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Politics & Government - 1 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-11-01 13:52:37 · 2 answers · asked by nguyen m 1 in Government

Why don't you ever hear about the lawsuits siting antidepressants and ritilin causing homicidal or suicidal tendencies in juviniles?

2006-11-01 13:51:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If, answer is yes, where do I inquire? I am unable to get info from the person I sponsered.

2006-11-01 13:50:18 · 3 answers · asked by drbarbaracarranza 1 in Immigration

I really appreciate that those who are reading this.
Okay, so I've sat my police exam on the 2nd September and I am still to book my police station perliminary interview.
Has anyone ever been put down so they are discouraged to advance with their application?
It's not like people have intentionally put me down, but they don't realise what they say and it gets me upset.
I'm half asian and half australian, I'm petite but tough mentally & phsically, when people find out I'm applying for the police they act so surprised and the first words are always "Arn't you too small" I'm approximately 158cm tall & weigh 53kg.

I get mistaken for a teenager when I'm 20 years old, people also say I'm very pretty which is flattering but I wish I was taller, weighed more so I looked solid and I wasn't so "pretty".

I guess I'm comparing myself to a stereotypical female officer who people usually say is plain australian, with a fat butt, and looks tough. What do you think? (Serious answers please)

2006-11-01 13:50:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Do you notice CNN is trying to cover up for John Kerry's Blunder? The true fact is Kerry do believe soldiers are dumb and have no choice but to join themilitary because they don't have the brains or money to go to college. If a Liberal actually tells the public what they really think, they would not be electable, so they lie as to what they believe to survive. Ask Bill Clinton, he is a walking lie machine. Now, about CNN, if CNN was not on the side of the Democrats, they would not be trying to spin this to help Kerry. CNN is spinning this as an attack on Bush, which it obviously is not. Bush has a Harvard Business Degree, so he is educated. Kerry is seen for what he truely believes and that is the military is made up of dummies.

2006-11-01 13:49:36 · 13 answers · asked by curious 1 in Politics

Do you believe that the ACLU is a good or bad organization? Why? I'm really interested on hearing everyone's thoughts. Thank you for your participation!

2006-11-01 13:49:13 · 19 answers · asked by MIA 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Senator John Kerry claimed that if a person is educated, he can do good things, otherwise, he ends up enlisting in infantry, and by his ignorance, fighting for his country.

Senator McCain denied this by claiming that it was possible for a man to enlist in the armed services, and also be educated. McCains theory was that, a person can be educated and still love his country enough to rationally decide to enlist.

Whose right? Can a person who decides to enlist make that decision as an educated man, or is enlistment beneath the educated man?

The answer is obvious. It all depends on what is meant by being "educated". If being "educated" means having liberal professors at every turn teaching leftist doctrines, then certainly Kerry may have a point. However, if we mean "universally educated", that is, exposed to all viewpoints by healthy professors who are secure individuals with no extreme affliction of self hatred or leftover hatred for "the jocks", then McCain is right.

2006-11-01 13:48:51 · 7 answers · asked by Captain PC 1 in Politics

Bush said that "there's no question that October was a tough month. We lost 103 soldiers. It was a tough month because we were on the offense, the enemy was on the offense — the enemy was trying to affect us."

Can both sides really be on the offense?
And by saying "affect" does he mean "kill"?

2006-11-01 13:47:15 · 9 answers · asked by Active Denial System™ 6 in Politics

Why aren't Jenna and Barbara holding M-16s in Bahgdad?

Of course, Dick Cheney's daughter can't be in the military - she's an admitted lesbian (don't ask, don't tell.) But the Bush Twins are eligible for military service.

Lots of other President's progeny served while their fathers were in office -- for example:
Lieutenant Colonel Elliott Roosevelt, son of Franklin Roosevelt.

Both of Saddham's sons served in his military!

BTW - I did my time in the military.

2006-11-01 13:44:26 · 20 answers · asked by Blim 5 in Politics

What a horrible insult to the military, saying uneducated people got stuck in Iraq. That would piss me off so much if I was in the service. It takes, brains, bravery, strength, agility, and cunningness to be a military warrior. They operate high tech weapons, navigate complex terrain, drive huge machinery, and fly the most sophisticated aircraft ever conceived. Military training is the most efficient form of education known to mankind!! Soldiers learn more in one morning than a beer drinking time-wasting class-skipping college freshman learns in four years. Every one of our US warriors has 1000x more brains than that moron Kerry. Thank God the people never elected that buffoon. Imagine the chaos we would be with that dufus as a president. Criminy!

2006-11-01 13:43:48 · 22 answers · asked by x 5 in Military

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat, and I think Kerry deflected attention away from the real issues.

2006-11-01 13:43:33 · 11 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4 in Politics

2006-11-01 13:43:18 · 20 answers · asked by Mary C 4 in Military

Do you believe its true that some on the far left do sympathize with terrorists? I know what I believe I just want your opinion.

2006-11-01 13:42:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Could you also give me your political persuasion?

2006-11-01 13:40:49 · 20 answers · asked by luvwinz 4 in Politics

How brutal is the training?

2006-11-01 13:40:14 · 4 answers · asked by Andrew 2 in Military

I love politics and seeing other people's opinions on big issues such as these.

2006-11-01 13:39:46 · 24 answers · asked by tbutt(= 1 in Politics

2006-11-01 13:39:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If a guy breaks your computer and he says he'll pay for it and you have him tape recorded and the other person doesn't know and then the guy that broke the computer saids "I won't pay for it." And you sue him is it okay to use the tape recorder? That not illegl right? In the state of Texas.

2006-11-01 13:37:54 · 5 answers · asked by t(-_-)y 3 in Law & Ethics

How is there any arguement? Where are the WMD, where is the link to 9/11?

2006-11-01 13:37:16 · 18 answers · asked by jrnh5150 3 in Military

2006-11-01 13:35:55 · 19 answers · asked by *~SoL~ * Pashaa del Ñuñcaa. 4 in Immigration

americans stop being racist to islam.

2006-11-01 13:32:44 · 27 answers · asked by antichrist brother555666 2 in Politics

He has cleared his schedule for the week. The democrats don't want him and the republicans never did. I wonder what excuses he will come up with next!

2006-11-01 13:32:42 · 15 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6 in Politics

the terrorists themselves have said they want to kill all americans or covert us to islam...but libs/dems still focus on hating Bush and not fight the enemy...

2006-11-01 13:31:40 · 23 answers · asked by turntable 6 in Politics

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