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Politics & Government - 31 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

many will not,but we have to vote or the vultures will take everything you have away from you.I agree it may be a shot in the dark,but one way to get their attention is vote the incumbents out of office and new ones in every election until they get the message and ask God to guide your decision !!!

2006-10-31 02:21:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Am I the only person who thinks that politicians are running the war in Iraq and the generals are sitting around on thier butts because they don't have thier job?? I mean, the politicians should definatly have thier hand in this war, but not all ten fingers!! Do you agree?? Tell me what you think!

2006-10-31 02:21:11 · 12 answers · asked by Jimbo 2 in Military

Then put sanctions against its people so they starve to death, then tell them its for their own good. America has done this in Iraq, after the first Gulf War and do you think those sanctions effected Saddam, not one bit, they have had sanctions against Cuba and Vietnam as well, could it be that America are bad losers?

2006-10-31 02:19:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Facetious? A little. But REAL? Oh yeah.

It directly addresses those who claim that somehow President Bush has been the 'cause' of 'creating' more terrorism. Ridiculous, isn't it! Sometimes people get all caught up in the moment and , before they know it, they're saying things that make absolutely no sense at all.. .. .. . ..

Like him or not, he didn't create terrorism.

Disagree with someone. .. . fine.

Hatred? Wrong! Nonproductive and stifling!

Hatred never solved anything..Hatred NEVER solved anything. HATRED never SOLVED anything. HATRED never solved ANYTHING..........How many more times do you NEED to read it before you GET IT ??

2006-10-31 02:19:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

do you guys think they are working on changing some one's whole g-nome to make the perfect soliders fast, super strong, etc like on the movies i mean they cant just come up with those ideas out of there ***. or is that even possible

2006-10-31 02:17:50 · 10 answers · asked by redster 2 in Military

who would you PREFER for close air support? us air force or marine corps aviation

2006-10-31 02:17:42 · 18 answers · asked by Beaujock 1 in Military

Wouldn’t people aim for their head or crotch?

2006-10-31 02:15:18 · 13 answers · asked by Lisa 3 in Military

I work for a company which does scanning of paper for the govt. We have this stupid rule that I can not have a drink at my desk. I never see any original paper because I work with the electronic data. But since my office is on the side of the building with the paper, we can not have drinks at our desk. I am a manager and exempt, others are hourly and non exempt. I've been told that since I sit near workstations I can't have a drink at my desk. The closest workstation is 10 feet away in another room. I feel I am being descriminated against. Another manager who has diabetes has to leave her desk on an hourly basis with a snack and to get a cup of water, because she can not drink at her desk or eat. The other side of the building can do what ever they want. I've already spoken to HR about this and they said go blow!

2006-10-31 02:12:03 · 11 answers · asked by leesburgbiker 1 in Law & Ethics

can't cut taxes the list could go on and on) but never seem to emphasize the positive about what can be done

2006-10-31 02:10:14 · 14 answers · asked by Ynot! 6 in Other - Politics & Government

I am looking to find out information on how many people including men women children both Iraqi and foreign nationals, both civilian, Military and insurgents and non official fighters of all races, have died, due to things attributable to either the first gulf war, and the sanctions imposed on the country since, and the deaths incurred since the start of the second war to date. I really mean all excessive deaths btw (ie things in no way attributable to the troubles in the country are not counted, so natural deaths, but worth keeping in mind that deaths otherwise preventable by everyday drugs which are not available, are counted as excess deaths)
so any ideas as to which records would be public record, or what "official records" may be avauilable, or any good works done by any reputable sources, which deal with estimating such things...

2006-10-31 02:08:42 · 9 answers · asked by Mark 2 in Military

i was wondering how you legally creat a country and set it apart from th country it was origanally in and all that simalar stuff,

in short i wanted to know what id hae to do to create a new country

2006-10-31 02:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by samson_everton 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I've moved out from old apt for a month now, before i left i notified my landlord a month in advance. Till now i haven't got my security deposit check yet. He promised to get me my deposit check at the first time i called. But i've never heard from him since then. I've been calling him many times, really many times, left voice messages but he never returned my calls at all. I'm so annoyed, he really pushed me far to the edge. What should i do to get my deposit check? i do not have the invoice with me, however, i might have misplaced it during the move. I've never seen a landlord such irresponsible. Pls help advice what i should do. Thanks.

