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to defend yourself?...87% of gun owners have no training. how will you defend yourself if you dont know what you're doing?...you're more likely to shoot a friend or family member by accident.

to defend yourself against the gov?....try using a .38 against a tank...lemme know how that works for ya.

seriously. why do we need guns?...i know its in the constitution, but with all the nuts in our society, and the ease with which they get guns, the US is soaked in blood from gun related crimes....take away the guns, and what happens?

2006-10-03 06:28:22 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

35 answers

I need guns for many different reasons, the most important of which is to protect my family. Training? I've been shooting for 16 years (without a single mishap) and I've never had any training. With practice and common sense, a person can get a long way. I am NOT more likely to shoot a friend or family member. Where do you come up with this? A .38 against a tank? Why bring that up? Firearms would make a HUGE difference in fighting the govt. or Hitler wouldn't have bothered to ban them in Germany. The U.S is not "soaked in blood from gun related crimes". They happen, but it cannot be blamed on inanimate objects like guns. PEOPLE commit these crimes. Take away the guns, and criminals would be the only armed citizens as they do not let little things like laws get in their way. Then I could not defend myself against them. I need my guns.

2006-10-06 12:30:25 · answer #1 · answered by Gudelos 4 · 1 0

A. For personal defense. Your 87% figure is funny, only because I know which orifice you pulled it out of. Making up numbers is fun, but it doesn't make it right.

B. For defense against the government. You're right, a .38 won't stop a tank. But 80 million gun owners with automatic weapons can overthrow any government in Washington, no matter how many tanks they have.

Actually, the US is soaked in blood from vehicle related violence. 46,000 die every year on the roads. Only 16,000 murders are committed, and not all of them with guns. Why not take away cars? They are far more dangerous.

Take away guns, and all of our rights disappear. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. Guns are the ONLY thing that protects our rights.

2006-10-03 06:41:20 · answer #2 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 3 1

More likely to shoot a friend or family member? Actually, police are more likely to shoot the wrong person than a private citizen is.

Small weapons can't go against a group with large sophisticated weapons? Tell that to the Iraqis (and the Viet Cong and the Afganis, and....).

Pass a law banning guns and you only take them away from people who wouldn't misuse them anyway and leave them defenseless. Criminals don't care if they're legal or not. If they can't get them locally, they'll just include them in the cocaine and heroin shipments--those are illegal and there's no shortage of those.

2006-10-04 15:23:56 · answer #3 · answered by Faeldaz M 4 · 2 0

Becuase if we make them illegal, only the people who care nothing about the law (the crimminals) will own one. That jerk who just killed this Amish kids didn't care a bit about the law.

I hate guns so much! But I also know it takes police 30+ minutes to respond to a 911 call. As a woman I'd rather know I am armed and have some chance against a rapist?

And so many americans are into hunting, you can't take their guns away. The "sport" loses its fun if they can't use a high powered repeating rifle w/scope to blast wildlife from 1000' away. LOL Seriously though, the hunters cant give up their guns and a shotgun or rifle is just as able to kill a schoolroom of kids as a pistol.

The bigger question is why does American have such a high crime rate & % of people in prision compared to other 1st world nations? Why isn't anyone noticing when these nuts tell others their plans?

2006-10-03 06:35:32 · answer #4 · answered by Funchy 6 · 3 3

A man with a gun is citizen, a man without one is a subject.
As for the protection from the gov comment, look to the freedom fighters in Iraq who are trying to drive out the occupiers, and you will see how effective single shot firearms and homemade weapons can be against the great US military.
Finally, the only country to have ever achieved complete gun control was Nazi Germany, that should tell you what will happen.

2006-10-03 06:37:54 · answer #5 · answered by Alan S 7 · 3 2

Why do we need guns? Simple. It is a right. The same as it is a right for us to be able to criticize the government, or to practice our religion of our choice.

Yes, there are a lot of gun crimes. Taking away guns, won't stop gun crimes. Most people who participate in a gun related crime are convicted felons. A convicted felon is not allowed to have a gun. So if you make guns illegal to own, and posses, why would that stop a criminal from possessing, or obtaining one? I think that the solution, is tougher penalties if a crime is committed with a gun.

2006-10-03 06:41:02 · answer #6 · answered by eman12343567 3 · 2 2

We need guns because all rights of the government flows from the rights of the people. If the people don't have the right to guns, then neither does the government. How are the supposed to protect our country with a military that doesn't have guns?

2006-10-03 06:39:07 · answer #7 · answered by Chris J 6 · 2 1

Think of it this way: The BAD people who have guns get them illegally, the GOOD people who have guns get them legally. Not matter what, the bad guys will get their guns, so if a bad guy has a gun, and a good person also has a gun, dont ya think you have just a little bit better of a chance that the BAD guy will leave if hes not the only one with a gun? I have a gun and have training, to get a permit to carry, you have to have training! So i dont know how true that 87% is...

2006-10-03 06:33:05 · answer #8 · answered by Molly323 5 · 4 3

Well the NRA types say more guns means less violence. How's that for perverted logic. It's like saying eating more calories will lower the obesity rate or drinking more alcohol will result in better driving.

It's just common sense, more guns means more violence.

NRA types also say that it's not the guns, it's the people who kill people and that if they didn't have a gun they'd kill with whatever - a knife or a fist or a club. But the facts are that 59% of homicides and suicides in the US are by the gun.

2006-10-03 06:35:22 · answer #9 · answered by Dastardly 6 · 2 3

The Law is clear.

We need guns to shoot corrupt politicians. The second Amendment has absolutely nothing to do with duck hunting.

Go big Red Go

2006-10-03 06:49:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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