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Cats - February 2007

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I got my cat nuetered and usually that stops cats from peeing everywhere but my cat still does it. Any suggestions on how to get him to use the cat box?

2007-02-04 05:48:08 · 18 answers · asked by smallfry46219 3

Isn't it true that when a cat kills a bird, or a lizard or somthing like that it will take the dead animal to the front door or porch of their owners house? Or inside their house -- or somewhere where they can show it off to their owner? they think they're doing something good?

Well my cat used to do that but a couple of days ago i found feathers in my garag and i'm pretty sure that my cat did somethign deadly to bird to get those feathers. Now i' wondering if my stupid cat has rabies. We have this small rug there and theres a bunch of feathers spread over the rug. black feathers. obviously from a bird. can anyone explained whats happened. i expected - if my cat actually did somethign awful to a bird. shouldnt a dead bird be on m porch? i've gotten plenty of dead lizards.

++ we have two cats. one is 6 and fat. the other is about 1 1/2 and thin. and very hyper

2007-02-04 05:40:51 · 19 answers · asked by ND36 4

i would like another kitten when we move house, my is a girl called nina and she will be about 1year old.
do you thing this is a good idea or a bad idea she is really spoiled and gets lots of attention also she is an indoor cat.

2007-02-04 05:40:48 · 12 answers · asked by crazychick 1

I'm going to answer my own question what I think. I think it is terrible. After my 4 year old stitzu had her operation (2 weeks ago) from stones in bladder, i asked the dr. what caused this. he said something in dog food. That's when I spent hours and hours on internet. What I found out was terrible. By products is noting but dead animals. All the dead animals that are not good for human consumption go to rendering plants and are rendered into our dog food and cat food. What else goes in it. used cooking oil from restaurants. Yes! Used cooking oil or fry-o-later grease. It is legal too. I could not believe it!. Well now, I have ordered holistic dog food with antioxidants and vitamins and chicken, real chicken with no steroids or any junk in it. I will let you all know how well she does on Life's Abundance dog food. Gigi is on prescription for bacterial infection in bladder. Still has 2 more weeks on it. I'll keep in tough with you all. K?

2007-02-04 05:21:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have had a stray cat in at the re-homing centre where I work, but we are having trouble identifying its breed. Initially we thought it was a Ragdoll but now we're not sure if it is a Birman. She is chocolate colour point and has the white mitted feet of a Birman but then some Ragdolls have gloves to, but she doesn't have a floppyness or body length of a Ragdoll cat. Can any one help with any other ways we could try and identify her apart from markings?

2007-02-04 05:13:24 · 2 answers · asked by Kellyanna 2

2007-02-04 04:17:13 · 20 answers · asked by cuty 1

And does it cost to have them tested for allergies? Thanks! And thanks everyone who answered my previous post about feline leukemia.

2007-02-04 04:16:59 · 10 answers · asked by ♪Elan♪ 2


My Cat Is About 8 Months Old And Is Meowing Non-Stop..& Idk why..i feed her,changed litter,play with her,everything..so i checked to see if she was hurt..and i didnt see anything...but she wont stop..can someone help

2007-02-04 04:13:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do cats do that patting thing with their paws, it's almost like a kitty massage. My cats do it all the time. Does it mean they are happy? Or something else?

2007-02-04 04:11:16 · 27 answers · asked by Chevy Girl 3

Hi, Two years ago, I was surprised to see that one of my neighbours' black cat was quite chummy with a fox. I would have thought the fox would have eaten the cat! But I have seen them together on several occasions since then. And two weeks ago, I saw a very strange animal on the car park next to our block. It was a VERY large cat, at least twice as big as a normal cat. It was not fat, it was big & tall. The colour of its fur was also quite strange: it was like big patches of black and brown, and quite bushy. Could that creature be a mutant, a hybrid between a fox and a cat ? I thought that interbreeding species was genetically impossible, but is it just very unlikely? Thanks for your help, cjc

2007-02-04 03:57:30 · 13 answers · asked by cjc 1

About 2 months ago I brought in a stray cat. He's the nicest cat ever, which makes me think he had owners but that they maybe left him behind when they moved. My parents had him neutered and the same day he also took a feline leukemia shot. My mom said that if he had feline leukemia he would have died or atleast gotten very sick from the shot. Is that true? Now he has a cold and I gave him medicine twice (It only took one dose for our other cats to completely recover from the same cold) and he is still sneezing and his nose is a little congested (I can tell when he breathes). He's a little better now though, his nose and eyes aren't running, but my mom thinks he has feline leukemia since it is taking him a long time to recover. He acts normal, he plays with things and he also eats and drinks normally. We don't have enough money to take him to the vet. :( Could he possibly have feline leukemia?

2007-02-04 03:54:10 · 8 answers · asked by ♪Elan♪ 2

My white shorthaired cat is 16 this year and she has developed a yellowish hue to her fur,. mainly on her back and around her neck, otherwise she is in great shape. Any thoughts on that?

2007-02-04 03:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by rronaldusa 2


My husband is holding the cat by its thighs and dangling it for a few seconds, he says he is playing, my previous post says he is holding it by his legs but my husband says i put the question wrong and it is not his legs but his thighs, he says dont treat him like a child as he knows all about cats, hes had them all his life and he is in his mid 50s so he had had lots of experience with owning cats and he reassures me this is doing the cat no harm.

