In the U.S., health care costs are getting so high that some businesses and insurance companies are starting to eye the potential savings of outsourcing health care.
"It's just one of the many ways in which our world is flattening," said Arnold Milstein, chief physician at New York-based Mercer Health & Benefits who's researching the feasibility of outsourcing medical care for three Fortune 500 corporations. "Many companies see it as a natural extension of the competition they've faced in other aspects of their business."
Blue Shield of California and Health Net of California is now offering lower-cost policies allowing members to seek medical care in Mexico. Florida-based United Group Programs, which sells self-insurance policies to small businesses, offers a plan that sends patients to Bumrungrad International hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. It says the plan will save employers more than 50 percent on major medical costs and slash employees' out-of-pocket expenses to zero.
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