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Politics & Government - 16 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Question: "When Am I Coming Home? And where is Rumsfeld?
He promised us Up Armored Humvees and now he doesn't return our calls. "


do you really know what you doing ?
or it just because your leader said so.

i make this mask that look like soldier but have no eyes
and my teacher ask me why it doesnt have eyes than i told her

because they only do what the leader say they go war, they die,
IF all ppl dont hurt each other than no need of soldier and stuff
but the thing is they do hurt each other so


No wonder the communist world is laughing at us. This is the most disheartening thing I have ever seen. We have no hope to ever defend our selves again.

2006-11-16 08:06:56 · 12 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics

seems to me he towed the party line, and got a swift kick in the deriair. Ha, ha, ha, ha phu hu hu hu te, he, he.

2006-11-16 08:00:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

We lost 6 more yesterday.

2006-11-16 07:59:46 · 20 answers · asked by Shoe 3 in Politics

I have a debate tommorrow, and I need an example of how the US is controled by rich people. Try to use history to support the question. Best questions get 10 points. Thanks

2006-11-16 07:58:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Only the global warming question is real and the other questions I asked were spoofs or fiction. Which questions got the most answers??? America go look in the mirror for the idiots responsible for our problems!!!

2006-11-16 07:57:04 · 7 answers · asked by NuncProTunc 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Why would people a civilized society consider guns as a right? To defend oneself? Isn't that why we have a law and order agencies for? If one has to defend oneself why do we pay taxes for a police force?

2006-11-16 07:56:44 · 12 answers · asked by Existentialist_Guru 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I am trying to find how you find cases going before the IL (cook CO . grand jury

2006-11-16 07:56:39 · 4 answers · asked by zippo1845 1 in Law & Ethics

Why would people a civilized society consider guns as a right? To defend oneself? Isn't that why we have a law and order agencies for? If one has to defend oneself why do we pay taxes for a police force?

2006-11-16 07:56:33 · 14 answers · asked by Existentialist_Guru 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why would people a civilized society consider guns as a right? To defend oneself? Isn't that why we have a law and order agencies for? If one has to defend oneself why do we pay taxes for a police force?

2006-11-16 07:56:23 · 8 answers · asked by Existentialist_Guru 5 in Law & Ethics

Perhaps they only broke laws because they had to, in order to better protect America. Maybe it was worth it to them, to go to jail rather than to possibly let a terrorist plot suceed. If they made this choice freely, should we just let them go to jail anyway? Do we trust law makers to absolve the right people? Or will the public always assume that these people were just being plain criminals? Is there any way both to protect national security interests AND keep from punishing people who broke the law for a completely justified reason?

2006-11-16 07:56:05 · 5 answers · asked by mizerock 3 in Law & Ethics

Statistics say that over two thirds of people released from jail and prison get locked up again, for new crimes, within a couple of years. Why is this so high and what should be done to lower the rate?

For example, could more be done to help inmates address the issues that led to them committing crime in the first place? Literacy rates for inmates are appalling. Should more resource be placed on giving people in prison a basic education? Should more assistence be given to get inmates off drugs? Is jail and prison too soft so that it is not seen as a deterrent? Should society as a whole be more prepared to help people who make the effort to change their behaviour after release?

Is harsher sentencing the answer or does the solution need to be more complex?

2006-11-16 07:51:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Was the American dollar devaluated and was the country in trouble financially. If so, did that factor in "dropping the bomb?

2006-11-16 07:48:09 · 7 answers · asked by flutterbye 1 in Military

Its quite funny to me, what do you make of it?

2006-11-16 07:47:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

hopefully with an honorable i just came back from baghdad and i cant take this **** no more.

2006-11-16 07:47:10 · 8 answers · asked by blackballsdeep 1 in Military

I have kinda asked this question before, But i just really dont know anything about the inner workings of our military. and i want to know what he's talking about when we have to come to an understanding and decide what to do.

My soon-to-be fiance is thinking about joining the Army national guard. He wants to be an eye doctor so he is looking at being a medic. he said his recruiter told him that medics are in hospital type of places on bases (he explained it so it seemed like m*a*s*h) he told me that he wouldn't be a feild medic..... like on the battlefeild. what is the difference, if there is one?

2006-11-16 07:42:02 · 4 answers · asked by erin_patrice05 1 in Military

I read the artical on yahoo, and I want to know what people think abou it

2006-11-16 07:41:10 · 8 answers · asked by james w 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-11-16 07:38:46 · 23 answers · asked by bozomo99 1 in Law & Ethics

I dont think anyone in the White House has been assigned to see if it is for real and what to about it if it is. How can the President be so irresponsible as to not want to find out?? You can help by writing to your elected federal official-or the news media.

