Ok, I rescued some stray kitten, because its momma wouldn't feed it..this stray cat was going to starve to death in my back yard, so I did not have a choice. It was skinny as heck, and sick with infections. I took the darn thing to the vet and got it taken care of. My husband wants to keep it and my baby has so much fun with it. It is very good to my baby, and has never pooped or peed anywhere it shouldn't. Yet, I can not stand this cat. I didn't want to keep it. I am a doggie person. But, it looks like we are going to keep it, since my loved ones have grown so fond of it. I can't even invent reasons not to keep it. This is a very good kitten. What the heck do I do about this?! Why can't I love this cat, so I could be happy to keep it? Everything it does bugs the heck out of me (except when it makes my baby giggle), even though it never does anything wrong.
33 answers
asked by
Nikki Tesla