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Pets - 25 December 2007

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I'm trying to ck whether a local breeder is AKC certified. I'm having trouble finding the URL. Can anyone provide me with a link that will lead me to this process?


2007-12-25 12:05:06 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Dogs

I just got a kitten 2 days ago and it has been itching as if it does have them. I have looked for them but i didnt see any. Is it just itchy every once in a while or does it have fleas?

2007-12-25 12:01:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

All she does is sleep. I put her in water with food. She used to eat all the time but ever since it has gotten cold, she just sleeps and sleeps. Enlighten me someone!

2007-12-25 12:01:39 · 24 answers · asked by Bea 1 in Reptiles

A neighbor already has had theirs chained outside all day. The weather outside is frightful...the fire is so delightful...since it has no place to go... I may have to let it go ...let it go...let it go!

Looks like the little guy already wore out his welcome.

2007-12-25 12:00:24 · 20 answers · asked by woooh! 5 in Dogs

The sweetener in question is splenda. I've got a friend who is diabetic so I made a pie using it, I normally let the dogs eat the leftover merangue when I use regular sugar, which they love, but I don't want to let them have it if it might hurt them.

2007-12-25 11:52:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

How many goldfish/guppies can i keep in a tall 5 gallon tank without overcrowding them?

2007-12-25 11:43:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

i just got a 29 gallon tank, Any good fish suggestions? Cichlids? Bottom feeders? (Specifically more aggressive fish)

2007-12-25 11:33:56 · 7 answers · asked by jagonator756 2 in Fish

so ive spent a nice long time sifting through a ton of crap on a ton of sites to get nothing i need to know.

i got a 20 gallon fish tank for christmas. it comes with a whisper filter and crap like that.

i love the fish tank, but i dont want it if i need to do maintance on it. so far ive found out, i have to tcheck the water and chemicals, and i have to clean my filter, and i have to clean the water apparently....

on this instruction manual tthing it says "the filter cartidge should be changed once per month to prevent backflow and avoid filtration problems resulting from a clogged filter cartidge" so does that mean i have to spend money on a new cartirdge every month? how much are those?

what are other mainatance do i have to do? how much are little kits? how the hell am i supposed to adjust the water so its healthy for the fish? how the hell am i supposed to clean this tank? what the heck is a gravel vaccuum? im not buying a stupid fish vacuum so i can suck up poop from the grav

2007-12-25 11:29:24 · 8 answers · asked by godworks700 4 in Fish

who else says...

num nums
four-legged furball
lubs (loves with accent)
ask, "awe you hungwy?" (are you hungry, baby talk)

and anything else you say or call your beloved doggy, i'd love to know. please, for people who find everything offending, don't be upset with the muttly. smile :)

2007-12-25 11:23:13 · 17 answers · asked by John B 2 in Dogs

Right now my dwarf gourami is building a bubble nest. He keeps on pulling java moss to the top but it always falls. Is there anything that i can do to make it stay? The female in the tank has lots of hiding places so the male doesn't kill her. There are also many water sprite plants. He uses some of those but not all of them. How long will it take for him to finish the nest? (he started it 20 minutes ago). How long will it take for him and the female to mate after the nest has been finished? On average many eggs are dispersed? How long does it take for them to hatch? Will the male eat the young?


2007-12-25 11:17:32 · 4 answers · asked by jay j 1 in Fish

he is tanked with a bgk..and some other common fishes. I feed him cichlid pellets..i'm going to get about a 115 or a 75 gallon tank in march. Will he survive by then?

2007-12-25 11:14:23 · 2 answers · asked by mrxarai 1 in Fish

Is this water safe for fish............ Its from the grocery store.... It is called "Refreshe Spring Water" and is microfiltered and ozonated.

This water will be added to my friend's new fish tank. She already had the fishtank halfway filled with water thats been filtering for 3 days. She doesn't have any fish tank water dectectors as of now (her husband just got the tank last week and the fish yesterday) We just want to make sure this water is safe to add to the tank to fill it up all the way for the fish

2007-12-25 11:10:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

How come it's white?

2007-12-25 10:56:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

What are some really important things to know about Great Danes before purchasing one?
I'd really like to hear about personal experiences.

Also, Do you think an 850 sq. ft 2 bedroom loft is too small for a great dane?

If so, can you suggest another breed (keep in mind I AM NOT looking for chihuahua-sized dogs)?

