I didn't know you could make a brownie without chocolate.
2006-12-25 12:19:46
answer #1
answered by Pink Denial 6
First off, don't do it. If you care, though, the dog will act incapacitated, have trouble walking, unresponsive, etc. I had a friend who's dog ate his weed one time, the dog was "messed up" for a while and then back to normal. No long term damage, but still, I can't imagine the dog enjoyed it.
2006-12-25 18:45:31
answer #2
answered by karis 1
I've actually seen this happen (marijuana ingestion) while working at a vet. The dog, rather laid back typically, was was pretty normal. - calm and sleepy, unwilling to really do anything (didn't want to go for a walk), but not really all that affected.
Nonetheless, please don't feed your animals marijuana - it can be dangerous. It's not funny.
2006-12-25 18:49:09
answer #3
answered by maguire1202 4
If you feed that to your dog, I hope you go to jail. If I knew you, I would turn you in.
People wonder why I like my dogs better than I like people. Mostly because my dogs have more brains and common sense that most humans.
2006-12-25 19:05:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sounds to me your incompetent to be taking care of a dog or anything as far as that goes, would you feed a child marajuana?, this just shows your maturity.
2006-12-25 19:22:45
answer #5
answered by Mary O 6
If you are dumb enough to ask a question like that then you are too dumb to have a pet. That is animal abuse and it is against the law.
2006-12-26 00:37:13
answer #6
answered by rutherfordisking 2
not a smart thing to do to your dog,he'll end up very stoned I'd imagine,also you may freak the living daylight out of him/her.now that would be rather cruel.DON'T DO IT
2006-12-25 21:21:28
answer #7
answered by TOM 5
Please, do not feed the dog the brownies. Find some other outlet, see what happens if you take a tsp. of ipecac, instead.
2006-12-25 18:56:00
answer #8
answered by S. B. 6
duhhhhhhh!!!!!! You idiot I hope you did not feed your dog these brownies they could become ill or die, they will probably go spastic and its all your fault, Would you give your little kid a Joint ?
2006-12-25 19:00:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
lmao it probably would make tha dog very sick
2006-12-25 19:05:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous