depending on what type of ink it shouldnt be to bad its a good thing you rinsed his mouth give him a piece of plain bread and a few teblespoons of milk this will help line his stomach if it is poisionus and he will just pass it out dont worry dogs do this all the time they tend to chew everything. if he seems a bit groggy tomorrow its just because hes tummy is a little uncoumfortable lead him to some grass and engourage him to eat it only if he looks like he is saw it will help him to vomit up any unwanted substances... if he is ok and not acting funny now dont worry any more help needed just ask your question with the name sunshine in it and i will help as much as i can..
2006-12-25 11:09:37
answer #1
answered by sunshine 2
A very small amount is not going to harm your dog, but obviously it's enough that it has you concerned. Keep an eye on your dog over the next 24 hours, and if he has vomiting, diarrhea, a dry nose (classic sign of doggy illness), or decreased activity, call your vet for help. Otherwise, he'll likely be just fine.
2006-12-25 19:09:38
answer #2
answered by Jewel 3
That happened to me. Just have him drink a lot a water. Call the vet if you don't think it's okay, or if he starts puking... I hope he'll be ok... good luck
2006-12-25 19:07:55
answer #3
answered by Cassaundra R 2
See if it says non toxic on the side or if it is toxic your dog might die or need surgery or get really sick so try and take him to the vet!!!!!!!! Quick by tommorow and how long ago did this happend
2006-12-25 19:08:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Watch him. Rushing to the vet shouldn't be necessary. If he got a pen (which my dog has done several time) I'd be willing to bet it's non toxic. You've done exactly the right thing.
2006-12-25 19:27:06
answer #5
answered by maguire1202 4
here are signs of poisoning, drooling, vomiting, convulsing, muscle weakness, diarrhea or collapse. If any of these signs start happening call a vet right away.
2006-12-25 19:11:22
answer #6
answered by debra s 2
Take the dog to the vet as soon as possible it could be harmful.
2006-12-25 19:17:48
answer #7
answered by Melisa 5
it is probably ok since i've done it so many times and i'm still alive. unless it has a reaction on dogs. i wish i had a dog.
2006-12-25 19:02:32
answer #8
answered by Nettey 3
i hope it didn't eat alot,if it becomes sick, get it to the vet ASAP
2006-12-25 19:04:30
answer #9
answered by kat_luvr2003 6