cops came and my fiance was napping with no music on, and once while we were making dinner with no music on. The last time they came I was on the phone with my fiance after I got off work and he was home with music on, but I could tell it wasn't very loud, he got a court order in the mail saying he has to go to court because it was a repeat offense, the funny thing was that the time on the order was almost 2 hours earlier than the cop actually came! I dont know whats going on but the harrasment has been happening for 2 1/2 months now & the office wont do anything about it, what are our options?

2006-11-16 08:11:16 · 7 answers · asked by tranquilardor 1 in Law & Ethics

They do everything much better than us.

They are better lovers.

Better citizens.

Harder working people.

Why not let them take over?

Is it because of heartless racists people like me?

What do you think?

2006-11-16 08:09:28 · 17 answers · asked by J D 1 in Immigration

http://www.myspace.com/caseylgarcia .......................... this is my space page my ex put all this on it ..... is it slander even though most of what he is saying is true......... my one friend on there is actually his page.. please look at my page and tell me if it is slander..........

2006-11-16 08:09:27 · 10 answers · asked by casey_garcia7 1 in Law & Ethics

All know it's not anyone else saying this! They say it's 2 preserve the American culture. The A'can culture has nothing 2 do with English Only; or has it? Wts have always felt that; proving WHITES ARE NOT AMERICAN! If U don't behave as American you won't be considered or treated as American. That law will not apply to wht foreign languages.

People not being able to fly their own flag by itself is: it's all communizism! The only flag that should displayed above all is the HUMAN FLAG. U won't do that cuz all humans R racist.

It's suposed 2 help solve the illegal imigration problem by having the employers make sure all the employees R documented. That law the, suposedly Above American whts, ignore to take advantage of all the immigrants as cheap labor slaves.

English Only is unamerican; more solid proof that whts R not American. If they will not behave as Americans, they have to be deported 2 their derived from the LATIN WORD speaking countries. Holocaost & Indians, by wts!

2006-11-16 08:08:30 · 27 answers · asked by kasar777 3 in Immigration

Black in America have been terrorize since beginning of this nation to now – by the government, KKK, head skin, average citizen , and all those acts – killed by white people , torture by police, and killed like dogs by police, beating, wrong fully arrested and imprison

How can American give other nation democracy when democracy fails in America for African American?
American better fix it problem at home before get it nose in other nation business

Something stink with America!!! Oh, please stop the denial and the excuse.

2006-11-16 08:08:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

II have seen lots of angry questions on here by angry smokers by the new non smoking laws that have passed around the nation. They have called the government dictators and said we are heading for a communist society. Well what are my rights. I have had to avoid bars all of my 20’s because I get sick at the slights hint of smoke. I have to wait extra long for a table really far away from the “smoking”. I have had to avoid entire restaurants because the smoking section is so close I can smell the smoke and have an attack. So what are my rights. Can’t I have the right to clean air.
what makes you think you have the right to smoke in bar. Smoke in your damn car or your house. None wants to smell that stuff. I am happy that Ohio will soon be smoke free I voted for the legislation and it passed. No smoking anywhere Yes.

2006-11-16 08:07:33 · 18 answers · asked by Big Daddy R 7 in Law & Ethics

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