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i was reading thru a couple of questions regarding this and it really is amazing how many people actually think like that - "leave my country!" what the f***?? u know?? UR COUNTRY?!?! sheeet! Nobody go to school or what? this country is not ur country... this country is as much ur country as the westside of some city belongs to a gang. come on!! everybody knows the whole southwest of the US is Stolen Land! plain and simple... can't believe that this WHOLE country is made up of immigrants regardless of how far up ur fkn family tree u have to climb and people acting like they're indigenous here... gimme a break - mexican people are waaaayyy more indigenous than any (no offense) "white man"... yall stole the land, killed of the indians, made lots of money of the land (gold) and then u have the audacity to whine and complain?!?!?!?

2006-10-03 05:19:14 · 38 answers · asked by Peter S 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

what?!? stealing ain't illegal?? mark...

2006-10-03 05:22:41 · update #1


2006-10-03 05:25:54 · update #2

38 answers

What would the Mexicans do, if Texas was given back to them? Illegally migrate to Wisconsin? Why aren't Mexicans ever worried about the state of affairs in Mexico? Why aren't they trying to make a better country at home?

2006-10-03 05:30:33 · answer #1 · answered by MEL T 7 · 6 0

I don't know what history book you been reading but The Southwest was not stolen it cost in human life and back then only the stonger keep the land. now that leave my country bit it is mainly for the illegals that are here. Plus I get it that you are a Mexican and if if read up on your treaty you would see that your Mexican government sold the land too. This is my country (US), and what make it my country is that I fought for it like many other too.
So all I have to say is read your history before you post dumb question like this

2006-10-03 06:30:09 · answer #2 · answered by actionsinglemale 2 · 0 0

Well dear Americans do own it now it was bought its like buying a car it was the dealerships you bought and paid for it now you own it making it yours no longer the dealerships hahaha. Anyway look calm down your gettin you panitesin a bunch we dont mind legal immigrant just illegal ones and they were saying the same thing to black people not to long ago its now the hispanics turn to prove they belong here. How about stop working for less and get an education so you wouldnt be complaining about having to work in jobs that only pay 5 dollars an hour! of course americans sont wanna get paid five dollars an hour hell that wont even buy you bread and some cheese now adays but in a houshold where 12 people make 5 dollars an hour tax free then I guess you can make it! Sorry dear to burst your bubble but you need to go back to school read and then post that way your opinion will be supported. have a great illegal day!

2006-10-03 05:34:37 · answer #3 · answered by ask me again 3 · 3 0

Stop reading bogus history books written in Mexico, and stop swallowing the puke that MEChA spews out.

Spain STOLE this land and then Mexico STOLE it.

The land which is the Untied States was NOT "mexican land".
This was the land of the US native American indians, and there has NEVER been a tribe indigenous to this land called "mexican", or mexicano, or mexica, or meztiso, or hispanic, or latino, or spanish, or aztec, or mayan, or toltec, or chicano, or cholo, or vato, or homie.

Mexicans are hispanic, indigenous to EUROPE, where their hispanic/latino SPANISH ancestors came from and to the land SOUTH of the Rio Grande, the homeland of their mexica indio ancestors.

The land which was the United States was at one time partly "claimed" by France, including Texas, and prior to the existance of the nation of Mexico, the EUROPEAN nation of Spain "claimed" to "own" part of this land, SPAIN NOT MEXICO. In fact Spain claimed to own the land which is now Mexico also, having killed off all the aztecs.
When Spain claimed ownership of the land it was called Nueva Esapnia, NOT "mexico".
Mexico only "claimed" it "owned" some of the US southwest indian lands for a few unimportant years, until the United States BOUGHT it for 15 million in gold.
Mexico has no claim on any US land now or in the past, since mexico basically STOLE our US native American indian lands just like the spanish did.

Oh and something else you need to get educated on, it was your hispanic/latino, spanish-speaking Spaniard ancestors which invaded our native indian lands here in the US southwest and killed our ancestors, not the so called "white man". SO blame the hispanics for that, pancho.