2007-12-25 10:55:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

About 5 minutes ago, our black shar pei's face swelled up horribly and she has gone pretty much gone crazy. She is itching her face terribly and would do anything to keep itching it. We have her tied down with an ice pack being held on her face and gave her a Benadryl. What do you think is going on, and how is this going to be cured?

2007-12-25 10:50:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

If not, why?
And is a crate needed for traveling?

2007-12-25 10:31:20 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Dogs

My husband is mad because of the smell in the car and I have to pick up visitors coming in for the holidays. Please help?

2007-12-25 10:30:59 · 5 answers · asked by SMITH J 1 in Cats

ok, first is it ever too early to start training a puppy, and second, sometimes i see my puppy start to poop, but i tell him no, pick him up and take him outside...is this good or is it confusing to him, because when i take him outside he doesn't try to poop, he just whines until i let him in, but he doesnt poop anymore... Please any suggestions would help!!! He's a German Shepherd. Thanks!!

2007-12-25 10:20:36 · 11 answers · asked by mofo 2 in Dogs

I just got this chemistry set and there were brine shrimp eggs in it.I don't have a tank and i've already put them in a cup of water to hatch.is there anything to substitute a fish tank.

2007-12-25 10:07:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

My scottish fold cat is 13 years old and has had diabetes for a few years. His health has made a steep decline in the past six months and this morning he woke up, ate, and then suddenly fell over. When he fell over, he lost control of his bladder then started having seizures. We sat with him for a bit and all of a sudden he popped up and was able to walk around and eat. Then we thought he was ok (he has been in a few scary situations already) and my mom found him laying with down and breathing rapidly looking really ill again. My family is torn on the decision to make... what should we do? What is wrong with him? (aside from his diabetes)

2007-12-25 10:06:55 · 21 answers · asked by Kathryn 2 in Cats

I recently separated him from his cage mate because he lost his tail. I've given him more worms than I normally would, because he needs to store fat. However, everytime I glance in it looks like its all gone! Then I check on him to see if his stump is alright (as in not infected) and I find tons of the mealworms in his coconut! Is this normal behavior, or is there something I should do?

2007-12-25 09:51:04 · 5 answers · asked by Rachel S 1 in Reptiles

I notice that my the leaves on my anarcharis is closer to each other. I installed a new light. Before the leaves used to be farther apart.
So what's going on?
Thank you so much!

2007-12-25 09:47:47 · 1 answers · asked by revernance 3 in Fish

It seems like the life of a hamster is so boring, just in it's cage. I want to get my famale hamster a friend, but everyone says that you can't get another female because they'll fight. I don't want to get a male because they'll repopulate. What do I do?

2007-12-25 09:47:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rodents

we just got a male yorkie-poo that is 8 weeks old and it randomly humps some of his toys and some other objects. Why is he doing this? He isn't fixed yet, but will be next month. Would it decrease him doing this if he is fixed? We had a female maltese and she never did this. Any advice will be appreciated.

2007-12-25 09:46:01 · 13 answers · asked by charley 3 in Dogs

Christmas 2007 has been horrible. Timmy, my beautiful Golden Retriver/German Sheppard, 1.5 yrs old, died on Monday the 24th of December 2007 from Parvovirus. We noticed on 21/12/2007 that Timmy was vommiting and had bloody diarehea and was totally out of it (it was horrible). We rushed him straight to an after hours vet in Blacktown, where I must say, the Vet was horrible to him. Timmy was such a beautiful, loving and kind natured dog. My other equally beautiful dog Jack, 2 yrs old, a mixed breed of Fox Terrior and Cattle Dog, was rushed today at 3.00am (26/12/07) to Baulkham Hills Emergency Vet. Jack is now too being treated after his test was positive for Parvo. It has been a horrible chain of events over the last 5 days, please send your good wishes to Jack, as I don't know what to do anymore. PLEASE, if you have a dog of ANY age, and it has not been vacinated and you are in Blacktown (a Parvo area) please go and get it done now! I love you Timmy & Jack, please make it through bud.

2007-12-25 09:33:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

So my boyfriend got me a 20 gallon fish tank. Now my problem is that the filter makes too much noise. I don't know what is wrong with it but I know that it isn't supposed to make that much noise. The filter is a "Pengiun Power Filter 150 & 200". How do I fix the noise!! Please and Thank you.

2007-12-25 09:33:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

i'm having trouble finding dog websites because i was thinking about getting my son a dog this year becuse he loves them.
Please can you help me i really do need some dog websites quiet fast.

2007-12-25 09:28:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

he loves to be cuddled and loves to be held.HELP!

2007-12-25 09:18:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rodents