My grandfather came here from Italy at 12 and I know the stories of his hardships. I do understand and sympathize. The bottom line, the world is not the same, America, not the same, enemies, not the same. This countries economy is changing and not for the better. Social Security won't exist in 2047. Medicaid by 2014 and this is all based on figures without calculating in the massive and ever growing number of illegals aliens from all over the world. At this rate, social security, medicaid as well as most other services will cease to exist for not only illegal aliens. It will cease to exist for you, your children and every Americans citizen who has worked and paid into the government all their lives to have these services when they are sick, disabled or elderly. Illegal Aliens are unwittingly for the most part and in some cases intentional parasitic terrorist, that if left unchecked, will destroy Amercia as we now know it. This life boat is taking on water folks. "Any suggestions"?
18 answers
asked by
White Knight