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Could it be we didn't learn out lesson from Vietnam? Could it be the Troops are dying in Iraq for no good reason? Could it be Bush is doing his best to destroy the Veterans benefits they earned? I am not proud to be a stinking Veteran. Why?

2006-10-03 06:22:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

26 answers

You are not looking at the big picture! You and I both served our country. I did my job, I did it well, I did it because I wanted to, I volunteered! I obeyed the orders of the officers appointed over me. Anything I did, be it good or bad in my eyes, I did because I was ordered to do so. Thank God the Commander in Chief when I was in wasn't the idiot thats running things now!

2006-10-03 17:13:40 · answer #1 · answered by pepsi guy 2 · 1 2

You are full of it when you say that Bush is trying to destroy Veterans benefits. My husband has been in the Military for twenty years, and he has received more pay raises since Bush has been elected then he ever received while any other President was in office. And every time the active duty people receive a raise, so do the Veterans. My father-in-law, who was in Vietnam, has said how much his Military retirement pay has improved.

2006-10-03 18:40:02 · answer #2 · answered by Naples_6 5 · 2 1

You probably did something to screw yourself in the military. I wonder what that could have been???? If you really thought about it, the military is a very honorable profession. You should be proud.

However, apparently you have an issue w/ the current administration. That is fine. You had not given up your rights to vote or protest. You just needed to be more careful.

Lastly, what does this have to do w/ Vietnam. Vietnam was because politicians got involved & tied the military's hands. This is a case of insurgency. Two totally different problems.

Read a book, learn some history, & maybe one day you will understand how to seperate the two.

2006-10-03 14:51:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

veteran, or no veteran, your a traitor for supporting the throatcutters (calling them freedom fighters), while your own nephew ships out this month. I guess the throatcutters and airline hijackers, bring out your loyalty more so than your country or your own family.

Some wear the uniform proudly, others walk on it. You have chosen who you serve, even over your own family and country. how do you sleep at night?

so being a veteran doesnt make you proud, would being a mujahedeen like ratboy johnny walker lindh make you feel proud? would that stick your chest out?

Benedict Arnold was a "Veteran" also, you dont see any memorials to that piece of shiite. Youre on the wrong side of history.

2006-10-03 23:35:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

For those of you supporting Erudite and protecting him, I suggest you check his previous questions. He's a known liar from the day he got on Y! Answers. His only cause is to bash the military, particularly the Marines. He claims to be prior military, but if you watch close enough, you can see that he's not. He also claims to be a retired police officers. Go in that area and view for yourself how he bashes the cops. For a man prior military and prior police, he holds no respect for 2 of the most honored professions there is. All he feels is shame. Well, maybe there's a reason for that. He's also posted articles and such where he's clearly and been proven to change the words or delete things to make it look the way he wants. If he's so right, you don't have to change an article to read what you want. The facts would be there.

Nobody knows why you're ashamed to be a vet (supposedly), Erudite. Only you do and I'm sure one day, it's going to come back to haunt you. However, being married to the Army for 18 years so far, I feel no shame what-so-ever. I have nothing but pride, respect and admiration for my husband and those that serve with him. There is a reason. And for the one who said there's no ties to al qaeda or WMD's, I suggest you check your facts. There is plenty of both. I understand that the system has let you down, but there's no reason to pass that on to those serving now. If there's no tie to al qaeda, you explain why their to officials are being captured in Baghdad. WAKE UP!! Quit listening to the liberal whining. Check the facts.

And by the way, I'm not a conservative or a liberal.

2006-10-03 14:33:43 · answer #5 · answered by HEartstrinGs 6 · 6 2

You should be proud, if you enlisted with the right intentions, and you fought for your country, there's no shame in that. Its the leaders who start the wars that should be questioning themselves. Soldiers just follow orders, so you can't be held responsible for the nature of the war you were a part of.

2006-10-03 13:52:32 · answer #6 · answered by thecrisman 2 · 2 1

You should be proud to be a veteran. You served your country. Being proud to be a veteran doesn't mean you have to support the current idiot in chief or his misguided policies.

Heartstr...You need to check your facts. Even your idiot president has admitted there is no link and there were no WMDs. The reason they are being captured there now is shrub has turned Iraq into the biggest terrorist recruiting area in the world. They have come there since the invasion. For you to think otherwise shows blind obedience. By the way, nobody buys that you are not a right wing conservative.

2006-10-03 13:25:44 · answer #7 · answered by capu 5 · 5 5

It could be your conscience?

Could be that spending most of your life in the army stress has got you?

Maybe its the fate you could have been dealt but didn't?

Maybe its the stories of Nam?

Mental issue?

I personally fell that veterans like youreself that fought for what was right have so much to be proud even if your not proud of yourself America is!

2006-10-03 13:28:54 · answer #8 · answered by Big Bear 1 · 4 2

What lesson should we have learned from Vietnam?

That we shouldn't fight communist aggression but let people who are willing to be suppressed and controlled go on in that manner under communist rule?

That we shouldn't support people in a fight for freedom who don't wish to fight for themselves?

That we should cut and run the minute we experience some resistance or casualties in a war?

That we should fight a war to win, not in the newspapers, but on the ground?

What lesson did the US learn? NONE! Why? Because we are slowly turning into a nation full of speakers and writers, all claiming that our power and our stature in the world is wrong to support, wrong to maintain, wrong to proliferate. We are losing our spine, one person at a time, and when a true battle for the freedom of our nation faces us, we WILL be ill-equipped to meet and deter that aggression, and will face the fate of many nations before us: that of defeat, occupation, subjugation, imprisonment and death. That is the lesson that should be learned: Those not vigilant in the fight for America's freedom will and have contributed to the weakening of our national fortitude and character.

Troops are dying in Iraq, so that the people of Iraq can live under their own rule of law, and not one imposed on them by dictators supported artificially by other nations who care not what Iraqis suffer or face. Troops are dying to bring democratic and capitalist principles to an area of the world where hope and prosperity and humanity were relics and artifacts. Troops are dying in Iraq to bring hope to others who desperately need it. They are NOT dying for no good reason, and it is shameful and preposterous that a veteran should undermine the purpose of the fight these young men and women conduct every day, with their own lives at stake. You served, they served, we're proud of all of you.

If you are not proud to serve your country, then you have lost sight of the wonderful and precious gifts our country provides to its people. Safety, freedom, prosperity, liberty of mind, body & soul that is the envy of the world. That is what you defended, that is what the Iraqi forces defend, that is something to be PROUD of, not to regret. America will stand when Americans stand, and lately, we're more than satisfied with lying down. It is pitiful and shameful and I hope this nation wakes up to the forces massing against it, because every man, woman and child may be called to arms, and by the looks of it, today's America is ready, willing and able to capitulate, surrender and enslave themselves to someone else's vision and mandate. I am American, I am proud of America and those who find folly in my pride are the specific reasons why America is attacked and condemned....YOU FAIL TO PRESERVE AND DEFEND LIBERTY and choose to abdicate for personal reasons, not serve and support for national ones.

2006-10-03 13:48:23 · answer #9 · answered by rohannesian 4 · 3 2

You are not a Veteran and are behind bars serving a max sentence! big deal! As for the other weinie it doesn't take a year for amputees to get help-it's automatic! so you must be erudite's penpal! oh my!

2006-10-03 15:57:19 · answer #10 · answered by K9 4 · 2 1

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