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Politics & Government - 3 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

That way the southerners can do whatever insane crap they want to do and leave the rest of us alone. I think it would force them to moderate themselves. I don't care though. Live and let live. People shouldn't impose their morals on others.

2006-10-03 06:32:42 · 5 answers · asked by josephmarzen 1 in Government

anybody whom has known or lived with illegals..know that they pack basements and garages like sardines. In most suburban and urban areas all kitchen workers are illegal..most resturaunt managers most labor buisness is all illegal. all.jainators.maids...etc. How do they get this figure anyway? I believe all border cities are literally half to three quaters illegal. I would put the number at 30 millon at least

2006-10-03 06:32:19 · 7 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Immigration

2006-10-03 06:32:11 · 14 answers · asked by Super Shirazz 1 in Politics

Soon they will need a wall to cry on due to losing the war in Iraq. When they see the shame on Bush's face and all the war mongering supporters walking around in shame they will have to have a wailing wall. What a sight that will be!

2006-10-03 06:31:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Slang - Neocons exist separated into two very distinct groups. The largest, group one, are the people below the 99th income percentile. They are religous and/or war-mongering blowhard lemmings who follow the second group; The second group is made up of the top one percent. They cut taxes for themselves, borrow trillions. Of necessity, they pay Rove to pipe tabloid for the Rats. Lemmings rather.

source: unknown Blog

2006-10-03 06:29:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I been working all morning up on the roof to fix de good boss man gringo's house so he and familia will no be rained on. I work very very hard. I no take welfare. I go back south with my brother after he done with harvest contract. Come now, we are not scum, yes?

2006-10-03 06:29:24 · 5 answers · asked by miss onslow ketel booth 2 in Immigration

2006-10-03 06:28:41 · 5 answers · asked by deedee 1 in Military

to defend yourself?...87% of gun owners have no training. how will you defend yourself if you dont know what you're doing?...you're more likely to shoot a friend or family member by accident.

to defend yourself against the gov?....try using a .38 against a tank...lemme know how that works for ya.

seriously. why do we need guns?...i know its in the constitution, but with all the nuts in our society, and the ease with which they get guns, the US is soaked in blood from gun related crimes....take away the guns, and what happens?

2006-10-03 06:28:22 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Seems like we have to choose because our Consitution is slowly fading away. A North American Union will only increase the rate at which this occurs. Our fore fathers would be very upset with our so called leadership today, giving up freedom for a false sense of security. We need to wake up fast.

2006-10-03 06:26:56 · 12 answers · asked by Luke F 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Both are terrible, terrorist loving liberal organizations but who has your vote for worst and why?


2006-10-03 06:25:26 · 17 answers · asked by buffman316 2 in Politics

I have something that i would like to trademark. but i keep getting different information on a trademark and federal trademark? Then, the process. I was told that I could do it myself. then i was told that i should pay someone to do it. (now i must agree that make more sence however, paying someone is not in my budget.) Any suggestion????

2006-10-03 06:24:27 · 4 answers · asked by bw2000ceo 1 in Law & Ethics

This attack on the peaceful and gentle Amish community is truly devastating.

2006-10-03 06:23:17 · 35 answers · asked by Hello Dave 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

Could it be we didn't learn out lesson from Vietnam? Could it be the Troops are dying in Iraq for no good reason? Could it be Bush is doing his best to destroy the Veterans benefits they earned? I am not proud to be a stinking Veteran. Why?

2006-10-03 06:22:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


2006-10-03 06:20:16 · 26 answers · asked by Donald D 1 in Politics

Say some person broke into my house at night . . . if I have a handgun, am I allowed to shoot them for self defense? What if I see some one trying to steal my car in a parking lot or at home? How do police tell the difference between some one killed on purpose by a gun, from self defense?

For example person A is just walking along the street, then person B comes along and shoots person A and they die. Person B wanted to kill person A, but when police arrive person B could say "Oh well they were attacking me, I was defending myself". What happens then?

I'm thinking of getting a gun for self defense but I want to know when I would need to use it and when not too. I know much of it is common sense but I want to know for sure.

2006-10-03 06:19:57 · 13 answers · asked by Jessica - AKA - Carolina Girl 2 in Law & Ethics

For the purpose of this question, "Spanish American" means "a native or inhabitant of one of the countries of America in which Spanish is the national language" (Merriam-Webster definition; "America" = "the Americas"), not a U.S. citizen.