2007-02-04 03:46:36 · 13 answers · asked by davina j 1

My husband is holding the cat by its thighs and dangling it for a few seconds, he says he is playing, my previous post says he is holding it by his legs but my husband says i put the question wrong and it is not his legs but his thighs, he says dont treat him like a child as he knows all about cats, hes had them all his life and he is in his mid 50s so he had had lots of experience with owning cats and he reassures me this is doing the cat no harm.

2007-02-04 03:44:02 · 6 answers · asked by davina j 1

Whenever I close a door in my house (bathroom door, bedroom door,closet doors) my cat sits on her hind legs and repeatedly paws at the door. Its really annoying, like for example if I want to close my bedroom door at night so she cant get in. She'll sit on the other side and do that action for along time on and off until I let her in.

2007-02-04 03:36:54 · 12 answers · asked by **believe in tomorrow** 2

I have an 8 week old kitten that I just adopted and I've noticed that he has a weird breathing pattern. His little chest is always heaving like he's been running a marathon, but he isn't crying or acting like anything is amiss. He's eating, playing and going to the bathroom. Usually it's like 3 heavy breaths in a row and then a pause. I'm thinking it's a heart condition. I am going to take him to the vet, I'm just looking for any info beforehand to try and prepare myself. So, does anyone know what it is and more importantly if it's fatal?

2007-02-04 03:12:15 · 12 answers · asked by veritastheliar 2

it has been going on for about 2 weeks now. Whenever i try to pet my cat(especially near the head or its mouth) their is a little elcetric shock(kind of like the one when you touch the metal door handle after dragging your feet across a rug). obviously it bothers my cats and i was wondering how to prevent it. the VERY strange thing is that even when i get up in the mornings and my cat is right there on my bed, i go to pet her, and i shock her! if you could help me with this, that would be great.
p.s. please no retarded answers because, in essence, you are just wasting your own time and acting like a total looney.
p.p.s. this never happens between me and my dog.

2007-02-04 02:57:26 · 17 answers · asked by ghettofabulous :) 2

2007-02-04 02:49:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I do it in Brighton?

2007-02-04 02:40:23 · 3 answers · asked by Margarita C 1

I have a diabetic cat who has been treated extensively for both ear mites and yeast in his ears by the vet. The vet has exhausted all he has. I'm inclined to think this is yeast as diabetics are more prone to yeast and mites would have been, at least, affected by treatment. This is now to the point where it affects his balance as it is deep within his ears. The best I've had to offer him is to clean out the ears frequently but, of course, I can't get deep within. He is constantly miserable. Does anyone have any suggestions to treat this problem?

2007-02-04 02:38:46 · 11 answers · asked by Miss J 3

up, if you know what I mean. Constipated. He's throwing up, his stomach seems "harder" than usual and he's throwing up. I just lost a lot of monthly income, and can't get into the vet anytime soon. Anyone have any home remedies for kitties? I know he doesn't feel good at all......

Thanks from me and Ching!

2007-02-04 02:28:17 · 7 answers · asked by Autumn BrighTree 6

Husband says he is playing and i am overreacting as i am very sensistive. Am i right to worry about his legs, it doesn't look right to me, maybe i am wrong and over reacting?

2007-02-04 02:28:09 · 12 answers · asked by davina j 1

My daughters is 5 1/2 years old and she wanted a pet. My husband LOVES cats, but I have traditionally been allergic. I agreed, however, that a cat would be the perfect pet for us if not for my allergies.

A lady at my office told me about her cats...Devon Rex was the breed. People who have had allergies to cats swore that this breed was milder. I went to visit her house for 2 hours and had NO reaction (with American shorthair, I would have had a running nose in a matter of minutes). So we located a Devon Rex breeder and bought an adult and a kitten.

For two whole months, I had no reaction (mid-Nov to mid-Jan). Now I'm having roller coaster allergies! Sometimes I'm ok, sometimes my eyes and nose are watering and I have that really uncomfortable feeling in my nose.

I have bonded with these cats and will not be "getting rid" of them...so please do not suggest that.

So two questions: (1) helpful hints on how to deal and (2) WHY after two months did I get my symptoms?

2007-02-04 01:56:37 · 7 answers · asked by CG 6

I couldn't keep him out of it. I tried feeding in different rooms, at different times, at the same time, everything I could think of. The kitten ended up not working out too well, but by that time my cat had gotten up to 14 pounds! He has maintained that weight for about a year now. I have tried diet food and he won't eat it. He is very picky. He only likes Meow Mix, Kit and Kaboodle and cheap Dollar General and Family Dollar cat foods. They don't have those in diet. He won't even eat cat treats or canned food. Any Ideas?

2007-02-04 01:55:01 · 10 answers · asked by shanonda 2

My ol' boy is almost 11 years old. Is he "middle-aged", or has be by-bassed me and become a "Senior Citizen"? All these years, I've been feeding him Friskey's Dental Diet (dry), and Friskey's "Special Diet" (moist), and for "treaties" he likes "Tender Vittles" He "appears" to be putting on a little weight lately, but doesn't feel any heavier, and I won't know for sure until we go to the groomer and get a lot of this long hair off. He is a beautiful, pure-white (one blue eye/one green eye) Turkish Angora. No questions re: feeding. Would just like to know, if anyone else does, for sure--how many "cat years" to "human years". Thanks y'all.

2007-02-04 01:51:09 · 5 answers · asked by sharon w 5

2007-02-04 01:45:05 · 5 answers · asked by G*I*M*P 5

2007-02-04 01:31:30 · 11 answers · asked by BABY YASMIN BORN 24TH FEB 09 4

2007-02-04 01:27:35 · 7 answers · asked by Lionel Messi Rulez 2

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