2006-11-16 07:35:15 · 7 answers · asked by NuncProTunc 3 in Politics

John McCain and the ranking general in Iraq have both said there needs to be many more troops sent to Iraq before the situation will improve. I'm doubtful about that...but that's not the question. Where will these thousands more troops come from? Do they think they can recruit new ones that fast? Or will they come from the bases we have in Germany, Japan and everywhere else we have troops stationed? Then why didn't they do that before? Why take reservists and National Guard before taking army and marine troops we already have?

2006-11-16 07:34:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My best friend was sexually harrassed at work. One of her managers grabbed both her breasts and she reported it to Human resources. The guy gave her a formal apology but she told her superiors she felt this was not adequate and demanded he loose his job. Two weeks later they fire her after word gets around that she filed a police report against the guy that grabbed her. She has not been able to find a lawyer in the maryland area that will her... Can anyone out there give me some ideas i can pass on to her because she's been really depressed about it and feels like no one gives a **** because she's very young and she's gotten nothing but trouble ever since reporting this guy!

2006-11-16 07:34:31 · 8 answers · asked by HONEY 2 in Law & Ethics

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, FOX News - the list goes on. All of these people/organizations are "for profit" organizations - they are in the business to make MONEY. If people stop listening - companies stop advertising - they go off the air. It is in these people's best interests to KEEP UP THE DIVIDE among conservatives/liberals; Republicans/Democrats. Even though they may TALK about wanting the country coming together....it's not what they REALLY want - and through their daily nonsense, it's certainly not what they want to promote. It's much more profitable to listen to hatred & a "routing" mentality (Libs are bad! Cons are evil!) - then to actually discuss issues sensibly & intellectually - who would listen to that, right? These guys disgust me - they WANT the division - they WANT the political hatred. It's what keeps their ratings high. A national dialogue would be wonderful. It's not what these promoters of hate really want. It's sad. Your thoughts?

2006-11-16 07:34:23 · 7 answers · asked by captain2man 3 in Politics

When did the following groups get the right to vote in the United States
Eighteen year olds

2006-11-16 07:34:03 · 4 answers · asked by Full_Metal 1 in Civic Participation

Additionally would different degree levels: BA, MA, Ph.D; mean different jobs initially and or in the long term?

2006-11-16 07:33:31 · 4 answers · asked by zmasterelo 2 in Military

2006-11-16 07:33:16 · 19 answers · asked by Luis 4 in Military

Imagine for a moment that you had to explain our current war in Iraq to someone from another planet.

Alien: Why did you go to war with this country called Iraq?

Us: Well, we went to war with Iraq because our country was brutally attacked a few years ago and almost 3,000 people were killed.

Alien: Oh, so Iraq was the country that attacked you?

Us: No, Iraq didn't attack us. We were attacked by a terrorist group of Islamic extremists.

Alien: So apparently these terrorists must have come from Iraq or had been trained in Iraq before they attacked you?

Us: No, none of them came from Iraq. Most of them came from a country called Saudi Arabia.

Alien: Did you go to war with Saudi Arabia?

Us: Of course not. They sell us oil so they're one of our closest friends in that part of the world.

Alien: Well then Iraq must have given aid and comfort to these terrorists and supported their cause and that's why you went to war with them.

Us: No, the dictator of Iraq killed or threw out most of the Islamic extremists because he considered them a threat to his regime.

Alien: But Iraq must have had some involvement with the attack on your country?

Us: No. After we went to war, our president admitted that Iraq had no involvement whatsoever in the attack on our country.

Alien: Tell me, was this attack on your country a sudden surprise attack or did you know this terrorist group was targeting you?

Us: Oh, it was a sneak attack, a complete surprise. Except for the briefing the president received a month before the attack that said the terrorist group, al Qaeda, was determined to attack America and it mentioned New York City, the World Trade Center and Washington DC as likely targets. The CIA director said the system was "blinking red" with warnings about impending terrorist attacks.

Alien: So your president no doubt sprang into action to protect the country from this looming terrorist threat?

Us: Well, um, he immediately took a month-long vacation playing golf, fly fishing, and clearing brush on his ranch in Texas.

Alien: So your president was told of the impending attack but his only response was to take a long vacation 1500 miles from where he was told the attack was probably going to happen? What did he do when the attack actually occurred?

Us: He was reading with a group of school children in Florida when one of his aids told him the country was under attack.

Alien: And then he immediately sprang into action to defend the country from the attackers, right?

Us: Not exactly. After he was told the country was under attack, he sat there reading a children’s book for several more minutes with the school children while the attacks were still under way.

Alien: So your leaders were slow to respond to the attacks on your country and then they chose to go to war with a country that didn’t attack you?

