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Politics & Government - 3 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

US Senate Majority leader Bill Frist called for this on Monday.
Do you think if we bring them out in th open and make them a part of government decisions they will be less violent?
Did that work with Hamas? NO

2006-10-03 05:28:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was told they hate America's guts and that life means nothing to them. But why can't they get over what happened years ago, it's not my fault about the cold war, i wan't even born yet, so why they gotta make children who weren't born then suffer the outcome of a nucelar attack?

2006-10-03 05:27:16 · 19 answers · asked by morgana_tyler 1 in Military

2006-10-03 05:26:57 · 3 answers · asked by damon c 1 in Law & Ethics

i need help with my homework.

2006-10-03 05:23:22 · 9 answers · asked by Candy C 2 in Elections

2006-10-03 05:21:26 · 1 answers · asked by Candy C 2 in Elections

Man you gotta love Bob Woodward! His street cred is established, even vis a vis this very administration. He can't be counted as a critic with an agenda, and he reveals the real deal.

Does anyone see a problem with Condi forgetting a warning that the CIA officer Woodward interviews says he recalls as 'the starkest' warning they had given the WH to date?

Anyone see a problem with Ashcroft saying he'd wished he been told about an imminent threat of attack with 'great consequences to government and many casualties'?

Does it sound like another instance of a 'doing a heck of a job' crap, blowing off serious need to get off collective behinds and do something?
A bad time for Condi to have 'responded' to the Clinton comments for instance with "we were not given comprehensive plans to deal with terrorism; for instance, they left us no viable plan for dealing with Pakistan"!?
Did they also need a comprehensive plan for how to respond to intelligence saying WATCH OUT NOW!?

2006-10-03 05:21:21 · 12 answers · asked by Michelle H 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I have not kept up with the Foley situation for lack of time. I am wondering who decided to come forward about the emails Foley sent the young pages. The news story, whose link I'll attach to this question at the end, says that some of the emails are a year old, some older. Why is this development coming out now, a little over a month before midterm elections? No recognizable republican can take his place in the election with a clear hope to win. Is this a Democrat ploy to hake the voters' faith in the GOP?

2006-10-03 05:20:55 · 25 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics

i was reading thru a couple of questions regarding this and it really is amazing how many people actually think like that - "leave my country!" what the f***?? u know?? UR COUNTRY?!?! sheeet! Nobody go to school or what? this country is not ur country... this country is as much ur country as the westside of some city belongs to a gang. come on!! everybody knows the whole southwest of the US is Stolen Land! plain and simple... can't believe that this WHOLE country is made up of immigrants regardless of how far up ur fkn family tree u have to climb and people acting like they're indigenous here... gimme a break - mexican people are waaaayyy more indigenous than any (no offense) "white man"... yall stole the land, killed of the indians, made lots of money of the land (gold) and then u have the audacity to whine and complain?!?!?!?

2006-10-03 05:19:14 · 38 answers · asked by Peter S 2 in Immigration

2006-10-03 05:19:11 · 3 answers · asked by Nikki 1 in Government

Im doing a report on crime and punishment and I have up to 15 ideas. I only have 7. My mind went blank. Dont you hate it when that happens?!

2006-10-03 05:18:30 · 17 answers · asked by AutNum 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What do they teach their kids at school? Seems that it's a stupid idea to live like they do figuring times change and they'll become dependant on the technology they don't want to accept.

2006-10-03 05:16:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Yes or no only please

2006-10-03 05:14:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If the government owns all the businesses, it's fascism. What do you call the US where the businesses own the government? Please don't tell me this is still a democracy!

2006-10-03 05:13:16 · 4 answers · asked by nursesr4evr 7 in Politics

as my drama teacher told me that they have to call a whiteboard a marker board and a blackboard must be called a chalkboard as it is racist.
and brainstorming is not PC
and know how spider diagrams PC it is an umbrella shower

i think it has gone a bit to far. do you?

2006-10-03 05:12:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If you suspected that someone had done something illegal would you tell on them? And if a friend had a warrant on them would you call the police and turn them in? Why or Why not? Or do you think the police should find things out on thier own? Why or Why not?

2006-10-03 05:11:43 · 16 answers · asked by detroit_city_girl@yahoo.com 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

According to White House sources, President Bush plans to send U.S. forces into the oil rich nation of Nigeria, capture Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and secure the Nigerian oil fields. These actions, In Bush’s estimation, should prevent any further questionable e-mails being sent to underage pages.

2006-10-03 05:11:24 · 6 answers · asked by sylvia627 1 in Other - Politics & Government

What if we left out which party each candidate belonged to? Would voters be better educated as to what the platform of the candidate is, instead of what the PARTY"S platform is? I ask this for all conservatives who voted for Bush, and got a bum deal when they thought he, too, was conservative...

2006-10-03 05:09:44 · 11 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

I need to know what The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland's view, on the Rwnadan Genocide was?

2006-10-03 05:09:35 · 1 answers · asked by roxy 5 in Politics

Most Legal Immigrants are from Mexico ( My Nation ) because my fellow Mexicans in what is now the S.W didn't cross the border, the border crossed them. So they become Americans. ( Mostly the wealthy ones) ( the poor ones were kicked out.

Other Legal immigrants followed by Mexicans were Germans and Italians.
but... where were your immigrants ancestors from?

2006-10-03 05:08:59 · 25 answers · asked by Halcon7 2 in Immigration

if a person kidnaps your kid, treats them terribly, threatens the parents to kill them unless paid 2 million dollars, puts the kid in a coma, but is caught, how much could the parents sue them for and how long would they be in jail (this did not happen to me-just wondering)

2006-10-03 05:08:26 · 10 answers · asked by maconheira 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

I want to be sure and eat there that day.

2006-10-03 05:06:11 · 17 answers · asked by luvsviola 2 in Immigration

also, do you support the Death Penalty

2006-10-03 05:06:00 · 18 answers · asked by martin 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Can such an expert be tested on some presentations of the Internet!

2006-10-03 05:03:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am doing a debate and i need to know why i should agree with these peoples social plans for wealth.

2006-10-03 05:02:47 · 4 answers · asked by hacker_mason 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-03 05:01:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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