2006-10-03 06:19:39 · 6 answers · asked by me 5 in Politics

I get, "Look, I like my chicken fried, I don't think about it" and it makes me wonder... Isn't eating something that was alive at least a slight responsibility? I don't know...maybe not?

I'm not a dirty, smelly, hairy hippy...I'm certainly not a bleeding heart liberal...I just think that killing something deserves more thought than, "Man, pass the f'n salt for my f'n chicken..."

2006-10-03 06:18:08 · 23 answers · asked by Billy 3 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend was put in prison 17 years ago for attempted murder. It was a self defense thing. Anyhow my ex-husband is pitching a fit that I am with this guy and is threatening to take my son from me. My boyfriend is the nicest guy you'd ever meet. He treats me like a princess and adores my son. We've never been happier. He is no threat and has paid for his actions. He has been out 2 years. He has turned his life around and is making a good life for himself. Is there any way my ex-husband has a chance to take my son from me? He thinks the courts will side with him and everyone I've talked to says he doesn't have a leg to stand on.We do not live together. What do you think?

2006-10-03 06:18:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What is it with the Irish and booze, anyhow?

2006-10-03 06:17:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If you have weekend passes while at your Tech School can u go home to visit your family if the bases is closes to home?

2006-10-03 06:16:52 · 5 answers · asked by Allabove 1 in Military

2006-10-03 06:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by --Br0oklYn-- 5 in Government

From my recent question asking for a prediction for the out comes of the sanction on NK, now I can finally answer it by myself.

As you heard just by now, NK is claiming to soon have a nuclear test.

While I believe this is a further development of the NK long time bluff to just maintain its falling state, if the world and Bush respond hard on them, this time, what will the possible outcomes be?

Being pushed to the corner, will the NK launch a war? If not, what else?

2006-10-03 06:09:24 · 3 answers · asked by davegesprek 1 in Politics

Instead of openly, honestly, morally dealing with the Foley scabdal there are some Republicans here, it seems, who would rather dig ip the 30 year old story of Gerry Studds as if to say, "See, Democrats are just as perverted as we are." Then the fake Kerry will post another fake 'question' claiming Clinton is a rapist.

So, what's the score in this BS game so far?

Democrats 2
Republicans 45 ?

My friends, I can give you a long, long list of already proven guilty sickos who were Republicans. So, instead of trying to deflect the blame, why can't you Republicans here just admit your party was too compliant and deal with the Foley case like real men and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again?

2006-10-03 06:08:22 · 15 answers · asked by Doc Watson 7 in Politics

Watching these morons bumbling around all day would be fantastic. For about thirty minutes.

So, in the spirit of "the Osbornes", who gets your nod?

Hey democrats, just pick one of the two.

2006-10-03 06:07:26 · 17 answers · asked by buffman316 2 in Politics

im 21 and live in a semi- independent setting and my "superiors" can be major assholes when they want to be. they usually want to be. and i'm afraid if i try to stand up for myself i could tick them off and they would call the police or some other kind of bullshit. how can i gain respect and make them keep out of my personal business without starting world war three? or should i ****** up and go down in a blaze of glory.

THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A VERY SERIOUS QUESTION!!! so please don't send me any bullshit answers

2006-10-03 06:06:54 · 7 answers · asked by the one and only robertc1985 4 in Law & Ethics

..Prior to which worked for an organisation since 2001, which merged with Nursery School Sept 05. I work in Administrative role based in the office and didn't have to apply for the job - no app form to fill. They've asked me to complete Enhanced CRB Form as I work around children albeit in the office. Doesn't say on form to declare 'any cautions'. Dataprotection Officer said not to worry & don't declare, told him had done a subject access form - nothing on Police National Computer - was clear. As Enhanced check they check local police stations - phoned mine - operator checked 4me- said its been archived - Just says caution. Dataprotection chap said they hold all records for 100 yrs in and that I shouldn't declare . WILL THIS SHOW? Anyone had one done in past few years and had a Caution prior to 1991 - did it show up? I was young and had to admit to something I didn't do as CID threatened to search my mother's home. I accepted it as I had no choice and I was alot younger!!

2006-10-03 06:06:29 · 8 answers · asked by briteeyes_05 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

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