Us: Well yes but there's more to it than that. We know the names of the leaders of the terrorist group that attacked us and we have killed or captured some of them in another country called Afghanistan. Their leaders are still hiding in Afghanistan. Our war in Iraq is part of a larger war on terrorism.

Alien: OK, that makes a little more sense. So you've put most of your resources into catching these known terrorists in Afghanistan and you chased them into Iraq?

Us: Well not exactly. We actually have a very small number of forces hunting for the terrorists in Afghanistan compared to the number of troops we have in Iraq. In fact, we withheld troops and resources from the war in Afghanistan in order to go to war in Iraq.

Alien: So you put minimal effort into going to war with the actual terrorists who attacked you and used most of your military forces to overthrow the government of Iraq which had no involvement in the attack?

Us: That’s about right.

Alien: Just out of curiosity, is there anything else significant about Iraq?

Us: Well Iraq is the second largest source of crude oil in the world, which is pretty much the main source of energy that runs our planet. Oh, and the dictator of Iraq once tried to have our current President's father killed.

Alien: Are those the reasons you went to war?

Us: Of course not. We launched this pre-emptive war because we had evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, could some day use those weapons against us.

Alien: Now I understand. So after you overthrew the Iraqi government you found and destroyed their weapons of mass destruction?

Us: Well, OK, you see it turns out they didn't actually have any weapons of mass destruction and they didn’t really pose any threat to us.

Alien: So you mistakenly went to war based on incorrect evidence. But your leaders obviously believed Iraq was a threat though, right?

Us: Yes, of course. Although we now know that our leaders had been told by intelligence experts before the war began that much of the evidence they presented to justify the war was false.

Alien: And just how many people have died in this war with Iraq?

Us: Sadly, the number of Americans who've died is over 2200 and growing every day. That's not counting the thousands who've been maimed or wounded. Oh, and somewhere between 30 and a hundred thousand Iraqis have died too. Give or take a few thousand. We don't officially keep track of the number of Iraqi civilians who died in this war.

Alien: But, on the bright side, at least now you know that there are no terrorists in Iraq.

Us: Yeah, well that's the funny part. It seems there were no organized terrorist groups in Iraq before the war but now huge numbers of terrorists have gone to Iraq to fight against us and many Iraqis have joined the insurgency against us.

Alien: This war must have at least reduced the threat of terrorism throughout the rest of your planet?

Us: Well, uh, no. Even if you don't count the terrorist attacks in Iraq, the rate of terrorist attacks worldwide has actually increased significantly since the war in Iraq began.

Alien: So virtually none of the reasons you went to war were true?

Us: Not necessarily. Our president now says we went to war to remove a brutal dictator and to bring democracy and stability to Iraq.

Alien: So does your country often go to war to remove dictators?

Us: No. In fact there are many brutal dictators in that part of the world but most of them are our friends or they sell us oil so we leave them alone.

Alien: But at least Iraq is now a stable democracy.

Us: Um, not quite. Our government is now lowering expectations about any hope for democracy in Iraq. The Iraqi constitution is leaning toward becoming an Islamic theocracy. We’re told that women will have fewer rights in the new Iraq than they did under Saddam Hussein. Plus, there are dozens of violent attacks and bombings every day and our Secretary of Defense recently said it may be ten or twelve years before there is any kind of stability in Iraq.

Alien: So let me see if I understand everything you've told me. You went to war with Iraq because you were attacked by people who didn't come from Iraq, weren't trained in Iraq and weren't supported by the government of Iraq, yet you've devoted relatively few resources to pursue the still-at-large leaders of the group that did attack you. You also went to war to eliminate weapons of mass destruction which didn't exist and to depose a dictator who posed no threat to you while you ignored the crimes of other equally brutal dictators. Your war was intended to fight terrorism but has dramatically increased the occurrence of terrorism worldwide. You wanted to bring stability and democracy to Iraq but the country is more violent and unstable now than ever before and any kind of true stability may be a dozen years away. Meanwhile the emerging government of Iraq is nothing close to a true democracy and may become an Islamic theocracy. I can't help but wonder, have your leaders learned anything from this war?

Us: Our president believes this war is a smashing success and says it's a model to spread democracy and freedom throughout the world.

Alien: Just out of curiosity, does your species plan to travel to other planets some day?

Us: Certainly. We love to explore outer space and we want to travel to other stars and planets in the coming decades.

Alien: Thanks for talking to me. I need to return to my planet to discuss this concept you explained to me of "pre-emptive war" against people who may someday pose a threat to you. Good bye.

2006-11-16 07:32:23 · 12 answers · asked by kjhenkel 2 in Politics

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