2006-10-31 02:07:59 · 8 answers · asked by Angie 1 in Law & Ethics

Only the educated and knowledgable, please. I've seen things like this go down badly, so let's exclude the "Israel sucks!" and "Iran sucks!" crowd: does anyone have a source to compare armies, strategies and likelihoods of victory between these two countries?

2006-10-31 02:07:09 · 13 answers · asked by Psychotic Clown 4 in Other - Politics & Government


2006-10-31 02:04:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

With all of the technology that we have, why the hell can't we get something as simple as "Vote for guy a b c or d" right? Am I missinig something?

2006-10-31 02:00:59 · 10 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Elections

Adverts are banned form our TV's that are considered misleading, to sexy or contain mild swear words that offend people. This is supposedly done to protect society. However army recruitment ads tell people they will go on a big adventure, learn new skills and be defending there loved ones. What they don't mention is that you stand a good chance of killing people you have never met and worse getting killed. Surely these ads are dangerously misleading!

2006-10-31 01:59:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

whats it like? do you get cross-examined? do you discuss the case with the claimant? do you just have to stand there and give a speech about why you havent paid? i've no idea what the procedure is.

2006-10-31 01:59:29 · 6 answers · asked by monkeynuts 5 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-31 01:58:43 · 5 answers · asked by JAZMINE W 1 in Military

This is for

Explain the amendment process and the impeachment process. Explain the controversy over the Adam Clayton Powell case. What does it illustrate about judicial review and checks and balances? Explain the "crime" crime requirement for impeachment. Why weren’t Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton convicted and removed from office? Explain the problems with the Johnson impeachment. Was an ex post facto law, a bill of attainder—give examples to illustrate.?

Im having really bad

What are enumerated or expressed powers, implied powers, prohibited powers?

What’s the function of the necessary and proper clause?

What’s the supremacy clause? Explain the concepts of extradition, full faith and credit, and privileges and immunities.

Why were these provisions added to the Constitution?

Give examples to illustrate them. Explain how checks and balances divides the war powers among the president and Congress. Illustrate how this has caused problems

2006-10-31 01:54:26 · 5 answers · asked by alex_e_davis 1 in Government

My friend thinks that he is entitled to being soviern (not having to pay taxes and all that that entails). I say he is a fool, and greedy. Is it true that if you own land in Texas you can become sovern?
Or am I right ? I say he will loose every thing he has accumulated if he chooses not to pay his taxes.

2006-10-31 01:53:51 · 5 answers · asked by tbaby 3 in Law & Ethics

Currently the Bush administration is acting on the genocide that is happening in Darfur. During the Clinton Administration the same thing was happening in another part of Africa that claimed 3 million lives....Nothing was done....is this a good idea to be involved to end the strife there?

2006-10-31 01:49:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

America is now a law unto itself, there is no one country in the world that they do not think they can control and I do not think that this is going to last forever. People are getting sick and tired of being told what they can and cannot do(and then the same country goes and does the same thing it said was not to be done) If they do not stop this attitude they are going to wake up down the line and the whole world will be aginst them(even England)

2006-10-31 01:47:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

He thinks things are better overall since Clinton.
Is this person part of reality or under the Bush hypnotic?

2006-10-31 01:47:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

There is a case in my locality where a girl (hindu: iyer community) is being tormented my her family, because she refuses to marry a particular person.

Case History:
The lady was pressurized by her parents in agreeing for an alliance with another family. This resulted in an engagement ceremony where the boy had not even cared to attend.
Now (after a few weeks), the girl does not want to continue this relationship because of excessive pressure from her in-laws and wants to break the engagement.
The boys parents have threatened the girls family with legal action for many lakh of ruppes, and has verbally threatened and abused the girls family.
The boy's family have also threatened the publicise the name of the girl and her family through newspapers because she refuses to marry.

Current Status:
Currently, the girl is under considerable stress because of the violence unleashed on her by her parents and her relatives.
How can the law protect this girl? Who should i contact? Pls help.

2006-10-31 01:46:07 · 5 answers · asked by veer 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-31 01:44:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Is it possible for someone to sue the person who molested them as a child 20 years ago, if it hs ruined their life? Also is it too late to press charges? It occured in Texas.

2006-10-31 01:42:42 · 5 answers · asked by bjnljholloway 2 in Law & Ethics

i want to get a flat and work with oil company, shell. can i just work with my passport and what the inside tips of getting there and working there.

2006-10-31 01:40:51 · 1 answers · asked by helper 1 in Immigration

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