Oh, and as a United States citizen, and a US native American indian, I will tell you this one time, this IS MY COUNTRY, and it is the country of MY ancestors, not yours.
You want to immigrate legally, you are welcome to come here, no matter where you come from, mexico, china, russia, iran... but DON'T COME HERE ILLEGALLY, OR GET OUT!

2006-10-03 07:18:32 · answer #4 · answered by shoshone 3 · 1 0

This land is not stolen. The indians had no set of laws what-so-ever - therefore we came here legally. We signed a treaty with the indians and expanded from there. Our white forefathers founded this country (let me remind you you're one of the many who remain living here so you must enjoy it) when are Americans going to take other Americans sides instead of some other foreign country who sends there people here illegally because they're a complete disaster?

We have a problem with ILLEGAL immigrants. Get your head out of your as s.

2006-10-03 06:00:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You have absolutely no real knowledge of Mexico's history do you.do you realize how really ignorant you are sounding right now? At gun point my AZ ,Mexico started a war it didn't win,Mexico got its azz whooped,and then the treaty of Guadalupe was singed and a total of $18,250 million was paid to your country .Paid in full by first whipping the Mexican army and then by paying cash for it.Its a done deal,and no matter how many lies you tell,you cant change history.You lost ,now you get over it.if you are in my country illegally them you have only one right and that is to get out.Go back to your own country because this United States of America doesn't belong to Mexico it belongs to the legal American people.
No amnesty
Deportation of all illegals
I harbor hate for no one,and there's not one illegal that could ever take my job,I am neither poor nor ignorant,I have a degree in Economics and my husband and I own several businesses.My family came to the New world in 1702 ,they came as merchants looking to expand their holdings.They were never illegal .They were settlers in a new and dangerous world.But they survived and made a place for themselves.No one in my family was ever an illegal.There is a difference between people that came with something to give to the new world and the illegals of today that bring nothing but problems .You who know nothing of the real world and are being spoon fed drivel off LaRazas plate are the seriously misinformed.Trust me kids there will NEVER be a take over of the southwest.NEVER.....

2006-10-03 05:47:21 · answer #6 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 4 0

So you have a beef with how America's land was acquired. Great, good for you. But it means nothing because what's done is done and you can't change the past. Who stole from who and who owned what first doesn't make any difference to the way things actually are.

In the present times, America belongs to its CITIZENS. All of the immigrants that make up this country's history have one thing in common: they became citizens! Regardless of where they came from, America is made up of citizens. If Mexicans want to live here and call America their's, then they are welcome to...if they become citizens.

2006-10-03 05:30:19 · answer #7 · answered by Pink Denial 6 · 4 0

What I can't believe is how many people want to justify criminal activity, here. I can not believe that you or anyone honestly believes that it is ok :
to sneak into a country where everyone who works pays federal income tax, work under a false social security # and pay no income tax

sneak into some other country and then demand privileges such as free healthcare, assistance in your native tongue.

I can't believe that you or anyonelse can justify criminal activity when there are ways for Mexicans to immigrate into this country legally- they chose not to.

no wonder America is viewed the way it is around the world our own citizens have no respect for the law? (how frigging embarassing)

2006-10-03 06:36:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would just like to ask: Are you in favor of breaking up the USA? You know send back the lands that were "stolen" or return them to the Brits, Spanish etc.???

To your question... if I apply your logic then there is no country in this world which has no "stolen land".... All countries in this world one way or another are "stolen" from some other country or culture. Which means whatever country you are living in was also stolen from someone else... stupid.

2006-10-03 05:52:52 · answer #9 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 3 0

Most people tend to forget where they came from. This is the most tolerant country there is. If you are born here even if your parents are illegals, you are a citizen.

There are very few people who are natives and yet they are the minority. Amazing isn't it?

Here's the part I love. People are always saying "I don't mind immigrants but use the front door and come in to the country legally." Well has anyone stopped to think that the 9-11 attackers came in to this country legally? What good did that do us ? They were checked out and found to be good enough to enter and stay here and look what that got us.

2006-10-03 05:30:19 · answer #10 · answered by nana4dakids 7 · 2 2

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