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Pets - 25 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I put in the right amount of stress coat and it says it should instantly neutralize the harmful chemicals in tap water. after how long should i be able to put in a fish?
i have the heater running right and the filter so do i need to wait the usual 5 days for it to become safe?

2006-12-25 11:14:28 · 7 answers · asked by maddmax91 1 in Fish

I have a cockatiel and sometimes he hangs upside down and flapps his wing. Does anyone know why? Is that normal?

2006-12-25 11:05:36 · 18 answers · asked by R 1 in Birds

from bathing, feeding, and medical vists

2006-12-25 11:03:43 · 22 answers · asked by indiangirl!=D 3 in Dogs

The second cat I have adopted constantly wants to dry nurse.Well, first she comes to me, and then I redirect her to a white towel ( for some reason it has to be white ). I've done a lot of research on the Web, and the reason is apparently she was removed from her mother too early. Solutions I have found online are time( just let it fix itself ), distraction(toys,play, etc ), milk, and redirection ( like the towel ). The redirection works to keep her from sucking on me, but I feel her pain( almost like making a smoker quit ), so want to wean her off the need to dry nurse. Milk does nothing, and toys do not distract her when in nursing mode. Time will sort itself out, but I am wonder if there is something else I can do ( nutriotionally, behaviorally, or other ) to help her kick the habit?

2006-12-25 11:03:24 · 8 answers · asked by TheGooch 2 in Cats

What diseases can a human catch from their dog, and is this even probable?

2006-12-25 11:00:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

its a tiny dwarf hamster with reddish eyes

2006-12-25 11:00:05 · 26 answers · asked by ellie 3 in Other - Pets

My puppy ate some blue ink. I dont think he ate a lot, but i tried to rinse his mouth with some water and I'm not sure if that's still dangerous or not. Please let me know!!

2006-12-25 10:59:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My kitten is nearly 5 mths old. She was abandoned at the age of 3 weeks and I hand-raised her for the first few weeks of her life.She has being drinking Whiskas milk on a daily basis, due to the feline lactose intolerance to human milk.

She refuses to drink water. I water the milk down as much as I can, but when it gets to a certain stage, she will not drink it.

Is there anything else I can try? Also, can anyone recommend a good brand of dry food for her. She is an indoor cat. Thanks!

2006-12-25 10:57:45 · 9 answers · asked by ╬ Wrath Of The Tyrant ╬ 6 in Cats

He is a year old, and has been this way since he was a puppy. We would like to see what we could do to make him more confident and comfortable with my family.

2006-12-25 10:56:32 · 7 answers · asked by Gary F 1 in Dogs

2006-12-25 10:54:53 · 6 answers · asked by surfcomtesse 4 in Dogs

At the beach I like to walk at low tide, dinner time for seagulls. I have a habit, though, of saving those few unlucky crabs. I just take them from where a bunch of seagulls are and put him somewhere where they aren't. Then they bury themselves and I've just saved another life. But its not like the seagulls starve they get plenty of food from beachgoers during the day. I just can't stand the thought of them being dropped at thirty feet in the air and then eaten. Am i the only one who does this??

2006-12-25 10:50:25 · 4 answers · asked by ♥Petlover♥ 4 in Fish

I already own a guinea pig named Melody. I've read that guinea pigs are much happier & healthier around other guinea pigs. I'm considering buying a female friend for her. Will I need a larger cage? Do they have to be the same age? If you have any advice on owning 2 guinea pigs please tell me. Thank you!

2006-12-25 10:50:23 · 9 answers · asked by ? 3 in Other - Pets

2006-12-25 10:48:01 · 6 answers · asked by help me 1 in Other - Pets


I had a dog that could jump over an 8 ft brick fence. I want a small dog that can be both inside and outside. My Father is alergic to dogs that shed alot, so something that doesnt shed alot would help.

2006-12-25 10:46:42 · 12 answers · asked by Cousin Kelly 1 in Dogs

I've tried white vinegar and the stuff bought from the store.

2006-12-25 10:45:28 · 13 answers · asked by tadertot7 1 in Cats

id really like to know

2006-12-25 10:39:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

We just got a bearded dragon how long do they live?

2006-12-25 10:39:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

When you try to get our chamelion out he always hisses at you, he will be handled and seems fine other than that.

2006-12-25 10:37:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

2006-12-25 10:36:28 · 6 answers · asked by mamachula01 3 in Dogs

2006-12-25 10:35:12 · 20 answers · asked by MB 3 in Dogs

I've had one oscar for a while who ate all my other fish... and he has been able to get along with 1 small scavenger fish.... and I just bought another smaller oscar and put it in the tank... and the bigger oscar (the one i've had) is biting and chasing the new smaller oscar.... is there anything I can do?

2006-12-25 10:32:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

He is 10 mths old, solid black and 58 lbs. I just got him for Christmas and the people who owned him before named him Chewy. I dont like that name at all, as he doesnt look like a chewy nor does he chew on things (it just doesnt fit).
Also do you think that he will respond to a new name being 10 mths old?

2006-12-25 10:27:37 · 16 answers · asked by susieq 2 in Dogs

if i take very good care of it,it will be a house cat.

i really hate the thought of it dying. :(

2006-12-25 10:27:07 · 16 answers · asked by forest lover 2 in Cats

I own a female canary and a male parakeet. They share the sane cage and the male keet constantly makes sexual advances toward the beautiful female canary but she doesnt want any part of it. Lately the keep has turned aggresive. Would they ever mate? What kind of bird would their babies be?.

2006-12-25 10:25:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

I kinda has to be at Petco or PetSmart!

2006-12-25 10:24:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles


My bosses cat has injured his leg. We aren't sure what is wrong, but he doesn't seem to be able to put weight on it and is in a lot of pain. She wants to wait until Wed to take it to the vet. Any suggestions on what we can do or would you advise taking him right away?

2006-12-25 10:17:37 · 8 answers · asked by Shannon B 1 in Cats

... the little rabbit

2006-12-25 10:14:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I have two sibling cats (male and female), and they are trying to mate... should I prevent this from happening? I mean, if they have kittens, will they be okay?

2006-12-25 10:14:05 · 15 answers · asked by Saralicious 1 in Cats

What is the gestation time for snails, after they mate? I think ours did.

2006-12-25 10:13:00 · 3 answers · asked by me 1 in Fish

2006-12-25 10:04:38 · 12 answers · asked by Jayme 2 in Dogs

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